Today's Progress: Cryptozombies Lesson 2 - Chapters 6-End;
Thoughts: Chapter 7 was confusing and I still don't necessarily understand difference uses of structs, arrays, vs mappings. But rest of Chapter was actually really fun an seeing how to call external contracts for data is a useful thing. Still don't understand web3.js. Also, maybe I'm crazy but the syntax consistently changes on pointing to memory/storage vs. setting variables in function. May whip through Chapter 2 again tomorrow to fully understand.
Today's Progress: Cryptozombies Lesson 2 - Chapters 1-5;
Thoughts: Mappings seem more efficient storage approach that structs/arrays; @erichdylus told me they were more gas efficient but required accurate nesting; msg.sender seems very useful and intuitive (Chapter 3); increasing uint value in functions makes sense in principle but seems awkward and likely causes issues if you forget to include a increase in a function dependant on uint value.
Today's Progress: Cryptozombies Lesson 1: complete redo of Lesson 1; Last time through Lesson 1 was 1+ months ago;
Thoughts: Still confused about "% modulus" syntax; overall Lesson 1 made much more sense on second attempt through (except the java Chapter).