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Jolan Rensen edited this page Jun 20, 2022 · 12 revisions

API specification


  • A (xor)
    • udf to just create a (vararg) UDF
    • udaf to just create a UDAF
    • udafUnnamed to create an unnamed UDAF (for when udaf fails to get a name from the Aggregator)
    • udf.register to immediately create and register a (vararg) UDF or UDAF. Requires B or requires C to be a NamedUserDefinedFunction, an Aggregator, or a (vararg) UDF / UDAF function reference.
  • B
    • name. A String. Optional unless registering an unnamed (vararg) UDF or UDAF. Provides (new) name for the (vararg) UDF or UDAF.
  • C (xor with E)
    • namedUdf. A NamedUserDefinedFunction(Vararg), requires A to be udaf.register (will provide name).
    • udf. A UserDefinedFunction(Vararg), requires A to be udaf.register and requires B (will provide name).
    • func. A UDF- or UDAF function reference (will provide name).
    • varargFunc. A vararg UDF function reference (will provide name).
    • agg. An Aggregator (can be created using aggregatorOf()) to create a UDAF (will provide name).
    • zero, reduce, merge, finish, Optional bufferEncoder, Optional outputEncoder. Creates UDAF in place instead of using agg (will provide name, "Aggregator" by default).
  • D
    • nondeterministic. A Boolean. Optional, defaults to false. Updates (vararg) UDF or UDAF to non-deterministic. For instance, for randomization.
  • E (xor with C)
    • func. An in-place UDF lambda.
    • varargFunc. An in-place vararg UDF lambda (= takes a single array as parameter).