- Coding Conventions
- Naming
- Proper IDE configuration
- Obsolete APIs
- Code-Documentation
- Catching and handling Exceptions
- Prefer general API
- Prefer primitive types
- Constants
- Refactorings
- Optionals
- Avoid catching NPE
- Consider extractig local variable for multiple method calls
- Encoding
- Stateless Programming
- Closing Resources
- Enclose blocks with curly braces
- Lambdas and Streams
The code should follow general conventions for Java (see Oracle Naming Conventions, Google Java Style, etc.). We consider this as common sense instead of repeating this here. The following sections give us additional conventions that we consider additionally.
We follow these additional naming rules:
Always use short but speaking names (for types, methods, fields, parameters, variables, constants, etc.).
Avoid using existing type names from JDK (from
, etc.) - so e.g. never name your own Java typeList
, etc. -
Strictly avoid special characters in technical names (for files, types, fields, methods, properties, variables, database tables, columns, constraints, etc.). In other words only use Latin alpahnumeric ASCII characters with the common allowed technical separators for the accordign context (e.g. underscore) for technical names (even excluding whitespaces).
For package segments and type names prefer singular forms (
instead ofCustomersEntity
). Only use plural forms when there is no singular or it is really semantically required (e.g. for a container that contains multiple of such objects). -
Avoid having duplicate type names. The name of a class, interface, enum or annotation should be unique within your project unless this is intentionally desired in a special and reasonable situation.
Avoid artificial naming constructs such as prefixes (
) or suffixes (*IF
) for interfaces. -
Use CamelCase even for abbreviations (
instead ofXMLUtil
) -
Avoid property/field names where the second character is upper-case at all (e.g. 'aBc'). See #1095 for details.
Names of Generics should be easy to understand. Where suitable follow the common rule
but feel free to use longer names for more specific cases such asID
. The capitalized naming helps to distinguish a generic type from a regular class. -
getter methods useis
prefix instead ofget
but forboolean
variable names avoid theis
prefix (boolean force = …
instead ofboolean isForce = …
) unless the name is a reserved keyword (e.g.boolean abstract = true
will result in a compile error so consider usingboolean isAbstract = true
Ensure your IDE (IntelliJ, Eclipse, VSCode, …) is properly configured. This is what IDEasy is all about. A reasonable configuration of formatter, save actions, etc. will ensure:
no start imports are used (
import java.util.*
) -
no diff-wars in git (if every developer in the team uses the same formatter settings the diffs in git will only show what really changed)
import statements are properly grouped and sorted
code has properly indentation and formatting (e.g. newlines after opening curly braces)
Please avoid using the following APIs:
- use according type fromjava.time.*
such asLocalDate
, orInstant
- same as above -
- useLocalDate
- useLocalTime
- useInstant
- usejava.nio.file.Path
- usejava.nio.file.Path.of(…)
- useList
- usejava.lang.StringBuilder
java.lang.Runtime.exec(…) - use `ProcessBuilder
(we useProcessContext
on top) -
- usejava.util.Objects
As a general goal, the code should be easy to read and understand. Besides, clear naming the documentation is important. We follow these rules:
APIs (especially component interfaces) are properly documented with JavaDoc.
JavaDoc shall provide actual value - we do not write JavaDoc to satisfy tools such as checkstyle but to express information not already available in the signature.
We make use of
tags in JavaDoc to make it more expressive. -
JavaDoc of APIs describes how to use the type or method and not how the implementation internally works.
To document implementation details, we use code comments (e.g.
// we have to flush explicitly to ensure version is up-to-date
). This is only needed for complex logic. -
Avoid the pointless
as since Java 1.5 there is the@Override
annotation for overridden methods and your JavaDoc is inherited automatically even without any JavaDoc comment at all.
When catching exceptions always ensure the following:
Never call
method on an exception -
Either log or wrap and re-throw the entire catched exception. Be aware that the cause(s) of an exception is very valuable information. If you loose such information by improper exception-handling you may be unable to properly analyse production problems what can cause severe issues.
If you wrap and re-throw an exception ensure that the catched exception is passed as cause to the newly created and thrown exception.
If you log an exception ensure that the entire exception is passed as argument to the logger (and not only the result of
on the exception).
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// bad
throw new IllegalStateException("Something failed");
This will result in a stacktrace like this:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalStateException: Something failed
at com.devonfw.tools.ide.ExceptionHandling.main(ExceptionHandling.java:14)
As you can see we have no information and clue what the catched Exception
was and what really went wrong in doSomething()
Instead always rethrow with the original exception:
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// fine
throw new IllegalStateExeception("Something failed", e);
Now our stacktrace will look similar to this:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalStateException: Something failed
at com.devonfw.tools.ide.ExceptionHandling.main(ExceptionHandling.java:14)
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Very important information
at com.devonfw.tools.ide.ExceptionHandling.doSomething(ExceptionHandling.java:23)
at com.devonfw.tools.ide.ExceptionHandling.main(ExceptionHandling.java:12)
Never do this severe mistake to lose this original exception cause!
The same applies when logging the exception:
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// bad
LOG.error("Something failed: " + e.getMessage());
Instead include the full exception and use your logger properly:
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// fine
LOG.error("Something failed: {}", e.getMessage(), e);
Also please add contextual information to the message for the logger or the new exception. So instead of just saying "Something failed" a really good example could look like this:
LOG.error("An unexpected error occurred whilst downloading the tool {} with edition {} and version {} from URL {}.", tool, edition, version, url, e);
Avoid unnecessary strong bindings:
Do not bind your code to implementations such as
instead ofList
In APIs for input (=parameters) always consider to make little assumptions:
where the difference does not matter (e.g. only useSet
when you require uniqueness or highly efficientcontains
) -
consider preferring
Collection<? extends Foo>
is an interface or super-class
In general prefer primitive types (boolean
, int
, long
, …) instead of corresponding boxed object types (Boolean
, Integer
, Long
, …).
Only use boxed object types, if you explicitly want to allow null
as a value.
Typically you never want to use Boolean
but instead use boolean
// bad
public Boolean isEmpty {
return size() == 0;
Instead always use the primitive boolean
// fine
public boolean isEmpty {
return size() == 0;
Literals and values used in multiple places that do not change, shall be defined as constants.
A constant in a Java class is a type variable declared with the modifiers static final
In an interface, public static final
can and should be omitted since it is there by default.
public class MavenDownloader {
// bad
public String url = "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/"
public void download(Dependency dependency) {
String downloadUrl = url + dependency.getGroupId() + "/" + dependency.getArtifactId() + "/" dependency.getVersion() + "/" + dependency.getArtifactId() + "-" + dependency.getVersion() + ".jar";
public void download(String url) { ... }
Here url
is used as a constant however it is not declared as such. Other classes could modify the value (MavenDownloader.url = "you have been hacked";
Instead we should better do this:
public class MavenDownloader {
// fine
/** The base URL of the central maven repository. */
public static final String REPOSITORY_URL = "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/"
public void download(Dependency dependency) {
String artifactId = dependency.getArtifactId();
String version = dependency.getVersion();
String downloadUrl = REPOSITORY_URL + dependency.getGroupId().replace(".", "/") + "/" + artifactId + "/" + version + "/" + artifactId + "-" + version + ".jar";
public void download(String url) { ... }
As stated above in case of an interface simply omit the modifiers:
public interface MavenDownloader {
// fine
/** The base URL of the central maven repository. */
String REPOSITORY_URL = "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/"
void download(Dependency dependency);
void download(String url);
So we conclude:
we want to use constants to define and reuse common immutable values.
by giving the constant a reasonable name, we make our code reable
following Java best-practices constants are named in
syntax -
by adding JavaDoc to the constant we give additional details what this value is about and good for.
In classes we declare the constant with the visibility followed by the keywords
static final
. -
In interfaces, we omit all modifiers as they always default to
public static final
for type variables.
Do refactorings with care and follow these best-practices:
git mv «old» «new»
to move or rename things in git. Otherwise your diff may show that a file has been deleted somewhere and another file has been added but you cannot see that this file was moved/renamed and what changed inside the file. -
do not change Java signatures like in a text editor but use refactoring capabilities of your IDE. So e.g. when changing a method name, adding or removing a parameter, always use refactoring as otherwise you easily break references (and JavaDoc references will not give you compile errors so you break things without noticing).
when adding paramaters to methods, please always consider to keep the existing signature and just create a new variant of the method with an additional parameter.
Lets assume we have this method:
public void doSomething() {
// ...
Now, assuming this method is called from multiple places, this change is bad:
// bad
public void doSomething(boolean newFlag) {
// ...
The reason is that it is most likely causing a lot of merge conflicts for feature-branches and PRs of other developers, currently working with code calling doSomething()
that will not work after the change.
Instead keep the existing signature and add a new one:
// fine
public void doSomething() {
public void doSomething(boolean newFlag) {
// ...
Typically, you should design flags such that false
is a reasonable default.
That is why we are passing false
in the example from the existing method to the new one.
With Optional
you can wrap values to avoid a NullPointerException
However, it is not a good code-style to use Optional
for every parameter or result to express that it may be null.
For such case use JavaDoc (or consider @Nullable
or even better instead annotate @NotNull
where null
is not acceptable).
However, Optional
can be used to prevent NPEs in fluent calls (due to the lack of the elvis operator):
Long id;
id = fooCto.getBar().getBar().getId(); // may cause NPE
id = Optional.ofNullable(fooCto).map(FooCto::getBar).map(BarCto::getBar).map(BarEto::getId).orElse(null); // null-safe
Please avoid catching NullPointerException
// bad
try {
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
LOG.warning("foo was null");
Better explicitly check for null
// fine
Foo foo = null;
if (variable != null) {
foo = variable.getFoo();
if (foo == null) {
LOG.warning("foo was null");
} else {
Please note that the term Exception
is used for something exceptional.
Further creating an instance of an Exception
or Throable
in Java is expensive as the entire Strack has to be collected and copied into arrays, etc. causing significant overhead.
This should always be avoided in situations we can easily avoid with a simple if
Calling the same method (cascades) multiple times is redundant and reduces readability and performance:
// bad
Candidate candidate;
if (variable.getFoo().getFirst().getSize() > variable.getFoo().getSecond().getSize()) {
candidate = variable.getFoo().getFirst();
} else {
candidate = variable.getFoo().getSecond();
The method getFoo()
is used in 4 places and called 3 times. Maybe the method call is expensive?
// fine
Candidate candidate;
Foo foo = variable.getFoo();
Candidate first = foo.getFirst();
Candidate second = foo.getSecond();
if (first.getSize() > second.getSize()) {
candidate = first;
} else {
candidate = second;
Please note that your IDE can automatically refactor your code extracting all occurrences of the same method call within the method body to a local variable.
Encoding (esp. Unicode with combining characters and surrogates) is a complex topic. Please study this topic if you have to deal with encodings and processing of special characters. For the basics follow these recommendations:
Whenever possible prefer unicode (UTF-8 or better) as encoding.
Do not cast from
(unicode characters can be composed of multiple bytes, such cast may only work for ASCII characters) -
Never convert the case of a String using the default locale. E.g. if you do
and your system locale is Turkish, then the output will be "hı" instead of "hi", which can lead to wrong assumptions and serious problems. If you want to do a "universal" case conversion always explicitly use an according western locale (e.g.toLowerCase(Locale.US)
). Consider using a helper class (see e.g. CaseHelper) or create your own little static utility for that in your project. -
Write your code independent from the default encoding (system property
) - this will most likely differ in JUnit from production environment-
Always provide an encoding when you create a
:new String(bytes, encoding)
Always provide an encoding when you create a
:new InputStreamReader(inStream, encoding)
Avoid using byte[]
for BLOBs as this will load them entirely into your memory.
This will cause performance issues or out of memory errors.
Instead, use streams when dealing with BLOBs (InputStream
, OutputStream
, Reader
, Writer
When implementing logic as components or beans, we strongly encourage stateless programming.
This is not about data objects (e.g. JavaBeans) that are stateful by design.
Instead this applies to things like IdeContext
and all its related child-objects.
Such classes shall never be modified after initialization.
Methods called at runtime (after initialization) do not assign fields (member variables of your class) or mutate the object stored in a field.
This allows your component or bean to be stateless and thread-safe.
Therefore it can be initialized as a singleton so only one instance is created and shared accross all threads of the application.
Ideally all fields are declared final
otherwise be careful not to change them dynamically (except for lazy-initializations).
Here is an example:
public class GitHelperImpl implements GitHelper {
// bad
private boolean force;
public void gitPullOrClone(boolean force, Path target, String gitUrl) {
this.force = force;
if (Files.isDirectory(target.resolve(".git"))) {
} else {
gitClone(target, gitUrl);
private void gitClone(Path target, String gitUrl) { ... }
private void gitPull(Path target) { ... }
As you can see in the bad
code fields of the class are assigned at runtime.
Since IDEasy is not implementing a concurremt multi-user application this is not really critical.
However, it is best-practice to avoid this pattern and generally follow thread-safe programming as best-practice:
public class GitHelperImpl implements GitHelper {
// fine
public void gitPullOrClone(boolean force, Path target, String gitUrl) {
if (Files.isDirectory(target.resolve(".git"))) {
gitPull(force, target);
} else {
gitClone(force, target, gitUrl);
private void gitClone(boolean force, Path target, String gitUrl) { ... }
private void gitPull(boolean force, Path target) { ... }
Resources such as streams (InputStream
, OutputStream
, Reader
, Writer
) or generally speaking implementations of AutoClosable
need to be handled properly.
Therefore, it is important to follow these rules:
Each resource has to be closed properly, otherwise you will get out of file handles, TX sessions, memory leaks or the like.
Where possible avoid to deal with such resources manually.
In case you have to deal with resources manually (e.g. binary streams) ensure to close them properly via
pattern. See the example below for details.
Closing streams and other such resources is error prone. Have a look at the following example:
// bad
try {
InputStream in = new FileInputStream(file);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to read data.", e);
The code above is wrong as in case of an IOException
the InputStream
is not properly closed.
In a server application such mistakes can cause severe errors that typically will only occur in production.
As such resources implement the AutoCloseable
interface you can use the try-with-resource
syntax to write correct code.
The following code shows a correct version of the example:
// fine
try (InputStream in = new FileInputStream(file)) {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to read data.", e);
In Java curly braces for blocks can be omitted if there is only a single statement:
// bad
if (condition())
While this is not really wrong it can lead to problems e.g. when adding a statement:
// bad
if (condition())
Now, it gets hard to see that the last statement is always executed independent of the condition. Maybe that should actually go only to the else block as we can guess from the indentation. If you always use curly braces this cannot happen and the code is easier to read:
// fine
if (condition()) {
} else {
With Java8 you have cool new features like lambdas and monads like (Stream
, CompletableFuture
, Optional
, etc.).
However, these new features can also be misused or led to code that is hard to read or debug. To avoid pain, we give you the following best practices:
Learn how to use the new features properly before using. Developers are often keen on using cool new features. When you do your first experiments in your project code you will cause deep pain and might be ashamed afterwards. Please study the features properly. Even Java8 experts still write for loops to iterate over collections, so only use these features where it really makes sense.
Streams shall only be used in fluent API calls as a Stream can not be forked or reused.
Each stream has to have exactly one terminal operation.
Do not write multiple statements into lambda code:
// bad collection.stream().map(x -> { Foo foo = doSomething(x); ... return foo; }).collect(Collectors.toList());
This style makes the code hard to read and debug. Never do that! Instead, extract the lambda body to a private method with a meaningful name:
// fine collection.stream().map(this::convertToFoo).collect(Collectors.toList());
Do not use
in general code (that will run on server side) unless you know exactly what you are doing and what is going on under the hood. Some developers might think that using parallel streams is a good idea as it will make the code faster. However, if you want to do performance optimizations talk to your technical lead (architect). Many features such as security and transactions will rely on contextual information that is associated with the current thread. Hence, using parallel streams will most probably cause serious bugs. Only use them for standalone (CLI) applications or for code that is just processing large amounts of data. -
Do not perform operations on a sub-stream inside a lambda:
set.stream().flatMap(x -> x.getChildren().stream().filter(this::isSpecial)).collect(Collectors.toList()); // bad set.stream().flatMap(x -> x.getChildren().stream()).filter(this::isSpecial).collect(Collectors.toList()); // fine
Only use
at the end of the stream:set.stream().collect(Collectors.toList()).forEach(...) // bad set.stream().peek(...).collect(Collectors.toList()) // fine
Lambda parameters with Types inference
(String a, Float b, Byte[] c) -> a.toString() + Float.toString(b) + Arrays.toString(c) // bad (a,b,c) -> a.toString() + Float.toString(b) + Arrays.toString(c) // fine Collections.sort(personList, (Person p1, Person p2) -> p1.getSurName().compareTo(p2.getSurName())); // bad Collections.sort(personList, (p1, p2) -> p1.getSurName().compareTo(p2.getSurName())); // fine
Avoid Return Braces and Statement
a -> { return a.toString(); } // bad a -> a.toString(); // fine
Avoid Parentheses with Single Parameter
(a) -> a.toString(); // bad a -> a.toString(); // fine
Avoid if/else inside foreach method. Use Filter method & comprehension
// bad static public Iterator<String> TwitterHandles(Iterator<Author> authors, string company) { final List result = new ArrayList<String> (); foreach (Author a : authors) { if (a.Company.equals(company)) { String handle = a.TwitterHandle; if (handle != null) result.Add(handle); } } return result; }
// fine public List<String> twitterHandles(List<Author> authors, String company) { return authors.stream() .filter(a -> null != a && a.getCompany().equals(company)) .map(a -> a.getTwitterHandle()) .collect(toList()); }