From bf46f64e367394cc80805193763a5eec2111eda6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Hekili Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2024 05:44:59 -1000 Subject: [PATCH] Remove diffs --- ...0.2.55763_to_11.0.5.56865_PaladinHoly.diff | 2096 ------------- ...763_to_11.0.5.56865_PaladinProtection.diff | 1966 ------------ ...63_to_11.0.5.56865_PaladinRetribution.diff | 2718 ----------------- 3 files changed, 6780 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 TheWarWithin/Diffs/ delete mode 100644 TheWarWithin/Diffs/ delete mode 100644 TheWarWithin/Diffs/ diff --git a/TheWarWithin/Diffs/ b/TheWarWithin/Diffs/ deleted file mode 100644 index d4a6e29f3..000000000 --- a/TheWarWithin/Diffs/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2096 +0,0 @@ ---- "D:\\Development\\WoW Python Tools\\Output\\\\PaladinHoly.lua" 2024-07-21 09:40:03.411353200 -1000 -+++ "D:\\Development\\WoW Python Tools\\Output\\\\PaladinHoly.lua" 2024-10-21 13:57:58.497816000 -1000 -@@ -1,224 +1,236 @@ - -- PaladinHoly.lua ---- July 2024 -+-- October 2024 - - local addon, ns = ... - local Hekili = _G[ addon ] - local class, state = Hekili.Class, Hekili.State - - local spec = Hekili:NewSpecialization( 65 ) - - -- Resources - spec:RegisterResource( Enum.PowerType.Mana ) - spec:RegisterResource( Enum.PowerType.HolyPower ) - - spec:RegisterTalents( { - -- Paladin Talents -- auras_of_the_resolute = { 81599, 385633, 1 }, -- [317920] Interrupt and Silence effects on party and raid members within $a1 yds are $s1% shorter. $?a339124[Fear effects are also reduced.][] -- avenging_wrath = { 81606, 31884 , 1 }, -- Call upon the Light and become an avatar of retribution, increasing your damage and healing done by $s1% for $31884d, and allowing Hammer of Wrath to be cast on any target.; Combines with other Avenging Wrath abilities, granting all known Avenging Wrath effects while active. -- blessing_of_freedom = { 81600, 1044 , 1 }, -- Blesses a party or raid member, granting immunity to movement impairing effects $?s199325[and increasing movement speed by $199325m1% ][]for $d. -+ a_just_reward = { 103858, 469411, 1 }, -- After $?c1[Cleanse][Cleanse Toxins] successfully removes an effect from an ally, they are healed for $469413s1. -+ auras_of_the_resolute = { 81600, 385633, 1 }, -- [317920] Interrupt and Silence effects on party and raid members within $a1 yds are $s1% shorter. $?a339124[Fear effects are also reduced.][] -+ blessed_calling = { 103868, 469770, 1 }, -- Allies affected by your Blessings have $s1% increased movement speed. -+ blessing_of_freedom = { 81631, 1044 , 1 }, -- Blesses a party or raid member, granting immunity to movement impairing effects $?s199325[and increasing movement speed by $199325m1% ][]for $d. - blessing_of_protection = { 81616, 1022 , 1 }, -- Blesses a party or raid member, granting immunity to Physical damage and harmful effects for $d.; Cannot be used on a target with Forbearance. Causes Forbearance for $25771d.$?c2[; Shares a cooldown with Blessing of Spellwarding.][] - blessing_of_sacrifice = { 81614, 6940 , 1 }, -- Blesses a party or raid member, reducing their damage taken by $s1%, but you suffer ${100*$e1}% of damage prevented.; Last $d, or until transferred damage would cause you to fall below $s3% health. - blinding_light = { 81598, 115750, 1 }, -- Emits dazzling light in all directions, blinding enemies within $105421A1 yds, causing them to wander disoriented for $105421d. - cavalier = { 81605, 230332, 1 }, -- Divine Steed now has ${1+$m1} charges. -- crusader_aura = { 81601, 32223 , 1 }, -- Increases mounted speed by $s1% for all party and raid members within $a1 yds. -+ consecrated_ground = { 81543, 204054, 1 }, -- Your Consecration is $s1% larger, and enemies within it have $s2% reduced movement speed.$?c3[; Your Divine Hammer is $s4% larger, and enemies within them have ${$198137s3*-1}% reduced movement speed.][] -+ divine_reach = { 93168, 469476, 1 }, -- The radius of your auras is increased by $s1 yds. -+ divine_spurs = { 103857, 469409, 1 }, -- Divine Steed's cooldown is reduced by $s1%, but its duration is reduced by $s2%. - divine_steed = { 81632, 190784, 1 }, -- Leap atop your Charger for $221883d, increasing movement speed by $221883s4%. Usable while indoors or in combat. -- divine_toll = { 81496, 375576, 1 }, -- Instantly cast $?a137029[Holy Shock]?a137028[Avenger's Shield]?a137027[Judgment][Holy Shock, Avenger's Shield, or Judgment] on up to $s1 targets within $A2 yds.$?(a384027|a386738|a387893)[; After casting Divine Toll, you instantly cast ][]$?(a387893&c1)[Holy Shock]?(a386738&c2)[Avenger's Shield]?(a384027&c3)[Judgment][]$?a387893[ every $387895t1 sec. This effect lasts $387895d.][]$?a384027[ every $384029t1 sec. This effect lasts $384029d.][]$?a386738[ every $386730t1 sec. This effect lasts $386730d.][]$?c3[; Divine Toll's Judgment deals $326011s1% increased damage.][]$?c2[; Generates $s5 Holy Power per target hit.][] -- fading_light = { 81623, 405768, 1 }, -- $@spellicon385127$@spellname385127:; Blessing of Dawn increases the damage and healing of your next Holy Power spending ability by an additional $s1%.; $@spellicon385126$@spellname385126:; Blessing of Dusk causes your Holy Power generating abilities to also grant an absorb shield for $s2% of damage or healing dealt. -+ divine_toll = { 81496, 375576, 1 }, -- Instantly cast $?a137029[Holy Shock]?a137028[Avenger's Shield]?a137027[Judgment][Holy Shock, Avenger's Shield, or Judgment] on up to $s1 targets within $A2 yds.$?c3[; Divine Toll's Judgment deals $326011s1% increased damage.][]$?c2[; Generates $s5 Holy Power per target hit.][] -+ empyreal_ward = { 103859, 387791, 1 }, -- Lay on Hands grants the target $387792s1% increased armor for $387792d and now ignores healing reduction effects. -+ eye_for_an_eye = { 81628, 469309, 1 }, -- Melee and ranged attackers receive $469311s1 Holy damage each time they strike you during $?c2[Ardent Defender][Divine Protection] and Divine Shield. - faiths_armor = { 81495, 406101, 1 }, -- [379017] $?c2[Shield of the Righteous][Word of Glory] grants $s1% bonus armor for $d. -- fist_of_justice = { 81602, 234299, 2 }, -- Each Holy Power spent reduces the remaining cooldown on Hammer of Justice by $s1 sec. -- golden_path = { 81610, 377128, 1 }, -- Consecration heals you and $s2 allies within it for $ every $26573t1 sec. -+ fist_of_justice = { 81602, 234299, 1 }, -- Hammer of Justice's cooldown is reduced by ${$s1/-1000} sec. -+ golden_path = { 103856, 377128, 1 }, -- Consecration heals you and $s2 allies within it for $ every $26573t1 sec. - hammer_of_wrath = { 81510, 24275 , 1 }, -- Hurls a divine hammer that strikes an enemy for $ $?s403664[Holystrike][Holy] damage. Only usable on enemies that have less than 20% health$?s326730[, or during Avenging Wrath][].; Generates $s2 Holy Power. -- holy_aegis = { 81609, 385515, 2 }, -- Armor and critical strike chance increased by $s2%. -+ holy_aegis = { 81609, 385515, 1 }, -- Armor and critical strike chance increased by $s2%. -+ holy_reprieve = { 103860, 469445, 1 }, -- Your Forbearance's duration is reduced by ${$s1/-1000} sec. -+ holy_ritual = { 103866, 199422, 1 }, -- Allies are healed for $199423s1 when you cast a Blessing spell on them and healed again for $199423s1 when the blessing ends. - improved_blessing_of_protection = { 81617, 384909, 1 }, -- Reduces the cooldown of Blessing of Protection$?c2[ and Blessing of Spellwarding][] by ${-$s1/1000} sec. -- incandescence = { 81628, 385464, 1 }, -- Each Holy Power you spend has a $s1% chance to cause your $?s198034[Divine Hammer][Consecration] to flare up, dealing $385816s1 Holy damage to up to $s1 enemies standing within it. -+ inspired_guard = { 103864, 469439, 1 }, -- $?c2[Ardent Defender][Divine Protection] increases healing taken by $s1% for its duration. - judgment_of_light = { 81608, 183778, 1 }, -- Judgment causes the next $196941N successful attacks against the target to heal the attacker for $183811s1. $@switch<$s2>[][This effect can only occur once every $s1 sec on each target.] -- justification = { 81509, 377043, 1 }, -- Judgment's damage is increased by $s1%. - lay_on_hands = { 81597, 633 , 1 }, -- Heals a friendly target for an amount equal to $s2% your maximum health.$?a387791[; Grants the target $387792s1% increased armor for $387792d.][]; Cannot be used on a target with Forbearance. Causes Forbearance for $25771d. -+ lead_the_charge = { 103867, 469780, 1 }, -- Divine Steed reduces the cooldown of $s1 nearby ally's major movement ability by ${$s2/-1000}.1 sec.; Your movement speed is increased by $s4%. -+ lightbearer = { 103861, 469416, 1 }, -- $s1% of all healing done to you from other sources heals up to $s2 nearby allies, divided evenly among them. -+ lights_countenance = { 103854, 469325, 1 }, -- The cooldowns of Repentance and Blinding Light are reduced by ${$s2/-1000} sec. -+ lights_revocation = { 103863, 146956, 1 }, -- Removing harmful effects with Divine Shield heals you for $s1% for each effect removed. This heal cannot exceed ${$m1*$m2}% of your maximum health.; Divine Shield may now be cast while Forbearance is active. - obduracy = { 81630, 385427, 1 }, -- Speed increased by $s3% and damage taken from area of effect attacks reduced by $s2%. - punishment = { 93165, 403530, 1 }, -- Successfully interrupting an enemy with Rebuke$?s31935[ or Avenger's Shield][] casts an extra $?s204019[Blessed Hammer]?s53595[Hammer of the Righteous][Crusader Strike]. - rebuke = { 81604, 96231 , 1 }, -- Interrupts spellcasting and prevents any spell in that school from being cast for $d. - recompense = { 81607, 384914, 1 }, -- After your Blessing of Sacrifice ends, $s1% of the total damage it diverted is added to your next Judgment as bonus damage, or your next Word of Glory as bonus healing.; This effect's bonus damage cannot exceed $s3% of your maximum health and its bonus healing cannot exceed $s4% of your maximum health. - repentance = { 81598, 20066 , 1 }, -- Forces an enemy target to meditate, incapacitating them for $d.; Usable against Humanoids, Demons, Undead, Dragonkin, and Giants. -+ righteous_protection = { 103865, 469321, 1 }, -- Blessing of Sacrifice now removes and prevents all Poison and Disease effects. - sacrifice_of_the_just = { 81607, 384820, 1 }, -- Reduces the cooldown of Blessing of Sacrifice by ${$m1/-1000} sec. - sanctified_plates = { 93009, 402964, 2 }, -- Armor increased by $s3%, Stamina increased by $s1% and damage taken from area of effect attacks reduced by $s2%. -- seal_of_alacrity = { 81619, 385425, 2 }, -- Haste increased by $s1% and Judgment cooldown reduced by ${$abs($s2)/1000}.1 sec. -- seal_of_mercy = { 81611, 384897, 1 }, -- Golden Path strikes the lowest health ally within it an additional time for $s1% of its effect. - seal_of_might = { 81621, 385450, 2 }, -- Mastery increased by $s2% and $?c1[intellect][strength] increased by $s1%. -- seal_of_order = { 81623, 385129, 1 }, -- $@spellicon385127$@spellname385127:; Blessing of Dawn increases the damage and healing of your next Holy Power spending ability by an additional $s3%.; $@spellicon385126$@spellname385126:; Blessing of Dusk increases your armor by $s2% and your Holy Power generating abilities cooldown $s1% faster. -- seasoned_warhorse = { 81631, 376996, 1 }, -- Increases the duration of Divine Steed by ${$s1/1000} sec. -- strength_of_conviction = { 81480, 379008, 2 }, -- While in your Consecration, your $?s2812[Denounce][Shield of the Righteous] and Word of Glory have $s1% increased initial damage and healing. -- touch_of_light = { 81543, 385349, 1 }, -- Your spells and abilities have a chance to cause your target to erupt in a blinding light dealing $385354s1 Holy damage or healing an ally for $385352s1 health. -+ seal_of_the_crusader = { 93683, 416770, 1 }, -- Your auto attacks heal a nearby ally for ${$385723s1*(1+$s2/100)}. -+ selfless_healer = { 103856, 469434, 1 }, -- Flash of Light $?c1[and Holy Light are][is] $s1% more effective on your allies and $s2% of the healing done also heals you. -+ stand_against_evil = { 103855, 469317, 1 }, -- Turn Evil now affects $s1 additional enemies. -+ steed_of_liberty = { 81631, 469304, 1 }, -- [1044] Blesses a party or raid member, granting immunity to movement impairing effects $?s199325[and increasing movement speed by $199325m1% ][]for $d. -+ stoicism = { 103862, 469316, 1 }, -- The duration of stun effects on you is reduced by $s1%. - turn_evil = { 93010, 10326 , 1 }, -- The power of the Light compels an Undead, Aberration, or Demon target to flee for up to $d. Damage may break the effect. Lesser creatures have a chance to be destroyed. Only one target can be turned at a time. - unbreakable_spirit = { 81615, 114154, 1 }, -- Reduces the cooldown of your Divine Shield, $?s184662[Shield of Vengeance, ][]$?s31850[Ardent Defender][Divine Protection], and Lay on Hands by $s1%. -+ worthy_sacrifice = { 103865, 469279, 1 }, -- You automatically cast Blessing of Sacrifice onto an ally within $a2 yds when they are below $s2% health and you are not in a loss of control effect.; This effect activates $s1% of Blessing of Sacrifice's cooldown. -+ wrench_evil = { 103855, 460720, 1 }, -- Turn Evil's cast time is reduced by $s1%. - - -- Holy Talents - afterimage = { 81613, 385414, 1 }, -- After you spend $s3 Holy Power, your next Word of Glory echoes onto a nearby ally at $s1% effectiveness. - aura_mastery = { 81567, 31821 , 1 }, -- Empowers your chosen aura for $d.$?a344218[; $@spellname465: Damage reduction increased to ${-$s1-$465s2}%.][]$?a344219[; $@spellname32223: Mount speed bonus increased to ${$s2+$32223s4}%.][]$?a344217[; $@spellname183435: Increases healing received by $s3% while its effect is active.][]$?a344220[; $@spellname317920: Affected allies immune to interrupts and silences.][] -- aurora = { 95069, 439760, 1 }, -- [223819] Your next Holy Power ability is free and deals $s2% increased damage and healing. -+ aurora = { 95069, 439760, 1 }, -- [223819] Your next Holy Power spending ability is free and deals $s2% increased damage and healing. -+ authoritative_rebuke = { 95232, 469886, 1 }, -- Successfully interrupting an enemy spellcast reduces your Rebuke's cooldown by ${$s1/1000}.1 sec. Effect increased by $s2% while wielding a Holy Armament. - avenging_crusader = { 81584, 216331, 1 }, -- You become the ultimate crusader of light for $216331d. Crusader Strike and Judgment cool down $216331s2% faster and heal up to $216331s6 injured allies for $216331s5% of the damage they deal.; If Avenging Wrath is known, also increases Judgment, Crusader Strike, and auto-attack damage by $216331s1%. -- avenging_wrath_might = { 81584, 31884 , 1 }, -- Call upon the Light and become an avatar of retribution, increasing your critical strike chance by $s1% for $31884d.; Combines with other Avenging Wrath abilities. -+ avenging_wrath = { 81584, 31884 , 1 }, -- Call upon the Light to become an avatar of retribution, $?s53376&c2[causing Judgment to generate $53376s3 additional Holy Power, ]?s53376&c3[each Holy Power spent causing you to explode with Holy light for $326731s1 damage to nearby enemies, ]?s53376&c1[reducing Holy Shock's cooldown by $53376s2%, ][]$?s326730[allowing Hammer of Wrath to be used on any target, ][]increasing your damage, healing, and critical strike chance by $s2% for $d. - awakening = { 81592, 414195, 1 }, -- While in combat, your Holy Power spenders generate $s3 stack of Awakening.; At $s1 stacks of Awakening, your next Judgment deals $414193s1% increased damage, will critically strike, and activates $?a394088[Avenging Crusader][Avenging Wrath] for $?a394088[${$s2-$s4}][$s2] sec. - awestruck = { 81564, 417855, 1 }, -- Holy Shock, Holy Light, and Flash of Light critical healing increased by $s1%. - barrier_of_faith = { 81577, 148039, 1 }, -- Imbue a friendly target with a Barrier of Faith, absorbing $ damage for $395180d. For the next $d, Barrier of Faith accumulates $s2% of effective healing from your Flash of Light, Holy Light, or Holy Shock spells. Every $t2 sec, the accumulated healing becomes an absorb shield. - beacon_of_faith = { 81554, 156910, 1 }, -- Mark a second target as a Beacon, mimicking the effects of Beacon of Light. Your heals will now heal both of your Beacons, but at $s4% reduced effectiveness. - beacon_of_the_lightbringer = { 81568, 197446, 1 }, -- Mastery: Lightbringer now increases your healing based on the target's proximity to either you or your Beacon of Light, whichever is closer. - beacon_of_virtue = { 81554, 200025, 1 }, -- Apply a Beacon of Light to your target and $s2 injured allies within $A2 yds for $d.; All affected allies will be healed for $53651s1% of the amount of your other healing done. - bestow_light = { 81560, 448040, 1 }, -- Light of the Martyr's health threshold is reduced to ${$s4+$s1}% and increases Holy Shock's healing by an additional $448087s1% for every $t2 sec Light of the Martyr is active, stacking up to $448087u times.; While below ${$s4+$s1}% health, the light urgently heals you for $448086s1 every $448086t1 sec. - blessed_assurance = { 95235, 433015, 1 }, -- Casting a Holy Power ability increases the damage and healing of your next $?s204019[Blessed Hammer]?s53595[Hammer of the Righteous][Crusader Strike] by $433019s1%. - blessing_of_anshe = { 95071, 445200, 1 }, -- Your damage and healing over time effects have a chance to increase the $?c1[healing or damage of your next Holy Shock by $445204s1%.]?c3[damage of your next Hammer of Wrath by $445206s1% and make it usable on any target, regardless of their health.][] - blessing_of_summer = { 81593, 388007, 1 }, -- Bless an ally for $d, causing $s1% of all healing to be converted into damage onto a nearby enemy and $s4% of all damage to be converted into healing onto an injured ally within $448227A1 yds.; Blessing of the Seasons: Turns to Autumn after use. -- blessing_of_the_forge = { 95230, 433011, 1 }, -- Avenging Wrath summons an additional $@spellicon432502 Sacred Weapon, and during Avenging Wrath your Sacred Weapon casts spells on your target and echoes the effects of your Holy Power abilities. -+ blessing_of_the_forge = { 95230, 433011, 1 }, -- Avenging Wrath summons an additional Sacred Weapon, and during Avenging Wrath your Sacred Weapon casts spells on your target and echoes the effects of your Holy Power abilities. - boundless_salvation = { 81587, 392951, 1 }, -- Your Holy Shock, Flash of Light, and Holy Light spells extend the duration of Tyr's Deliverance on yourself when cast on targets affected by Tyr's Deliverance.; $@spellicon20473$@spellname20473: Extends ${$s4/1000}.1 sec.; $@spellicon19750$@spellname19750: Extends ${$s1/1000}.1 sec.; $@spellicon82326 $@spellname82326: Extends ${$s2/1000}.1 sec.; Tyr's Deliverance can be extended up to a maximum of $s3 sec. - breaking_dawn = { 81583, 387879, 2 }, -- Increases the range of Light of Dawn to $s1 yds. - commanding_light = { 81580, 387781, 1 }, -- Beacon of Light transfers an additional $s1% of the amount healed. - crusaders_might = { 81594, 196926, 1 }, -- Crusader Strike reduces the cooldown of Holy Shock and Judgment by ${$m1/-1000}.1 sec. - dawnlight = { 95099, 431377, 1 }, -- Casting $?c1[Holy Prism or Barrier of Faith]?c3[Wake of Ashes][] causes your next $431522u Holy Power spending abilities to apply Dawnlight on your target, dealing $431380o1 Radiant damage or $431381o1 healing over $431380d.; $431581s1% of Dawnlight's damage and healing radiates to nearby allies or enemies, reduced beyond $431581s2 targets. - divine_favor = { 81570, 460422, 1 }, -- After casting Barrier of Faith or Holy Prism, the healing of your next Holy Light or Flash of Light is increased by $210294m1%, its cast time is reduced by $210294s2%, and its mana cost is reduced by $210294s3%.; - divine_glimpse = { 81585, 387805, 1 }, -- Holy Shock and Judgment have a $s1% increased critical strike chance. - divine_guidance = { 95235, 433106, 1 }, -- For each Holy Power ability cast, your next Consecration deals $ damage or healing immediately, split across all enemies and allies. - divine_inspiration = { 95231, 432964, 1 }, -- Your spells and abilities have a chance to manifest a Holy Armament for a nearby ally. - divine_purpose = { 93191, 223817, 1 }, -- Holy Power spending abilities have a $s1% chance to make your next Holy Power spending ability free and deal $223819s2% increased damage and healing. - divine_resonance = { 93180, 386738, 1 }, -- [386732] After casting Divine Toll, you instantly cast $?c2[Avenger's Shield]?c1[Holy Shock][Judgment] every $386730t1 sec for $386730s2 sec. - divine_revelations = { 81578, 387808, 1 }, -- While empowered by Infusion of Light, Flash of Light heals for an additional $s2%, and Holy Light or Judgment refund ${$s1/1000}.1% of your maximum mana. - echoing_blessings = { 93520, 387801, 1 }, -- Blessing of Freedom increases the target's movement speed by $s3%. $?s204018[Blessing of Spellwarding][Blessing of Protection] and Blessing of Sacrifice reduce the target's damage taken by $s4%. These effects linger for $339324d after the Blessing ends. -- empyrean_legacy = { 81591, 387170, 1 }, -- Judgment empowers your next $?c3[Single target Holy Power ability to automatically activate Divine Storm][Word of Glory to automatically activate Light of Dawn] with $s2% increased effectiveness.; This effect can only occur every $387441d. -+ empyrean_legacy = { 103831, 387170, 1 }, -- Judgment empowers your next $?c3[Single target Holy Power ability to automatically activate Divine Storm][Word of Glory to automatically activate Light of Dawn] with $s2% increased effectiveness.; This effect can only occur every $387441d. - eternal_flame = { 95095, 156322, 1 }, -- Heals an ally for $s2 and an additional $o1 over $d.; Healing increased by $s3% when cast on self. -- excoriation = { 95232, 433896, 1 }, -- Enemies within $439632a1 yards of Hammer of Justice's target are slowed by $439632s1% for $439632d. - extrication = { 81569, 461278, 1 }, -- Word of Glory and Light of Dawn gain up to $s1% additional chance to critically strike, based on their target's current health. Lower health targets are more likely to be critically struck. -- fear_no_evil = { 95232, 432834, 1 }, -- While wielding an Armament the duration of Fear effects is reduced by $s1%. - forewarning = { 95231, 432804, 1 }, -- The cooldown of Holy Armaments is reduced by $s1%. - gleaming_rays = { 95073, 431480, 1 }, -- While a Dawnlight is active, your Holy Power spenders deal $431481s1% additional damage or healing. -- glistening_radiance = { 81576, 461245, 1 }, -- Spending Holy Power has a $s1% chance to trigger Saved By The Light's absorb effect at $s2% effectiveness without activating its cooldown. -+ glistening_radiance = { 81576, 461245, 1 }, -- Spending Holy Power has a $s1% chance to trigger Saved by the Light's absorb effect at $s2% effectiveness without activating its cooldown. - glorious_dawn = { 93521, 461246, 1 }, -- Holy Shock has a $s1% chance to refund a charge when cast and its healing is increased by $s2%. - greater_judgment = { 92220, 231644, 1 }, -- Judgment deems the target unworthy, preventing the next $ damage dealt by the target.; - hammer_and_anvil = { 95238, 433718, 1 }, -- Judgment critical strikes cause a shockwave around the target, dealing $?c1[$433722s1][$433717s1] $?c1[healing][damage] at the target's location. - hand_of_divinity = { 81570, 414273, 1 }, -- Call upon the Light to empower your spells, causing your next $n Holy Lights to heal $s1% more, cost $s3% less mana, and be instant cast. - holy_bulwark = { 95234, 432459, 1 }, -- [432496] While wielding a Holy Bulwark, gain an absorb shield for ${$s2/10}.1% of your max health and an additional ${$s4/10}.1% every $t2 sec. Lasts $d. -- holy_infusion = { 81564, 414214, 1 }, -- Crusader Strike generates $s1 additional Holy Power and deals $s2% more damage. - holy_prism = { 81577, 114165, 1 }, -- Fires a beam of light that scatters to strike a clump of targets. ; If the beam is aimed at an enemy target, it deals $114852s1 Holy damage and radiates ${$114852s2*$} healing to 5 allies within $114852A2 yds.; If the beam is aimed at a friendly target, it heals for ${$114871s1*$} and radiates $114871s2 Holy damage to 5 enemies within $114871A2 yds. - holy_shock = { 81555, 20473 , 1 }, -- Triggers a burst of Light on the target, dealing $25912s1 Holy damage to an enemy, or $25914s1 healing to an ally.$?s272906[ Has an additional $272906s1% critical strike chance.][]; Generates $s2 Holy Power.; - illumine = { 95098, 431423, 1 }, -- Dawnlight reduces the movement speed of enemies by $431380s3% and increases the movement speed of allies by $431381s3%. - imbued_infusions = { 81557, 392961, 1 }, -- Consuming Infusion of Light reduces the cooldown of Holy Shock by ${$s1/-1000}.1 sec. - improved_cleanse = { 81508, 393024, 1 }, -- Cleanse additionally removes all Disease and Poison effects. - inflorescence_of_the_sunwell = { 81591, 392907, 1 }, -- Infusion of Light has $s1 additional charge, increases Greater Judgment's effect by an additional $s4%, reduces the cost of Flash of Light by an additional $s2%, and Holy Light's healing is increased by an additional $s3%. - laying_down_arms = { 95236, 432866, 1 }, -- When an Armament fades from you, the cooldown of Lay on Hands is reduced by ${$s1/1000}.1 sec and you gain $?a137028[Shining Light][Infusion of Light]. - liberation = { 102502, 461287, 1 }, -- Word of Glory and Light of Dawn have a chance equal to your haste to reduce the cost of your next Holy Light, Crusader Strike, or Judgment by $461471s1. - light_of_dawn = { 81565, 85222 , 1 }, -- Unleashes a wave of Holy energy, healing up to $s1 injured allies within a $?a337812[$a3]?a387879[$a3][$a1] yd frontal cone for $225311s1. - light_of_the_martyr = { 81561, 447985, 1 }, -- While above $s1% health, Holy Shock's healing is increased $447988s1%, but creates a heal absorb on you for $s2% of the amount healed that prevents Beacon of Light from healing you until it has dissipated. -- lightforged_blessing = { 93168, 406468, 1 }, -- $?s2812[Denounce][Shield of the Righteous] heals you and up to $s3 nearby allies for ${$53600s2}.1% of maximum health. -+ lightforged_blessing = { 103853, 406468, 1 }, -- $?s2812[Denounce][Shield of the Righteous] heals you and up to $s3 nearby allies for ${$53600s2}.1% of maximum health. - lights_conviction = { 93927, 414073, 1 }, -- Holy Shock now has ${$s1+1} charges. - lights_protection = { 93522, 461243, 1 }, -- Allies with Beacon of Light receive $s1% less damage. - lingering_radiance = { 95071, 431407, 1 }, -- Dawnlight leaves an Eternal Flame for ${$s1/1000} sec on allies or a Greater Judgment on enemies when it expires or is extended. - luminosity = { 95080, 431402, 1 }, -- $?c1[Critical Strike chance of Holy Shock and Light of Dawn increased by $s1%.]?c3[Critical Strike chance of Hammer of Wrath and Divine Storm increased by $s2%.][] - merciful_auras = { 81593, 183415, 1 }, -- Your auras restore $210291s1 health to $210291s2 injured allies within $210291A1 yds every $t1 sec.; While Aura Mastery is active, heals all allies within ${$210291A1+$31821s5} yds and healing is increased by $31821s6%. - moment_of_compassion = { 81571, 387786, 1 }, -- Your Flash of Light heals for an additional $s1% when cast on a target affected by your Beacon of Light. - morning_star = { 95073, 431482, 1 }, -- Every ${$t1}.1 sec, your next Dawnlight's damage or healing is increased by $431539s1%, stacking up to $431539u times.; Morning Star stacks twice as fast while out of combat. - of_dusk_and_dawn = { 93357, 409439, 1 }, -- [385127] Your next Holy Power spending ability deals $s1% additional increased damage and healing. This effect stacks. - overflowing_light = { 81556, 461244, 1 }, -- $s1% of Holy Shock's overhealing is converted into an absorb shield. The shield amount cannot exceed $s2% of your max health. - power_of_the_silver_hand = { 81589, 200474, 1 }, -- Holy Light, Flash of Light, and Judgment have a chance to grant you Power of the Silver Hand, increasing the healing of your next Holy Shock by $200656s1% of all damage and effective healing you do within the next $200656d, up to a maximum of ${$MHP*$s1/100}. - protection_of_tyr = { 81566, 200430, 1 }, -- Aura Mastery also increases all healing received by party or raid members within $211210A1 yards by $s1%. - quickened_invocation = { 93180, 379391, 1 }, -- Divine Toll's cooldown is reduced by ${-$s1/1000} sec. - reclamation = { 81558, 415364, 1 }, -- Holy Shock and Crusader Strike refund up to $s1% of their Mana cost and deal up to $s2% more healing or damage, based on the target's missing health. - relentless_inquisitor = { 81590, 383388, 1 }, -- Spending Holy Power grants you $s1% haste per finisher for $383389d, stacking up to ${$s2+$s3} times. - resplendent_light = { 81571, 392902, 1 }, -- Holy Light heals up to $s2 targets within $392903a1 yds for $s1% of its healing. - righteous_judgment = { 93523, 414113, 1 }, -- Judgment has a $s1% chance to cast Consecration at the target's location.; The limit on Consecration does not apply to this effect. - rising_sunlight = { 81595, 461250, 1 }, -- $?s216331[After casting Avenging Crusader, your next Holy Shock casts $414204s1 additional times.][After casting Avenging Wrath, your next $s2 Holy Shocks cast $414204s1 additional times.]; After casting Divine Toll, your next $s2 Holy Shocks cast $414204s1 additional times. - rite_of_adjuration = { 95233, 433583, 1 }, -- Imbue your weapon with the power of the Light, increasing your Stamina by $433584s1% and causing your Holy Power abilities to sometimes unleash a burst of healing around a target.; Lasts $433584d. - rite_of_sanctification = { 95233, 433568, 1 }, -- Imbue your weapon with the power of the Light, increasing your armor by $433550s2% and your primary stat by $433550s1%.; Lasts $433550d. -- sanctified_wrath = { 81592, 53376 , 1 }, -- Call upon the Light and become an avatar of retribution for $