What you should learn from this project:
How to use linked lists Start to look for the right source of information without too much help
- Write a function that prints all the elements of a listint_t list.
- Write a function that returns the number of elements in a linked listint_t list.
- Write a function that adds a new node at the beginning of a listint_t list.
- Write a function that adds a new node at the end of a listint_t list.
- Write a function that frees a listint_t list.
- Write a function that frees a listint_t list.
- Write a function that deletes the head node of a listint_t linked list, and returns the head node’s data (n).
- Write a function that returns the nth node of a listint_t linked list.
- Write a function that returns the sum of all the data (n) of a listint_t linked list.
- Write a function that inserts a new node at a given position.
- Write a function that deletes the node at index index of a listint_t linked list.
- Write a function that reverses a listint_t linked list.
- Write a function that prints a listint_t linked list.
- Write a function that frees a listint_t list.
- Write a function that finds the loop in a linked list.
- Derrick Gee - kai-dg