Gradle plugin for maintaining Torch Loader API. Many parts of code were taken from its legacy predecessor, which was abandoned, due to problems found in code and rewrite was recommended.
It's currently Usage how to install the plugin
Though TorchLoader is mainly used for mod development, it also supports decompiling Minecraft's source code to your
projects directory, meaning full access to its source code(Don't forget, that redistribution of that code is violation
of EULA).
First we need to add it into dependencies, to do so, open settings.gradle.kts
file and add following lines before
anything else:
pluginManagement {
repositories {
// This will add gradlePluginPortal as repository, this is where torchloader plugin is stored at
Next, we add following lines to import TorchLoader plugin into gradle:
// build.gradle.kts
plugins {
id("lol.koblizek.torch-loader") version("version to use") // Version will be in our case, the latest one from releases page
Now we need to reload the project. Once that is done we can specify all the things we want:
// build.gradle.kts
minecraft {
version = "1.19.2"
mappings = "yarn"
// Only if developing client or api
development {
decompile = true // Decompiles game into source directory
Standard contributing rules apply, to test the plugin,
execute the publishing/publishToMavenLocal
task, which will release the plugin into your
local repository.
Project is licensed under standard MIT license