Legend (source: https://allcontributors.org/docs/en/emoji-key)
Emoji | Represents |
💬 | Answering Questions (on the mailing list, NeuroStars, GitHub, or in person, etc.) |
🐛 | Bug reports |
📝 | Blogposts |
💻 | Code |
🖋 | Content (separate from Blogposts, for example Website news) |
📖 | Documentation and specification |
🔣 | Data (example datasets) |
🎨 | Design |
💡 | Examples (for example datasets, use Data ) |
📋 | Event Organizers |
💵 | Financial Support |
🔍 | Funding/Grant Finders |
🤔 | Ideas & Planning |
🚇 | Infrastructure (hosting, build-tools, etc.) |
🚧 | Maintenance of the BIDS standard |
🧑🏫 | Mentoring new contributors |
🔌 | Plugin/utility libraries |
📆 | Project management |
👀 | Reviewed Pull Requests |
🔧 | Tools |
🌍 | Translation |
Tests | |
✅ | Tutorials |
📢 | Talks |
📓 | User testing (of new features, tools, etc.) |
📹 | Videos |
The following individuals have contributed to the Brain Imaging Data Structure ecosystem (in alphabetical order). If you contributed to the BIDS ecosystem and your name is not listed, please add it.
- Eric Achten 📖🔣📓
- Azeez Adebimpe 📖
- Fidel Alfaro Almagro 💬📖💡🔌
- David Alsop 📖
- Stefan Appelhoff 📖💬🤔🐛💡💻👀
⚠️ 📢✅🔧🔌📝🚧🔣 - Tibor Auer 💬📖💡🔧📢🐛🤔
- Sylvain Baillet 📖🔍
- Arshitha Basavaraj 📖🚇💻
- Stephan Bickel 📖
- Elizabeth Bock 📖💡
- Kristofer Bouchard 📖
- Mathieu Boudreau 💬🤔📢
- Eric Bridgeford 📖🔧
- Teon L. Brooks 📖💻
⚠️ 💬👀🤔🔧🐛📢 - Suyash Bhogawar 📖💡
⚠️ 🔧💬 - Vince D. Calhoun 📖
- Marco Castellaro 💬🐛💻📖💡
⚠️ 📢🚇 - Michael Chappell 📖🔣📆
- Patricia Clement 💬🐛💻📖🔣💡📋🤔📆
⚠️ 📢 - Alexander L. Cohen 🐛💻📖💬
- R. Cameron Craddock 📖📢
- Martin Craig 🔣
- Sasha D'Ambrosio 📖
- Samir Das 📖
- Olivier David 📖
- Orrin Devinsky 📖
- Alejandro de la Vega 🐛💻
⚠️ - Arnaud Delorme 📖💡
- Benjamin Dichter 📖
- Erin W. Dickie 📖🤔👀📢💬
- Eugene P. Duff 📖
- Elizabeth DuPre 📖💡🔍🤔💬
- Eric A. Earl 🤔
- Anders Eklund 📖📢💻
- Oscar Esteban 📖🔧🤔💬💻
- Franklin W. Feingold 📋📝✅💬🤔🎨📢👀🚇🖋📆
- Guillaume Flandin 📖💻
- Adeen Flinker 📖
- Brett L. Foster 📖
- Ana Fouto 📓
- Melanie Ganz-Benjaminsen 📖🔣💻🤔📆🔍📢
- Remi Gau 📖💻💬📢🐛💻🚇👀🔧🤔
- Satrajit S. Ghosh 📖💻
- Ashley G. Gillman 📖
- Tristan Glatard 📖💻
- Mathias Goncalves 💻🔧📢
- Krzysztof J. Gorgolewski 📖💻💬🤔🔍📢📝💡🔌
- Alexandre Gramfort 📖💡
- Jeffrey S. Grethe 💬🐛✅📢
- Iris Groen 📖
- David Groppe 📖
- Aysegul Gunduz 📖
- Matthias Günther 📖
- Yaroslav O. Halchenko 📖📢🔧💬🐛
- Liberty Hamilton 📖
- Tom Hampshire 📖
- Daniel A. Handwerker 📖
- Michael Hanke 📖🤔🔧🐛📢
- Michael P. Harms 📖
⚠️ 🔧 - Richard N. Henson 📖
- Peer Herholz 💬📖👀🔧✅📢
- Dora Hermes 📖💻✅🔍🤔
- Luis Hernandez-Garcia 📖📓
- Katja Heuer 🔧
- Richard Höchenberger 📖
- Chris Holdgraf 📖🤔
- Christopher J. Honey 📖
- Jean-Christophe Houde 📖
- International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility 💵📋
- Andrew Jahn 📓
- Andrew Janke 📖💻
- Mainak Jas 📖💻
- Alexander Jones 💻🐛
- Tamás Józsa 📓
- Agah Karakuzu 💬📖🔣🤔
- David Keator 📖
- James Kent 💬💻
- Gregory Kiar 📖💻🎨🔧
- Thomas Kirk 📖
- Robert Knight 📖
- Joost Kuijer 📖
- Jean-Philippe Lachaux 📖
- Marc Lalancette 📖
- Pamela LaMontagne 📖💡
- Kevin Larcher 💬
- Jonathan C. Lau 📖
- Laura and John Arnold Foundation 💵
- Christopher Lee-Messer 📖
- Jon Haitz Legarreta 💻📖
- Dan Levitas 📖
- Adam Li 📖💻
- Xiangrui Li 📖💻
- Vladimir Litvak 📖
- Brian N. Lundstrom 📖
- Dan Lurie 🤔📖🔧🔌💻💬
- Camille Maumet 📖
- Christopher J. Markiewicz 💬🐛💻📖🎨💡🤔🔌👀🔧📢🔣📋🚧
- Kai J. Miller 📖
- Jeremy Moreau 📖💡
- Zachary Michael 📖
- Ezequiel Mikulan 📖💻
- Michael P. Milham 💡🔍
- Henk Mutsaerts 💬🐛💻📖💡📋🤔📆📢📓
- National Institute of Mental Health 💵
- Mikael Naveau 🐛
- B. Nolan Nichols 📖
- Thomas E. Nichols 📖📢🔧👀🚧
- Dylan Nielson 📖💻🔧
- Guiomar Niso 🤔🎨🔍👀📋📝🔧🐛💻🔣✅💬📖💡📢
- Martin Noergaard 📖🔣💻🤔📢
- Michael P. Notter 💬📝✅📢📖
- Jeffrey G. Ojemann 📖
- Thomas Okell 📖
- Aaron Oliver-Taylor 📖
- Robert Oostenveld 📖🔧📢💡✅
⚠️ 🤔💬🐛📝💻🖋🔣🎨📋🚇👀📓📹 - Dimitri Papadopoulos Orfanos 📖💡🤔💬
- Eduard Ort 📖
- Patrick Park 📖💡💬
- Maurice Pasternak 📓
- Dianne Patterson 📖
- John Pellman 📖
- Cyril Pernet 💬📝📖🎨💡📋🤔📢
- Franco Pestilli 📖💻🎨💡🤔👀🔧
- Jan Petr 💬🐛💻📖🔣💡📋🤔📆
⚠️ 📢 - Natalia Petridou 📖
- Dmitry Petrov 📖💻
- Christophe Phillips 📖
- Gio Piantoni 📖
- Andrea Pigorini 📖
- Russell A. Poldrack 📖🔍📢
- Jean-Baptiste Poline 📖📢🤔🎨
- Wouter V. Potters 📖
- Nader Pouratian 📖
- Pradeep Reddy Raamana 💻🔧
- Vasudev Raguram 💻🎨📖🔧
- Nick F. Ramsey 📖
- Kay Robbins 💻📖🐛
- Alex Rockhill 📖🔧
- Ariel Rokem 📖
- Chris Rorden 📖💻
- Taylor Salo 💬📖🔌
- Matt Sanderson 📖💻
- Gunnar Schaefer 📖
- Jan-Mathijs Schoffelen 📖
- Robert E. Smith 💻📖
- Vanessa Sochat 📖
- Arjen Stolk 📖
- Nicole C. Swann 📖
- François Tadel 📖🔌💡
- David Thomas 📖🔣
- Roberto Toro 🔧
- Sébastien Tourbier 🤔👀📢🐛💻📖
- William Triplett 📖
- Jessica A. Turner 📖
- Pieter Vandemaele 📖💻
- Max A. van den Boom 💻👀📖
- Wietske van der Zwaag 🔣💬
- Matthias Van Osch 📖
- Bradley Voytek 📖
- Brian A. Wandell 📖
- Joseph Wexler 📖💡
- Kirstie Whitaker 📖💡🔍🤔📢💬
- Jonathan Winawer 📖
- Gaël Varoquaux 📖
- Tal Yarkoni 💻📖🤔🔍🔌👀📢🐛🎨
- Lyuba Zehl 📖