four_dof_manipulator Simulation of 4 DoF Manipulator Project Information OS: Ubuntu 18.04 ROS distro: Melodic Additional Plugin: gazebo_grasp_fix How it works in your machine? $cd catkin_ws/src $git clone for MoveIt package $cd catkin_ws/ $catkin_make Simulation in RViz $roslaunch four_dof_manipulator display.launch Simulation in Gazebo $roslaunch four_dof_manipulator gazebo.launch Mainly there are three way to simulate manipulator 1- Publish command from terminal Controlling of arm: $rostopic pub /arm_controller/command trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectory '{joint_names: ["joint_1","joint_2","joint_3","joint_4"],points:[{positions: [0.98,0.83,-3.62,0.19],time_from_start:[1,0]}]}' -1 Controlling of hand: $rostopic pub /hand_controller/command trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectory '{joint_names: ["finger1","finger2"],points:[{positions: [0.2,-0.2],time_from_start:[1,0]}]}' -1 2- Run MoveIt and Gazebo together $roslaunch four_dof_manipulator all.launch 3- Run via Script $roslaunch four_dof_manipulator gazebo.launch or $roslaunch four_dof_manipulator all.launch then $rosrun four_dof_manipulator Final Simulation Project Members: Ali Aydın Küçükçöllü Batuhan Yalçınkaya Nurettin Uğur Alagaş