Releases: Kochava/Apple-SwiftPackage-KochavaCore
What's New in Version 6.0.0:
• Converted module from Objective-C to Swift.
• Updated internal documentation for DocC.
• Advanced Xcode build version from 12.4 to 13.3.1.
• Miscellaneous improvements to performance and stability.
Built on: Xcode 13.3.1
Minimum Deployment Target Versions: iOS 10.3, macOS 10.14, tvOS 10.2, watchOS 3.2
What's New in Version 5.1.1:
• Added support to KVALog to optionally print lines individually.
• Added support to KVALog to optionally print a line prefix.
• Corrected an issue related to SDK background network request rate control.
• Miscellaneous improvements to performance and stability.
Built on: Xcode 12.4
Minimum Deployment Target Versions: iOS 10.3, macOS 10.14, tvOS 10.2, watchOS 3.2
What's New in Version 5.1.0:
• Enhanced sleep support in the area of command and control.
• Corrected an issue with the reporting of the SDK version on Xcode 13.0.
• Miscellaneous improvements to performance and stability.
Built on: Xcode 12.4
Minimum Deployment Target Versions: iOS 10.3, macOS 10.14, tvOS 10.2, watchOS 3.2
What's New in Version 5.0.0:
• Improved the responsiveness of time-sensitive network transactions by using a network service type of responsiveData.
• Added APIs for shutdown which have optional completion handlers.
• Added KVALog.shared.osLogEnabledBool. When set to false, log messages will use NSLog and Swift print. This may enable logging in certain environments.
• Corrected some potential warnings about xcframeworks being unsafe for app extensions.
• Corrected issues arising from the timing of module registration and frequency of start() calls.
• Miscellaneous improvements to performance and stability.
Built on: Xcode 12.4
Minimum Deployment Target Versions: iOS 10.3, macOS 10.14, tvOS 10.2, watchOS 3.2
What's New in Version 4.8.0:
• Swift Canary. For the first time this release contains some pre-compiled swift code. This is to confirm our readiness to make a full internal migration from Objective-C to Swift. This version is otherwise considered equivalent to the previous release, version 4.7.0.
Built on: Xcode 12.4
Minimum Deployment Target Versions: iOS 10.3, macOS 10.14, tvOS 10.2, watchOS 3.2
What's New in Version 4.7.0:
• Miscellaneous improvements to performance and stability.
Built on: Xcode 12.4
Minimum Deployment Target Versions: iOS 10.3, macOS 10.14, tvOS 10.2, watchOS 3.2
What's New in Version 4.6.1:
• Corrected an issue within the XCFrameworks in which the symlinks utilized with macOS and macCatalyst were not being preserved.
Built on: Xcode 12.4
Minimum Deployment Target Versions: iOS 10.3, macOS 10.14, tvOS 10.2, watchOS 3.2
What's New in Version 4.6.0:
• Added the ability to automatically register all known optional products.
• Added log message which is printed when KVACoreProduct is registered.
• Miscellaneous improvements to performance and stability.
Built on: Xcode 12.4
Minimum Deployment Target Versions: iOS 10.3, macOS 10.14, tvOS 10.2, watchOS 3.2
What's New in Version 4.5.0:
• Implemented work around to prevent the Google Firebase Performance SDK from adversely impacting the Kochava SDK.
• Miscellaneous improvements to performance and stability.
Built on: Xcode 12.4
Minimum Deployment Target Versions: iOS 10.3, macOS 10.14, tvOS 10.2, watchOS 3.2
What's New in Version 4.4.0:
• Added support to back off of sending network requests on a per-url group basis when errors are occurring.
• Miscellaneous improvements to performance and stability.
Built on: Xcode 12.4
Minimum Deployment Target Versions: iOS 10.3, macOS 10.14, tvOS 10.2, watchOS 3.2