./gradlew check
The communication between a build tool (e.g., Gradle), the Application and tools such as the IDE is handled by the 'orchestration.' If not instructed otherwise, the Application under hot reload will start a new orchestration server. All connected clients can exchange messages as broadcasts. For example, the build tool might broadcast a 'ReloadClassesRequest' after recompiling.
Tests or tools like the IDE might create their own orchestration server and instruct the Application to connect to this server in 'client mode' by providing the necessary system properties.
When an application is launched in 'hot reload mode,' then a special Compose Hot Reload agent will be added to the jvm execution. This agent will participate in the orchestration and reload classes on demand.
When an application is launched in 'hot reload mode' then a special 'dev' variant of the runtime will be added to the runtime classpath. This variant will be able to communicate with the Agent and also participate in the orchestration by listening for messages and broadcasting UI related messages (such as UIRendered).
When the dev runtime is launched, a Gradle Daemon is launched in continuous mode, which will connect to the orchestration and send 'ReloadClassesRequests' when the actual .class files for the runtime classpath changes.
- Make code changes.
- Change the version in
, e.g. to1.0.0-DEBUG
. - Run
gradlew publishAllPublicationsToLocalRepository
. - In your local project, add the following entries to your
pluginManagement {
repositories {
dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
- In your local project, update the version of
to whatever you set in step 1:
id("org.jetbrains.compose.hot-reload") version "1.0.0-DEBUG"
- Run project as usual.