This repo contains:
: An Elixir umbrella project containing a Phoenix REST serverclient/
: A React client using hooks
To start the server, you will need the following tools installed:
Once those are installed, we'll need to do a few setup tasks. Make sure to run any commands in the server/
Install the application dependencies:
mix deps.get
Create the database tables, migrate them, and add the seed data:
mix ecto.setup
Tip: If you need to reset the database can you run:
mix ecto.reset
. Also runmix help
for a list of all the available commands. -
Finally, we can start the server by running:
mix phx.server
And run the tests from the
directory by running:mix test
Tip: Use
to re-run the tests every time you save.
To start developing the client, you will need the following tools installed:
- Node 14.12.0, install here
Once you've installed these, run the following commands in the client/
Install the client dependencies:
npm install
Now start the client development server:
npm start
You can now view the client by visiting the localhost url the command outputs in your browser.