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Products > Yield Tranches > Covered risks

Covered risks

Each Yield Tranche is based on one or more yield sources, which are exposed to a set of dependencies and risks. Additionally, every YT is subject to underlying strategy and Idle YTs infrastructure risks.

{% hint style="info" %} Given the nature of the two classes of tranches, which differ in terms of risks and gains opportunities, it is possible to explain their behaviour through two scenarios: a Yield case and a Loss case. See Yield and Loss scenarios in the Overview section. {% endhint %}

In general, Senior YTs holders always benefit from the payout priority (first in line to redeem their funds) after events that can cause a decrease in:

  • the exchange rate between YTs-managed yield-bearing tokens' and the underlying asset
  • the exchange rate between YTs tokens and the underlying asset

{% hint style="info" %} Examples:

  • A downstream lending market suffers a loss of funds and the price of the yield-bearing tokens deployed by YTs decreases. The affected Junior and Senior YTs are automatically paused.
  • The YTs’ main contract, idleCDO, suffers a loss of funds, letting the attacker redeem deposited yield-bearing tokens. The price of the YT token decreases. The affected Junior and Senior YTs are manually paused. {% endhint %}

YTs interact with a range of DeFi primitives, each with its own specific risks. Every primitive, though, share a number of common risks:

Smart contractExploit of a bug in downstream yield protocols' codePartial loss of fundsYes
GovernanceAdverse changes to protocol parameterPartial loss of fundsYes
Asset de-pegThe peg of a token against another asset is lostReduced value against other units of accountNo

A list of specific risks affecting Automated Market Makers, Lending protocols, Liquid Staking protocols, Leveraged strategies and Options strategies follows.

Automated Market Makers

Impermanent lossChange of the token price in the underlying poolReduced fiat ($) valueNo

Lending Protocols

Lending protocols are mainly classified into two categories based on the type of loans they offer: overcollateralized and undercollateralized.

Overcollateralized lending

Incorrect price feedOracle manipulation or failureBad debt creationYes
Unappropiate collateral factorsGeneration of untenable positionsBad debt creationYes
Wrong liquidationLiquidation does not work as expectedBad debt creationYes

Undercollateralized lending

Borrower defaultBorrower is not able to pay back the loan and is insolventPartial loss of fundsYes

Liquid staking protocols

Validator key managementLoss of multisig keys holding staked ETHPartial loss of fundsYes
SlashingStaking penalties for validators' networkPartial loss of fundsYes

NB - YTs do not cover Senior LPs funds in case of events leading to a de-peg.

Leveraged strategies

LiquidationLiquidation of the position at lossPartial loss of fundsYes
Instadapp Yield Tranches

Instadapp lite vaults have automation functions, which automatically rebalance the vault during market changes. If the vault gets risky, it can first refinance into another protocol to maintain safety or deleverage by selling stETH and paying back the ETH debt. This kind of automation, if required or occurs, may incur losses caused by trading slippage:

  • If the loss is less than or equal to 0.5%, the loss will be distributed proportionally among the funds deposited in the tranches. This usually occurs when the borrowing rate of WETH is higher than the lending rate of stETH.
  • If the loss is between 0.5 and 5%, the Junior tranche will absorb the entire loss and the tranche will continue to work as usual.
  • If the loss is greater than 5%, the automating pausing of the Tranche is triggered. Deposits and redeems are halted.

Options strategies

FinancialThe strategy generates negative returnsPartial loss of fundsYes