DAI: Hodl Rated DAI - A DAI token wrapper that benefits from the Dai Savings Rate (interest).
npm install --ignore-scripts
npm run compile
A build-cache
folder will be created in the root directory that contains both the solc input JSON and the output JSON. A generated
folder will also be created in the root directory that contains TypeScript interfaces to the contracts.
npm run compile
npm run start-ganache
npm run deploy
npm run compile
npm run test
npm run compile
npm run start-ganache # background, consider using VSCode task
npm run deploy
npx ts-node ./scripts/seed/seed-maker.ts
cd dapp
npm run build
npm run serve # consider background, consider using VSCode task
cd dapp
# start IPFS daemon inside a docker container (note: this step will leave IPFS running, you won't need to repeat in the future)
docker container run -d --restart=on-failure --name ipfs --mount 'type=volume,source=ipfs-export,dst=/export' --mount 'type=volume,source=ipfs,dst=/data/ipfs' -p 4001:4001 -p 8080:8080 ipfs/go-ipfs
# build the project inside a docker container (controlled environment)
docker image build --tag dai-hrd-ipfs-deployer .
# copy the files to IPFS volume
docker container run --rm -it --mount 'type=volume,source=ipfs-export,dst=/export' dai-hrd-ipfs-deployer
# hash and pin the files in running IPFS instance
docker container exec -it ipfs ipfs add --recursive --pin=true /export/dai-hrd