See examples.
See *-with-c-api examples. Qt is a pretty easy and a very good readable framework. It's easy to adapt them to your needs.
See *-with-c++-api examples. Qt is a pretty easy and a very good readable framework. It's easy to adapt them to your needs.
SAIL provides 4 levels of APIs depending on your needs. Let's have a look at them.
Purpose: read a single image frame in a one-line manner from a file or memory.
struct sail_image *image;
SAIL_TRY(sail_load_image_from_file(path, &image));
* Handle the image pixels here.
* Use image->width, image->height, image->bytes_per_line,
* image->pixel_format, and image->pixels for that.
* In particular, you can convert it to a different pixel format with functions
* from libsail-manip. With sail_convert_image(), for example.
* Destroy the image when it's not needed anymore.
sail::image image(path);
// Handle the image and its pixels here.
// Use image.width(), image.height(), image.bytes_per_line(),
// image.pixel_format(), and image.pixels() for that.
// In particular, you can convert it to a different pixel format with image::convert().
Purpose: read a single-paged or multi-paged image from a file or memory.
* A local void pointer is needed for SAIL to save a state in it.
* Always set the initial state to NULL in C or nullptr in C++.
void *state = NULL;
struct sail_image *image;
* Starts reading the specified file.
SAIL_TRY_OR_CLEANUP(sail_start_reading_file(path, NULL, &state),
/* cleanup */ sail_stop_reading(state));
* Read just a single frame. It's possible to read more frames if any. Just continue
* reading frames till sail_read_next_frame() returns SAIL_OK. If no more frames are available,
* SAIL always outputs frames of the same size.
SAIL_TRY_OR_CLEANUP(sail_read_next_frame(state, &image),
/* cleanup */ sail_stop_reading(state));
* It's essential to ALWAYS stop reading to free memory resources.
* Avoiding doing so will lead to memory leaks.
/* cleanup */ sail_destroy_image(image));
* Handle the image pixels here.
* Use image->width, image->height, image->bytes_per_line,
* image->pixel_format, and image->pixels for that.
* Destroy the image when it's not needed anymore.
sail::image_input input;
sail::image image;
// Starts reading the specified file.
// Read just a single frame. It's possible to read more frames if any. Just continue
// reading frames till read_next_frame() returns SAIL_OK. If no more frames are available,
// SAIL always outputs frames of the same size.
// It's essential to ALWAYS stop reading to free memory resources.
// Avoiding doing so will lead to memory leaks. ~image_input() always
// stops reading.
// Handle the image and its pixels here.
// Use image.width(), image.height(), image.bytes_per_line(),
// image.pixel_format(), and image.pixels() for that.
Purpose: read a single-paged or multi-paged image from a file or memory. Specify a concrete codec to use. Possibly specify I/O controlling options.
* Optional: Initialize a new SAIL context explicitly and preload all codecs.
* Codecs are lazy-loaded when SAIL_FLAG_PRELOAD_CODECS is not specified.
struct sail_read_options *read_options;
struct sail_image *image;
* Always set the initial state to NULL in C or nullptr in C++.
void *state = NULL;
* Find the codec to read JPEGs.
const struct sail_codec_info *codec_info;
SAIL_TRY(sail_codec_info_from_extension("JPEG", &codec_info));
* Allocate new read options and copy defaults from the codec-specific read features.
SAIL_TRY(sail_alloc_read_options_from_features(codec_info->read_features, &read_options));
* Obtain an image data in a buffer: read it from a file etc.
void *buffer = ...
size_t buffer_length = ...
* Initialize reading from memory with our options. The options will be deep copied.
/* cleanup */ sail_destroy_read_options(read_options));
* Our read options are not needed anymore.
* Read just a single frame. It's possible to read more frames if any. Just continue
* reading frames till sail_read_next_frame() returns SAIL_OK. If no more frames are available,
* SAIL always outputs frames of the same size.
SAIL_TRY_OR_CLEANUP(sail_read_next_frame(state, &image),
/* cleanup */ sail_stop_reading(state));
* Finish reading.
/* cleanup */ sail_destroy_image(image));
* Handle the image pixels here.
* Use image->width, image->height, image->bytes_per_line,
* image->pixel_format, and image->pixels for that.
* Destroy the image when it's not needed anymore.
* Optional: unload all codecs to free up some memory.
// Optional: Initialize a new SAIL context explicitly and preload all codecs.
// Codecs are lazy-loaded when SAIL_FLAG_PRELOAD_CODECS is not specified.
sail::image_input input;
// Find the codec to read JPEGs.
sail::codec_info codec_info;
SAIL_TRY(codec_info::from_extension("JPEG", &codec_info));
// Instantiate new read options and copy defaults from the read features.
sail::read_options read_options;
// Obtain an image data in a buffer: read it from a file etc.
void *buffer = ...
size_t buffer_length = ...
// Initialize reading from memory with our options. The options will be deep copied.
SAIL_TRY(input.start(buffer, buffer_length, codec_info, read_options));
// Read just a single frame. It's possible to read more frames if any. Just continue
// reading frames till read_next_frame() returns SAIL_OK. If no more frames are available,
// SAIL always outputs frames of the same size.
sail::image image;
// It's essential to ALWAYS stop reading to free memory resources.
// Avoiding doing so will lead to memory leaks. ~image_input() always
// stops reading.
// Handle the image and its pixels here.
// Use image.width(), image.height(), image.bytes_per_line(),
// image.pixel_format(), and image.pixels() for that.
Purpose: Comprehensive control provided for deep divers plus a custom I/O source.
Instead of using sail_start_reading_file_with_options()
in the deep diver
example, create your own I/O stream
and call sail_start_reading_io_with_options()
* Optional: Initialize a new SAIL context explicitly and preload all codecs.
* Codecs are lazy-loaded when SAIL_FLAG_PRELOAD_CODECS is not specified.
struct sail_read_options *read_options;
struct sail_image *image;
* Always set the initial state to NULL in C or nullptr in C++.
void *state = NULL;
* Find the codec to read JPEGs.
const struct sail_codec_info *codec_info;
SAIL_TRY(sail_codec_info_from_extension("JPEG", &codec_info));
* Create our custom I/O source.
struct sail_io *io;
* Save a pointer to our data source. It will be passed back to the callback functions below.
* You can free the data source in the close() callback.
* WARNING: If you don't call sail_stop_reading(), the close() callback is never called.
* Please make sure you always call sail_stop_reading().
io->stream = my_data_source_pointer;
* Setup reading, seeking, flushing etc. callbacks for our custom I/O source.
* All of them must be set.
io->read = io_my_data_source_read;
io->seek = io_my_data_source_seek;
io->tell = io_my_data_source_tell;
io->write = io_my_data_source_write;
io->flush = io_my_data_source_flush;
io->close = io_my_data_source_close;
io->eof = io_my_data_source_eof;
* Allocate new read options and copy defaults from the codec-specific read features.
/* cleanup */ sail_destroy_io(io));
* Initialize reading with our options. The options will be deep copied.
/* cleanup */ sail_destroy_read_options(read_options),
* Our read options are not needed anymore.
* Read just a single frame. It's possible to read more frames if any. Just continue
* reading frames till sail_read_next_frame() returns SAIL_OK. If no more frames are available,
* SAIL always outputs frames of the same size.
SAIL_TRY_OR_CLEANUP(sail_read_next_frame(state, &image),
/* cleanup */ sail_stop_reading(state),
* Finish reading.
/* cleanup */ sail_destroy_image(image),
* Handle the image pixels here.
* Use image->width, image->height, image->bytes_per_line,
* image->pixel_format, and image->pixels for that.
* Destroy the image when it's not needed anymore.
* Optional: unload all codecs to free up some memory.
// Optional: Initialize a new SAIL context explicitly and preload all codecs.
// Codecs are lazy-loaded when SAIL_FLAG_PRELOAD_CODECS is not specified.
sail::image_input input;
// Find the codec info by a file extension.
sail::codec_info codec_info;
SAIL_TRY(codec_info::from_path(path, &codec_info));
// Create our custom I/O source.
sail::io io;
// Save a pointer to our data source. It will be passed back to the callback functions below.
// You can free the data source in the close() callback.
// WARNING: If you don't call input.stop(), the close() callback is never called.
// Please make sure you always call input.stop().
// Setup reading, seeking, flushing etc. callbacks for our custom I/O source.
// All of them must be set.
// Instantiate new read options and copy defaults from the read features.
sail::read_options read_options;
// Initialize reading with our I/O stream and options.
SAIL_TRY(input.start(io, codec_info, read_options));
// Read just a single frame. It's possible to read more frames if any. Just continue
// reading frames till read_next_frame() returns SAIL_OK. If no more frames are available,
// SAIL always outputs frames of the same size.
sail::image image;
// It's essential to ALWAYS stop reading to free memory resources.
// Avoiding doing so will lead to memory leaks. ~image_input() always
// stops reading.
// Handle the image and its pixels here.
// Use image.width(), image.height(), image.bytes_per_line(),
// image.pixel_format(), and image.pixels() for that.