Releases: Hotrian/OpenVRTwitchChat
The Custom Sounds Update!
- You can now correctly add custom Chat Message Sounds by dropping them in:
<Data_Folder>\StreamingAssets\Twitch\Sounds\GUI Sound Effects\
- Custom sounds in .wav and .ogg supported
The First Improved Sounds Update
- Fixed most pops and cracks with the message sound.
- Allow multiple sounds to play at the same time (up to 6 right now).
- Prevent the message sound from playing too rapidly.
- Improved Chat Sound Pitch/Volume Slider Behaviour.
- Increased Chat Sound Pitch/Volume Slider Width for finer grain control.
In previous versions the message sound would abruptly stop and play again when you received another message while the sound was already playing, which was causing pops and clicks. Currently up to six sounds can play simultaneously. This should reduce major pops and clicks in busy chat rooms caused by Unity's AudioClip.Stop() causing these artifacts. Extremely low pitch settings still cause artifacts, unfortunately.
Edit: I've also attached the "short" version, as previously requested.
The short version's overlay is half the height of the regular version.
The Information Update
- Adds Tooltips to help with understanding the UI.
- Everything else should work the same but please raise an issue if I broke anything.
The 'You have ears!' Update
- Added Chat Message Sounds.
- Added Chat Message Sound Pitch/Volume Control.
- Increased Default Resolution (new users only) to accommodate new UI elements.
- Added Viewer Count Display.
- Added Current Channel Display.
- Bugfixes.
- Sounds in this release obtained for free and with thanks from Jalastram on (No implied endorsement intended. Jalastram was not contacted regarding usage of his sounds. License here.)
You should be able to add new sounds (wav only for now) by dropping them in:This is broken right now.
~~<Data_Folder>\Resources\Twitch\Sounds\GUI Sound Effects~~
Edit: This release is missing some license files, which have been attached.
The repository has moved!
This is the new home of the TwitchChatOverlay project!
Please use releases found on this page and discontinue use of the old repository!
Changes in this release:
- Minor bug fix during channel connect
Edit: This release is missing some license files, which have been attached.