# | Name | Institution | Comment | |
1 | Benedikt Grammer | [email protected] | University of Vienna, Department for Prehistoric and Historical Archaeology | |
2 | Kai Radloff | [email protected] | Berlin Graduate School of Ancient Studies, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | |
3 | Georg Roth | [email protected] | Freie Universität Berlin, Prehistoric Institute | |
4 | Hendrik Raese | [email protected] | CAU Kiel, Institute of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Archaeology | |
5 | Carolin Tietze | [email protected] | CAU Kiel, Institute of Classical Archaeology | |
6 | Chiara Girotto | [email protected] | Goethe University Frankfurt, LOEWE project | |
7 | Michael Bilger | [email protected] | CAU Kiel, Institute of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Archaeology | |
8 | Joe Roe | [email protected] | UCL & Copenhagen University | |
9 | Juliane Watson (Bonneß) | [email protected] | Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, IT | |
10 | Franziska Faupel | [email protected] | CAU Kiel, Institute of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Archaeology | |
11 | Sandra Soederlind | [email protected] | Graduate School Human Development in Landscapes | |
12 | Loren V. Cowin | [email protected] | Graduate School Human Development in Landscapes | |
x | Martin Riesenberg | [email protected] | Freie Universität Berlin, Prehistoric Institute | potentially conflicting appointment; |