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88 lines (62 loc) · 2.62 KB


A CLI tool for managing TOTP accounts. All accounts are stored in a local file that's encrypted with the provided password. If you don't provide the -p argument it will expect the password on stdin.

Running trotp without any arguments will run the TUI interface.

Lint and Test


cargo install trotp


trotp --help
TUI TOTP generator

Usage: trotp [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]

  add          Add a new account
  edit         Edit an existing account
  delete       Delete an account
  interactive  Run in interactive mode [default]
  check        Check an OTP
  dump         Dump the config file
  secret       Extract the TOTP Secret from a record
  serve        Start an HTTP Server
  help         Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -p, --password <PASSWORD>        The encryption password
  -s, --sqlite-path <SQLITE_PATH>  The sqlite filename [default: .totp.sqlite3]
  -a, --auto-lock-key              Automatically set the table lock key
  -h, --help                       Print help
  -V, --version                    Print version

Add accounts

trotp -p password add -a AccountName -s SecretToken -u Username -p Password123 -n Note

Delete an account

trotp -p password delete -a AccountName

Edit an account

trotp -p password edit -i 1 -a NewAccountName -s NewTOTPSecret -p NewPassword -n NewNote -u NewUserName

Check an OTP against a secret for a specific time within a range

trotp -p password check -t TokenSecretKey -o 123456 -s 2022-06-03T08:35:00+02:00 -r 10  

Start an HTTP REST server that will return an OTP from your accounts if a name is provided or generate one for a provided secret

trotp -p password serve

# Example using a secret for a once off TOTP
curl localhost:8080/JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP

curl localhost:8080/acc
{"account_name":"Account 1","code":"783196","expiry":30}

Key Bindings

User Interface

Global Key Bindings

Key Binding Action
/ Switch to insert mode
Esc Switch to normal mode
Tab Toggle password mode
Down Select next account
Up Select previous account
Enter Copy OTP or Detail to clipboard
Ctrl-c Exit