libgh - GitHub scraping library
import libgh
Dict libgh.load_account(String account_name, Integer cache_days, Boolean force_fetch=False, List complete=[])
Dict libgh.load_accounts(List accounts_list, Integer cache_days, Boolean force_fetch=False, List complete=[])
Dict libgh.load_repository(String account_name, String repository_name, Integer cache_days, Boolean force_fetch=False)
Dict libgh.load_repositories(List repositories_list, Integer cache_days, Boolean force_fetch=False)
The following more generic functions will be moved into the libpnu library in a future version:
Bytes, ListOfTuples libgh.get_url_bdata(String url, String cache_dir, Dict headers={}, Integer cache_days=1, Boolean cache_index=False, Boolean force_fetch=False, Integer min_delay=0, Integer max_per_minute=-1, Integer max_per_hour=-1, Integer max_per_day=-1, Integer timeout=15)
String, ListOfTuples libgh.get_url_data(String url, String cache_dir, Dict headers={}, Integer cache_days=1, Boolean cache_index=False, Boolean force_fetch=False, Integer min_delay=0, Integer max_per_minute=-1, Integer max_per_hour=-1, Integer max_per_day=-1, Integer timeout=15)
Void libgh.prune_cache(String cache_dir, Integer cache_days)
List libgh.collection2xml(Collection data, String name="root", Integer depth=0, Integer indent_size=2, Boolean show_types=False)
The load_account() function returns a dictionary of account information.
The load_accounts() function returns a dictionary of accounts information.
The complete parameters contains a list of optional contents to download. It currently only applies to organizational accounts and can contain the strings "forked_from" and "topics" if an additional request is to be performed to complete missing information from accounts requests.
The load_repository() function returns a dictionary of repository information.
The load_repositories() function returns a dictionary of repositories information.
The get_url_bdata() function returns an URL binary data and HTTP headers from a recent cache file or from the Web.
The get_url_data() function returns an URL text data and HTTP headers from a recent cache file or from the Web.
A dictionary of additional headers (typically for setting session cookies) can be provided in the optional headers parameters.
The prune_cache() function removes old files and their index entries, and unused directories from the caching directory.
The collection2xml() function returns the collection data type as a list of XML lines. The currently supported collection data types are dict, list, tuple, set, frozenset. The name of the root element can be indicated with the name parameter. The number of spaces per identation level can be indicated with the indent_size parameter. The elements' type can be optionally included as a tag property with the show_types parameter.
All parameters with default values are optional.
The cache_dir parameters indicate the name of a subdirectory in the caching directory intended to isolate the calling program's usage.
The cache_days parameters indicate the number of days a content should be served from the cache before being refreshed from the Web. A value of 0 means to disable caching functionalities.
The force_fetch parameters indicate if contents should be refreshed from the Web regardless of their age (but their results will be cached).
The cache_index parameters indicate if an index.txt file should be generated to describe what's stored in the cache (it's only for human readability purposes).
The min_delay parameters indicate the number of seconds to be waited between requests to a specific Web site. 0 means no delay.
The max_per_day, max_per_hour and max_per_minute parameters indicate the cumulated number of requests to a specific Web site that can be made per time period. -1 means no limit.
The timeout parameters indicate the maximum number of seconds to wait for an answer from a Web site, before raising a LookupError exception.
Triggering rate limiting will likely raise a PermissionError exception.
The LOCALAPPDATA and TMP environment variables under Windows, and HOME, TMPDIR and TMP environment variables under other operating systems can influence the caching directory used.
The libgh library will attempt to maintain a caching directory for the web requests it makes.
This directory will be located in one of the following places:
An index.txt file will make the correspondence between URL and files.
A function call load_account("HubTou", 1) on a personal GitHub account named HubTou returns this dictionary of account information.
The libgh library is not a standard UNIX one.
This implementation tries to follow the PEP 8 style guide for Python code.
To be tested under Windows.
This implementation was made for the PNU project.
It's intended as the scraping engine for my topgh tool.
This library is available under the 3-clause BSD license.
Some information are not available in unauthenticated mode and the rate limits per hour are quite low, but it should be fine anyway for most usages.