Warning: This demo is currently broken and no longer works due to changes introduced with the Public Draft of JSR 354.
Please stay tuned...
This is your project! It is a sample, runnable Maven 3 project to help you get your foot in the door developing with JSR 354 on JavaFX.
All you need to build this project is Java 8.0 (Java SDK 1.8) or an equivalent Java version with JavaFX, Maven 3.0 or better.
The application this project produces is designed to be run on JavaFX 2 or above.
In order to make Maven build the project, you need to select a Java 8 compliant JVM or another runtime environment including JavaFX.
###Steps for Command Line
If you run Maven from the command line instead of an IDE like Eclipse or NetBeans, please ensure, the JAVA_HOME
environment variable points to an appropriate version of Java 8 or above. Either JRE or JDK as long as it contains JavaFX.
###Steps for Eclipse
Add "jdk 1.8.0" or equivalent like "jre8" to your "Installed JREs" in Eclipse, if they don't exist there.
Under "Java Build Path" of "Project Properties" select the JRE System Library in the "Libraries" tab.
Click "Edit" and select "jdk 1.8.0" or equivalent from the "Alternate JRE" list. Should the "Workspace default JRE" state something like "jdk 1.8.0" or "jre8", you may use that, too. Only if your Eclipse version already supports Java 8 and above, you may also select "JavaSE-1.8" or an appropriate similar value in "Execution environment".
###Steps for NetBeans
Add Java Platform like "JDK 1.8" or equivalent to NetBeans, if they don't exist in the Java Platform Manager.
Under "Build > Compile" of "Project Properties" select "JDK 1.8" or equivalent from the "Java Platform" list.