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Chapter 1:

File metadata and controls

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Chapter 1: Tools

Here are some useful functions that will be needed later:

One function that is often needed is the ability to swap the values stored in two variables. This is quite simple – just use a third variable to temporarily hold one of the values, then reassign them.

Swap(a, b)
    temp = a
    a = b
    b = temp

Block swapping
Block swapping is a convenience function for swapping multiple sequential items in an array. So block swapping array[0] and array[10] with a block size of 5 would swap items 0-4 and 10-14.

BlockSwap(array, index1, index2, count)
    for (index = 0; index < count; index++)
        Swap(array[index1 + index], array[index2 + index])

To reverse the items in an array, simply swap the nth item with the (count - n)th item, until we reach the middle of the array.

Reverse(array, range)
    for (index = range.length/2 - 1; index >= 0; index--)
        Swap(array[range.start + index], array[range.end - index - 1])

Rotating an array involves shifting all of the items over some number of spaces, with items wrapping around to the other side as needed. So, for example, [0 1 2 3 4] might become [2 3 4 0 1] after rotating it by 2.

Rotations can be implemented as three reverse operations, like so:

Rotate(array, range, amount)
    Reverse(array, MakeRange(range.start, amount))
    Reverse(array, MakeRange(range.start + amount, range.end))
    Reverse(array, range)

Here's an example showing why and how this works:

1. we have [0 1 2 3 4] and we want [2 3 4 0 1] by rotating by 2
[0 1 2 3 4]

2. reverse the first two items
[1 0][2 3 4]

3. reverse the last three items
[1 0][4 3 2]

4. reverse the entire array
[2 3 4][0 1]

There's more to it than that (rotating in the other direction, rotating more spaces than the size of the array, etc.), but that's the general idea. See the code for the full implementation.

One important thing to note is that rotations can be applied to sections of an array, like so:

1. we start with this:
[0 1 2 3 4 5 6]

2. let's rotate [2 3 4] to the left one
[0 1 [2 3 4] 5 6]

3. all done; note that [0 1] and [5 6] are still the same
[0 1 [3 4 2] 5 6]

Linear search
Linear searching is nothing more than a simple loop through the items in an array, looking for the index that matches the value we want. This is an O(n) operation, meaning if there are n items in the array it has to check up to n items before it finds it.

LinearSearch(array, range, value)
    for (index = range.start; index < range.end; index++)
        if (array[index] == value)
            return index

Binary search
Binary searching works by checking the middle of the current range, and if the value is greater it checks the right side, and if the value is less it checks the left side. This repeats until there's only one item left. This is an O(log n) operation, which is much more efficient than linear searching, but it only works when the items in the array are in order. Fortunately since this is a sorting algorithm, there are many situations where items in an array will be in order!

This sorting algorithm uses two variants of the binary search, one for finding the first place to insert a value in order, and the other for finding the last place to insert the value. If the value does not yet exist in the array these two functions return the same index, but otherwise the last index will be greater.

BinaryFirst(array, range, value)
    start = range.start
    end = range.end
    while (start < end)
        mid = start + (end - start)/2
        if (array[mid] < value)
            start = mid + 1
            end = mid
    if (start == range.end && array[start] < value) start = start + 1
    return start

Finding the last place to insert a value is identical, except we use <=

BinaryLast(array, range, value)
    start = range.start
    end = range.end
    while (start < end)
        mid = start + (end - start)/2
        if (array[mid] <= value)
            start = mid + 1
            end = mid
    if (start == range.end && array[start] <= value) start = start + 1
    return start

Insertion sorting
Hey, we're getting close to actual sorting now! Unfortunately, insertion sort is an O(n^2) operation, which means it becomes incredibly inefficient for large arrays. However, for small arrays it is actually quite fast, and is therefore useful as part of a larger sorting algorithm.

InsertionSort(array, range)
    for (i = range.start + 1; i < range.end; i++)
        temp = array[i]
        for (j = i; j > range.start && array[j - 1] > temp; j--)
            array[j] = array[j - 1]
        array[j] = temp

Speaking of larger sorting algorithms, here's how merge sort works!