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Looking to contribute to Plutarch? Looking for functionalities that are not currently provided by Plutarch from a safe interface? You've come to the right place!

Note: If you spot any mistakes/have any related questions that this guide lacks the answer to, please don't hesitate to raise an issue. The goal is to have high quality documentation for Plutarch developers!

Table of Contents

Code Style

You should generally follow the MLabs style guide, credit to @Koz Ross.

Discouraged Extensions

  • ImportQualifiedPost
  • RecordWildCards

Pre-commit checks

Remember to run ./bin/format to format your code and cabal test, alongside cabal test -f development, to make sure all the tests pass prior to making a PR!

Updating Changelog

If your PR makes a change to some user facing functionality - please summarize the change(s) and add it to

Targeting branch for PR

More often than not, you'll be making PRs directly to master.

However, sometimes, there is a release cycle going on and the state of the repository is in flux. There will usually be a master <- staging PR open during this time. As long as the staging PR is open, you should base most new branches on top of it and merge back into it. Bug fixes, for bugs present in master, are exempt from this requirement.


Even if certain functionalities are absent from the public facing API - you can always implement them using functions like punsafeConstant and punsafeBuiltin - these allow you to walk the lines between Plutus core and Plutarch.

A general familiarity with Plutus core is important. You can learn all of that through the following documents:

Parts of the Pluto guide may also prove useful.

Plutus Core constants (UNSAFE)

NOTE: The following information is almost never necessary with the existence of pconstant. Refer to constant building and PConstant/PLift section of the Plutarch user guide.

Often, you will need to build a Plutus core constant. You can do this using Some and ValueOf. Here's how pcon PTrue creates a Plutarch term that actually evaluates to a Plutus core constant representing a boolean:

import qualified PlutusCore as PLC

pcon' PTrue = punsafeConstant . PLC.Some $ PLC.ValueOf PLC.DefaultUniBool True
pcon' PFalse = punsafeConstant . PLC.Some $ PLC.ValueOf PLC.DefaultUniBool False

There's a lot to unpack here - but the general pattern is always the same. First step is to construct the Plutus core constant:

PLC.Some $ PLC.ValueOf PLC.DefaultUniBool True

The only parts that you will need to change when creating other constants, are the type and the value. Here the type is DefaultUniBool. This means the next argument must be a Bool. Ensured by the type system - don't you worry :)

You can glance at the other types in the default universe (what you will be working with). Can you guess how to make a Plutus core string from a Haskell string, and represent it as a Plutarch term?

import qualified Data.Text as Txt
import qualified PlutusCore as PLC

punsafeConstant . PLC.Some . PLC.ValueOf PLC.DefaultUniString . Txt.pack

(it's even pointfree!)

And that's essentially what the IsString implementation of Term s PString does. That is how your string literals end up as plutus core built in strings.

One more, how about something complex - DefaultUniProtoList. This is a builtin list. But what is the element type? Well, you'll have to specify that yourself! You use DefaultUniApply to "apply" a type (from the default universe) over DefaultUniProtoList:

import qualified PlutusCore as PLC

PLC.Some . PLC.ValueOf (PLC.DefaultUniProtoList `PLC.DefaultUniApply` PLC.DefaultUniInteger)

That right there converts a [Integer] into a Plutus core builtin list of builtin integers. Convenient!

Actually, there's a convenient pattern synonym for DefaultUniProtoList `DefaultUniApply` a- DefaultUniList a. Using that, you can simplify the above to:

PLC.Some . PLC.ValueOf (PLC.DefaultUniList PLC.DefaultUniInteger)

Note that you will have to provide the correct type annotations yourself, as punsafeConstant just infers to a Term s a. That's why it's unsafe! Make sure to provide the correct annotations when using this unsafe function:

foo :: Bool -> Term s PBool
foo = punsafeConstant . PLC.Some . PLC.ValueOf PLC.DefaultUniBool

Of course, we represent Plutus core booleans as Term s PBool in Plutarch - so that's its type!

Plutus core builtin functions

This is what you will be wrangling with the most. Builtin functions are going to be the foundation of everything you do. And the documentation on them is….. sparse.

You create Plutarch synonyms to Plutus core builtin functions using punsafeBuiltin. It creates a Plutarch level function from a Plutus core builtin functions.

Let's try making one, how about AddInteger?

import qualified PlutusCore as PLC

addI :: Term s (PInteger :--> PInteger :--> PInteger)
addI = punsafeBuiltin PLC.AddInteger

Just like punsafeConstant, you have to provide the right annotation yourself. We know that AddInteger takes two Plutus core builtin integers and returns another one. We represent these integers in Plutarch using PInteger terms - so there we go!

You can use and apply this Plutarch function just like any other.

Now here's where this goes off the rails, some builtin functions require forces to be used. These builtin functions have inherent polymorphic type variables. The number of times you need to force them, depends on the number of type variables they have.

Let's look at an example- HeadList. It's type can be thought of as - forall a. [a] -> a. It has one type variable, so it needs to be forced once:

pheadBuiltin :: Term s (PBuiltinList a :--> a)
pheadBuiltin = pforce $ punsafeBuiltin PLC.HeadList

We force a Plutarch term using pforce, recall that punsafeBuiltin returns a term. You need to type it all yourself of course. pforce doesn't mean you need to get rid of the type variable in your Plutarch level type. It'll still work with any a - the forcing just has to happen at call site.

You can sort of do this blindly, HeadList takes 1 force, so just pforce once. TailList also takes 1 force. ChooseList takes 2 forces (forall a b. [a] -> b -> b -> b). Here's how you would implement a Plutarch synonym for it:

pchooseList :: Term s (PBuiltinList a :--> b -> b -> b)
pchooseList = pforce $ pforce $ punsafeBuiltin PLC.ChooseList

Aside: You should also hoist the synonyms here that take one or more forces!

We have a Plutus Core builtin functions reference for everything you need to know about them. Including types, usage, and forcing.

Working with BuiltinData/Data/PData

Most of the time, you'll be working with BuiltinData/Data - this is the type of the arguments that will be passed onto your script from the outside. This is the type of the datum, the redeemer and the script context. This is also the type of arguments you will be able to pass to a Script.

Plutarch aims to hide these low level details from the user. Ideally, you will be using PDataSum/PDataList and PAsData - these are essentially just BuiltinData, but it is typed at the Plutarch level.

If you want to work with BuiltinData directly however, which you may have to do during developing Plutarch, you can find all that you need to know at Plutonomicon.

PConstant and PLift


Lower Level Examples

Extracting txInfoInputs from ScriptContext manually (UNTYPED)

Here's a quick refresher on what ScriptContext looks like:

data ScriptContext = ScriptContext
  { scriptContextTxInfo :: TxInfo
  , scriptContextPurpose :: ScriptPurpose

We are interested in txInfoInputs, which has type TxInInfo. It is the first field within TxInfo. If you have read Working with BuiltinData already - you know that a ScriptContext translates to a Data value similar to:

Constr 0 [PlutusTx.toData txInfo, PlutusTx.toData txPurpose]

Where txInfo and txPurpose are values of type TxInfo and ScriptPurpose respectively.

We are interested in that first field. That's easy, we do the following actions in sequence:

  • pasConstr - yields a PBuiltinPair PInteger (PBuiltinList PData). We know the constructor id is 0. It doesn't matter, there's only one constructor.
  • psndBuiltin - yields PBuiltinList PData, the second element of the pair. These are the fields within ScriptContext.
  • phead - yields PData, the first field. We know this is our TxInfo.

Combining that all up would give you:

import Plutarch.Prelude
import Plutarch.Builtin

f :: Term s (PData :--> PData)
f = plam $ \x -> phead #$ psndBuiltin #$ pasConstr # x

And if you test it with a mock context value, it does work:

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

import Plutus.V1.Ledger.Api
import Plutus.V1.Ledger.Interval
import qualified PlutusTx

mockCtx :: ScriptContext
mockCtx =
      [ TxInInfo
          (TxOutRef "" 1)
          (TxOut (Address (PubKeyCredential "0123") Nothing) mempty Nothing)
      (interval (POSIXTime 1) (POSIXTime 2))
    (Minting (CurrencySymbol ""))

>  f `evalWithArgsT` [PlutusTx.toData mockCtx]
Right (Program () (Version () 1 0 0) (Constant () (Some (ValueOf data (Constr 0 [List [Constr 0 [Constr 0 [Constr 0 [B ""],I 1],Constr 0 [Constr 0 [Constr 0 [B "\SOH#"],Constr 1 []],Map [],Constr 1 []]]],List [],Map [],Map [],List [],List [],Constr 0 [Constr 0 [Constr 1 [I 1],Constr 1 []],Constr 0 [Constr 1 [I 2],Constr 1 []]],List [],List [],Constr 0 [B ""]])))))

Aside: You can find the definition of evalWithArgsT above - Compiling and Running.

But we're not done yet! We want txInfoInputs. You may have noticed where exactly it is located on the above output. See that List …? Inside the outermost Constr's fields? That's our txInfoInputs!

Aside: Recall that List data values are simply wrappers around lists. Also recall that the fields in a Constr value must be all of type Data. So any of your list fields get translated to List data. Just remember not to confuse these with builtin lists (PBuiltinList)! Functions like pheadBuiltin don't work on List data values.

To obtain txInfoInputs from here, we do the following actions in sequence:

  • pasConstr - unpacks the TxInfo. There's only one constructor, TxInfo - we don't care about that. We need the fields.
  • psndBuiltin - extracts the second member of the pair, the fields of TxInfo.
  • phead - extracts the first element of the list. This is our field, txInfoInputs.
  • (optional) pasList - takes out the builtin list from the List data value.

And that's it! Putting it all together:

f :: Term s (PData :--> PBuiltinList PData)
f = plam $ \x ->
  let txInfo = phead #$ psndBuiltin #$ pasConstr # x
  in pasList #$ phead #$ psndBuiltin #$ pasConstr # txInfo

Trying it on the same mockCtx yields:

> f `evalWithArgsT` [PlutusTx.toData mockCtx]
Right (Program () (Version () 1 0 0) (Constant () (Some (ValueOf list (data) [Constr 0 [Constr 0 [Constr 0 [B ""],I 1],Constr 0 [Constr 0 [Constr 0 [B "\SOH#"],Constr 1 []],Map [],Constr 1 []]]]))))

Getting some of the boilerplate out of the way, this is what the value looks like:

  (ValueOf list (data)
    [Constr 0
        [Constr 0 [Constr 0 [B ""],I 1],Constr 0 [Constr 0 [Constr 0 [B "\SOH#"],Constr 1 []],Map [],Constr 1 []]]

There's just one element in txInfoInputs in this example, and there it is. Of course TxInInfo, the element type of this list, also gets translated to a Constr data with further fields. And that's what you see above.

Useful Links

How to build docs

To run the docs locally from the Git working copy (useful when editing them),

nix run .#docs

To build the static HTML site,

nix build .#website

To run the docs directly without cloning the Git repo,

nix run github:Plutonomicon/plutarch#website