Tweak Changes
Show ID
- Added option to show original action ID alongside resolved.
- Fixed ID being cut off on items with long category names, like BLM weapons.
New Tweaks
Auto Focus Market Board Item Search
- Automatically focus the item search when opening the market board. (croizat) -
Leveling Dungeon Command
- Adds a command to open the highest level leveling dungeon available for your level. (LuminaSapphira) -
Print Search Comment
- Prints the Search Comment of people, that get inspected, into the chat. (Infi) -
Rename Free Company Chest Tabs
- Allows renaming of each tab in the Free Company chest. (croizat)
Tweak Changes
Add Number Separators
- Fixed issue causing custom separators to be lost when logging in. -
Rename Chat Tabs
- Fixed tabs not being named on login.
New Tweaks
Add Number Separators
- Add separators for various numbers shown in the UI (Anna)
Tweak Changes
Rename Chat Tabs
- Fixed issue causing tabs to become incorrectly sized. -
Screenshot File Name
- Added ability to use folders in screenshot path.
- Added ability to use character name and location in screenshot path.
Returning Tweaks
Submarine Destination Letters
Name Plate Icon Spacing
Dismiss Minion Command
Disable Mouse Camera Control
Equip Recommended Command
Screenshot File Name
Zoomed Chat Customization
Hide Guildhest Objective Popup
House Lights Command
Custom Time for Funtiture Clocks
Smart Nameplates
Chara View Increased Zoom
This update is the last of the dawntrail fixes. Thank you to all the simple tweaks users who were patient and allowed me to enjoy the game while slowly working on updating the plugin.
New Tweaks
Improved Sent Message History
- Recover messages after accidentally pressing up in the chat, and increase the amount of history retained.
Tweak Changes
Disable Click Targeting
- Added option to only disable targeting players. (OTCompa)Item Hotkeys
- Added hotkey option for opening Console Games Wiki page. (Aly Smith)
Returning Tweaks
Hide 'Character not found' Message
Hide Chat
Hide Chat Automatically
Rename Chat Tabs
Disable Click Targeting
Bait Command
Cleaner World Visit Menu
Market Enhancements
Refresh Market Prices
Sanctuary Sprint Replacer
Long Veil
Equip From Hotbar
Remember Quick Gathering
Remember Selected World
Block Targeting Hunt Enemies
Customize default deposit and withdraw quantity
Fast Item Search
Change Map Area Colors
Hide quality bar while crafting NO-HQ item
New Tweaks
Preview Unlockable Items
- Show a preview image for mounts, minions and hairstyles.
Tweak Changes
Always Yes
- Added support for dyes.
Tweak Changes
Always Yes
- Added a setting to ignore checkbox if it is ticked and fixed the tweak not working with desynthesis
General Changes
- Updated more tweaks for Dawntrail
Tweak Changes
Parameter Bar Adjustments
- Hide MP bar on Viper -
Show Experience Percentage
- Added option to move EXP or Chain Bonus above the EXP bar.
Tweak Changes
Screenshot Improvements
- Re-added 'Use ReShade' option
New Tweaks
Equip items from Hotbars
- Enables the ability to equip items assigned to hotbars. -
Use Collection Command
- Adds a command to use Collection items. /usecollection (nebel)
Tweak Changes
Quick Sell Items at Vendors
- Allowed selling from player inventory while accessing retainer's market inventory. -
Set Option Command
- Added support for cutscene skipping options. (Gehock)
New Tweaks
Equip Job Command
- Adds a command to switch to a class or job's gearset. (Lumina Sapphira) -
Sticky Shout Chat
- Prevents the game from automatically switching out of shout chat.
Tweak Changes
Casting Text Visibility
- Fixed tweak not working with a split primary target window -
Quick Sell Items at Vendors
- Added option to allow quick selling items from player inventory while using a retainer. -
Target Castbar Countdown
- Added option to change font size
- Added option to adjust position
- Fixed disable on primary and focus target
General Changes
- The Simple Tweaks config window will now be decorated during various festive periods.
- This can be disabled in the 'General Options' tab.
- You can also set a permanent decoration to be used all year round.
New Tweaks
Remove Client Limit
- Allows opening more than the standard two FFXIV clients. -
Reposition Cutscene Dialogue Box
- Allows setting a custom position for dialogue boxes used in cutscenes.
New Tweaks
Customize default deposit and withdraw quanity
- Allows setting a custom amount to deposit or withdraw when using the 'Retrieve Quantity' and 'Entrust Quantity' options. -
Cutscene commands
- Enable the use of certain commands in cutscenes (Kurochi) -
Hide Guildhest Objective Popup
- Hides the objective popup when starting a guildhest. (MidoriKami)
Tweak Changes
Set Option Command
- Added support for changing the cutscene audio language.
- Added support for changing title display options. (Gehock)
- Added support for 'Small' and 'Smallest' for nameplate size options. (Gehock)
Show Experience Percentage
- Added the ability to show rested experience without showing experience percentage.
General Changes
- Added optional metrics collection
- Everyone will be given a chance to opt in or our to the collection of a list of enabled tweaks when first accessing the simple tweaks config window.
- Anyone who preemptivly opted out will not see the notice as they already made the choice.
- No information will be collected until the 'Allow collection' button is pressed.
New Tweaks
Casting Text Visibility
- Change the font size, color, and background of the casting text. (img) -
Chat Sounds Everywhere
- Enables <se.#> chat sounds everywhere, regardless of channel. (Asriel) -
Duty Timer
- When completing a duty, tells you how much time the duty took. (MidoriKami) -
Emote Log Status in Server Bar
- Show the emote log status in the server bar. (Sythiri) -
Show Glamour in Item Name
- Displays the glamoured item name underneath the real item name. (Enriath)
Tweak Changes
Track Faded Orchestrion Rolls
- Added tracking for faded rolls with multiple crafts. (KazWolfe)
Tweak Changes
Fast Item Search
- Fix random ordering (results are now always in the same order)
Tweak Changes
Always Yes
- Added support for Blunderville exit dialog. -
Target Castbar Countdown
- Fix updating slowly for really slow castbars
New Tweaks
Alt + F4 Exit Game
- Pressing Alt + F4 will cause the game to close safely. (MidoriKami) -
Fast Item Search
- Enable superfast searches for the market board & crafting log. (Asriel) -
Hide 'Character not found' Message
- Prevent the game from displaying the "The character you last logged out with could not be found on the current data center." message. -
Use Custom Time for Furniture Clocks
- Changes the time displayed on chronometer furniture.
Tweak Changes
Fade Unavailable Actions
- Added option to make skills that are out of range red
Tweak Changes
Duplicate Keybind Hints Between Hotbars
- Fixed flickering while cooldown is active. -
Remember Selected World
- Now uses a more reliable method for selecting worlds. -
Remove Quest Marker Limit
- Fix tweak not working since API 9
New Tweaks
Remember Selected World
- Remembers which world was selected for each datacentre.
Tweak Changes
Adjust Equipment Positions
- Further improved gamepad navigation on Character window. -
Duplicate Action Presses Between Hotbars
- Fixed crashes and re-enabled tweak. -
Duplicate Keybind Hints Between Hotbars
- Rewritten & re-enabled -
Improved Crafting Log
- Made attempt to fix some issues
- Tweak has been disabled for everyone and marked as experimental.
General Changes
- Tweaks that add commands can now have their commands customized.
- The tweak list is now split into more categories
- Tweaks can be in multiple categories.
- Categories can be disabled in settings.
- The 'All Tweaks' pseudo-category displays all available tweaks.
- The 'Enabled Tweaks' pesudo-category displays only enabled tweaks.
New Tweaks
Leave Duty Command
- Adds a command to leave the currenty duty. /leaveduty -
Open Glamour Dresser to Current Job
- Sets the job selection dropdown to your current job when opening the Glamour Dresser. (MidoriKami) -
Scenario Progression Display
- Shows the percentage of completion of the main scenario.
Tweak Changes
Adjust Equipment Positions
- Improved gamepad navigation on Character window. -
Duty List Background
- Reimplemented with a new method to avoid crashes. -
Expanded Currency Display
- Added an option to disable tooltips.
- Fixed currency window positioning breaking when resizing game window.
Improved Duty Finder Settings
- Rewritten to use native UI
General Changes
- Added preview images to some tweaks.
New Tweaks
Loot Window Select Next Item
- Upon pressing 'Need', 'Greed', or 'Pass' automatically select the next loot item. (MidoriKami)
Tweak Changes
Custom Free Company Tags
- Fixed icon-only tags not displaying. -
Hide Hotbar Lock
- Added an option to change which keys show the lock
Tweak Changes
Custom Free Company Tags
- Fix some issues with glow colours. -
Set Option Command
- Fixed toggle options not working.
General Changes
- Added an option to opt out of analytics
- Note:
- No analytics are currently being collected.
- This is a preemptive opt out for the future.
- Note:
New Tweaks
Auto Focus Recipe Search
- Automatically focus the recipe search when opening the crafting log. -
Custom Timestamp Format
- Customize the timestamps displayed on chat messages. -
Housing Lottery Timer
- Show the time remaining until the current lottery period ends in the timers window. -
Zoomed Chat Customization
- Allows customization of the size and position of the zoomed chat view.
Tweak Changes
Chat Name Colours
- Added option to give all undefined characters the same colour.
- Added per channel configuration for colouring sender name and/or names in messages.
Custom Free Company Tags
- Added support for full RGB colours.
- Added an icon viewer for supported icons.
Data Centre on Title Screen
- Added option to show the selected service account. -
Hide quality bar while crafting NO-HQ item.
- Show quality bar for expert recipes. -
Market Enhancements
- Return of the Lazy Tax/Profitable highlighting -
Shield on HP Bar
- Fixed tweak not working after relogging. -
Target Castbar Countdown
- Add option to disable on primary target
Tweak Changes
Expanded Currency Display
- Fixed positioning of gil display moving when scale is anything other than 100%
Tweak Changes
Chat Name Colours
- Fixed Chat2 exploding with new colour system. Tweak will still not work in Chat2, but it will not explode. -
Expanded Currency Display
- Attempting to avoid gil addon getting thrown around when layout changes.
Tweak Changes
Chat Name Colours
- Fixed colour display when in party.
- Extended range of possible colours.
Custom Time Formats
- Fixed tooltip when hovering clocks
- Returned 'click to change clock' feature from base game.
Expanded Currency Display
- Added option for adjustable spacing in horizontal layouts.
- Added option to display in a grid.
- Added option to set the position of a currency individually.
- Added tooltips when mouse is over the currency icons.
Hide Job Gauge
- Fixed 'Show In Duty' option not working in some duties.
Tweak Changes
Duty List Background
- Prevent crash when using Aestetician. -
Track Gacha Items
- Added 'Platinum Triad Card'
Tweak Changes
Custom Free Company Tags
- Removed 'Hide in Duty' option from Wanderer. This is now a vanilla game option. -
Disable Auto Chat Inputs
- Fixed game crash in 6.4 -
Estate List Command
- Fixed tweak not working in 6.4 -
Hide Job Gauge
- Fixed 'Show while weapon is drawn' option not working. -
Improved Duty Finder Settings
- Fixed tweak not working in 6.4
General Changes
- General fixes for 6.4
Tweak Changes
Duty List Background
- Improved tweak stability -
Hide Tooltips in Combat
- Added support for crossbar hints.
New Tweaks
Duty List Background
- Adds a configurable background to the Duty List (MidoriKami) -
Hide Target Circle
- Allow hiding the target circle while not in combat or dungeons. (darkarchon)
Tweak Changes
Bait Command
- Fixed tweak not enabling when starting the game. -
Custom Free Company Tags
- Added option to display FC tags on a separate line to character name. -
Show Painting Preview
- Fixed extra spacing being added above the preview image. -
Track Faded Orchestrion Rolls
- Fixed tweak not functioning at all.
Tweak Changes
Color Duty Roulette Names
- Adds ability to select individual roulettes for recoloring. -
Hide Tooltips in Combat
- Improved logic to attempt to reduce settings getting stuck in incorrect state. -
Tooltip Tweaks
- Yet another attempt at fixing crashes.
General Changes
- General fixes for 6.38
New Tweaks
April Fools 2023
- Re-enable the April Fools 2023 Features
Tweak Changes
Enhanced Loot Window
- Removed Window Lock Feature, 'Lock Window Position' tweak has returned. -
Screenshot Improvements
- Added experimental option to use ReShade for screenshots.
- Removed April Fools joke due to potential crash.
- Made April Fools Joke Stupid
Tweak Changes
Character Window Job Switcher
- Fixed tweak not working on DoH without desynthesis unlocked. -
Screenshot Improvements
- Renamed from 'High Resolution Screenshots' to 'Screenshot Improvements' -
Tooltip Tweaks
- Added additional protections to attempt to reduce crashing. Please report any crashes you believe may be related to tooltips.
General Changes
- Added command to open the config window to a specific tweak. (/tweaks find [id])
New Tweaks
Color Duty Roulette Names
- Colors Duty Roulette names to indicate their completion status (MidoriKami) -
Lock Window Positions
- Allows locking the position of almost any UI window.
Tweak Changes
Always Yes
- Added an option to default cursor to the checkbox when one exists. -
Block Targeting Treasure Hunt Enemies
- Fixed incorrect blocking targeting of Alexandrite Map targets. -
Screenshot Improvements
- Added option to hide game UI for screenshots.
- Added option to remove the FFXIV Copyright from screenshots.
New Tweaks
Hide quality bar while crafting NO-HQ item.
- Hides the quality bar in the Synthesis window while crafting an item that can not be HQ or Collectable.
Tweak Changes
Expanded Currency Display
- Added support for Collectibles -
Fade Unavailable Actions
- Tweak now only applies to combat actions
- Properly resets hotbar state on unload/disable
Improved Duty Finder Settings
- Fixed UI displaying on wrong monitor in specific circumstances. (Aireil) -
Set Option Command
- Fixed issues when using gamepad mode
- Re-added accidentally remove gamepad mode option
- Added 'LimitMouseToGameWindow' and 'CharacterDisplayLimit'
- Fixed 'DisplayNameSize' using incorrect values
Simplified Equipment Job Display
- Fixed tweak for Japanese clients.
New Tweaks
Echo Story Selection
- When given multiple choices during quests, print the selected option to chat. (MidoriKami)
Tweak Changes
Fade Unavailable Actions
- Tweak now only applies to the icon image itself and not the entire button
- Add option to apply transparency to the slot frame of the icon
- Add option to apply to sync'd skills only
Set Option Command
- Improved reliability through patches
New Tweaks
Fade Unavailable Actions
- Instead of darkening icons, makes them transparent when unavailable (MidoriKami)
Tweak Changes
Expanded Currency Display
- Use configured format culture for number display, should fix French issue -
Target Castbar Countdown
- Add TopRight option for displaying countdown
General Changes
- Added a changelog
- Fixed graphical issue when resizing windows on clear blue theme.
New Tweaks
Echo Party Finder
- Prints Party Finder description to chat upon joining a group. (MidoriKami) -
Expanded Currency Display
- Allows you to display extra currencies. (MidoriKami) -
Extended Macro Icons
- Allow using specific Icon IDs when using '/macroicon # id' inside of a macro. -
Hide Unwanted Banners
- Hide information banners such as 'Venture Complete', or 'Levequest Accepted' (MidoriKami) -
Improved Duty Finder Settings
- Turn the duty finder settings into buttons. (Aireil) -
Improved Interruptable Castbars
- Displays an icon next to interruptable castbars (MidoriKami) -
Keyboard Gaming Mode
- Block Alt-Tab and other keys to keep you in the game. (KazWolfe) -
Simplified Equipment Job Display
- Hides classes from equipment tooltips when their jobs are unlocked. -
SystemConfig in Group Pose
- Allows the use of the /systemconfig command while in gpose. -
Target Castbar Countdown
- Displays time remaining on targets ability cast. (MidoriKami) -
Track Gacha Items
- Adds the collectable checkmark to gacha items, such as Triple Triad card packs, when all potential items have been obtained.
Tweak Changes
Enhanced Loot Window
- Rebuilt tweak to use images
- Fixed tweak not checking armory and equipped items
- Added 'Lock Loot Window' feature
Fix '/target' command
- Fixed tweak not working in french. (Aireil) -
Screenshot Improvements
- Added option to hide dalamud UI for screenshot.
New Tweaks
Enhanced Loot Window
- Marks unobtainable and already unlocked items in the loot window. (MidoriKami) -
Keep Windows Open
- Prevents certain windows from hiding under specific circumstances.
Tweak Changes
Improved Crafting Log
- Fixed a potential crash in specific circumstances.
General Changes
- Now using the Dalamud Window system. ESC will now close Simple Tweaks windows.
New Tweaks
Dismiss Minion Command
- Adds a command to dismiss your current minion. /minionaway -
House Lights Command
- Adds a command to control lighting in your own housing areas. -
Limit Break Adjustments
- Simple customization of the limit break bars -
Screenshot Improvements
- Allows taking higher resolution screenshots, Hiding Dalamud & Game UIs and removing the copyright notice from screenshots. (NotNite) -
Sticky Chat
- Sets chat channel when you use temporary chat messages. (MidoriKami)
Tweak Changes
Time Until GP Max
- Added an option to display time in Eorzean Hours (peterberbec)
Tweak Changes
Parameter Bar Adjustments
- Fixed positioning of HP bar.
Tweak Changes
Adjust Equipment Positions
- Fixed widget display when using standard UI quality. -
Estate List Command
- Now allows partial matching of friend names. -
Improved Crafting Action Tooltips
- Fixed tweak not disabling correctly. -
Parameter Bar Adjustments
- Added option to center HP bar when MP bar is hidden. -
Target HP
- Added option to align text to the left.