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236 lines (156 loc) · 9.93 KB

File metadata and controls

236 lines (156 loc) · 9.93 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

[0.2.3] 2024-11-21


  • conversations summary extraction pipeline
  • docs and tests for init command
  • docs and tests for automated-import command
  • option '--by' for periodic sampling along with doc and tests


  • does not fail anymore when annotations are missing their merged_from set
  • audio conversions in basic and standard now always include conversion filename and edit the file properly

[0.2.2] 2024-06-26


  • added the automated-import command to more easily import automated annotations covering the entire recording

[0.2.1] 2024-06-25


  • added the init command: initiate a new dataset

[0.2.0] 2024-06-03


  • migrated the project to a pyproject.toml implementation


  • eaf_builder replicating the subtree structure of recordings is not happening anymore. And individual files are not placed in individual subfolder anymore
  • child-project overview now correctly displays the amount of audio
  • audio duration in overview now works!

[0.1.2] 2024-03-14


  • add the derived annotation pipeline
  • audio conversion has now a 'standard' conversion pipeline that will convert files to mono channel 16kHz pcm_s16le (no need to convert channels and then sampling rate and no need to know the options)
  • add the simple_CTC metric to the list of available metrics


  • the output of the CLI in the terminal is now handled by the logger module and not by print statements
  • validating a dataset now results in warnings for broken symlinks and no errors anymore (#425)
  • validation with recordings existing but for which mediainfo can't read the sample rate no longer fail but outputs a warning.
  • recording_device_type in recordings.csv now accepts izyrec
  • rework of the list of available metrics functions: now has a absolute value and per_hour decorator, and a peak_ option


  • zooniverse chunks upload was failing if the dataset column was missing in the csv
  • eaf_builder with speaker_id NA no longer fails (#438)
  • name of files in rttm that contain only digits in their name now work correctly with the filter ($457)
  • periodic sampler having extra NA rows when using explode

[0.1.1] 2023-05-11


  • validation of the annotation index checks for annotation period outside of audio duration


  • ignore_discarded is now the default behaviour of childproject projects, robustness was added to the discard column
  • annotation index validation and annotation importation now checks for the range_offset being greater than duration and oiutputs an error when it is the case
  • projects now check for unicity of the experiment column in children and recording csv, read() fails when not unique
  • zooniverse uploads : uploads extra metadata to zooniverse (name of the audio clip, dataset it belongs to)
  • zooniverse uploads : the subject_set id is stored in the chunk csv file, as the subject_set name (display name) is susceptible to change
  • zooniverse uploads : the upload now handles SIGINT and SIGTERM signals to save progression of the upload to the csv before exiting (useful when a job needs to be interrupted
  • allow once again get_within_time_range to take str arguments as times
  • add arguments to choose the format of compute_ages project method


  • discard column in recordings.csv and children.csv now works properly
  • metrics pipeline now checks the converted name for unicity even if a specific name was given
  • rename set also renames the merged_from column
  • rename set accepts subsets location without failing

[0.1.0] 2023-02-20


  • Windows automated tests (some functions were edited to be windows compatible). TO REMEMBER: type int in windows default to int32 instead of int64, can lead to big int turned into negative values
  • Check calculated ages during corpus validation


  • pandas version restricted to avoid errors of future releases , (1.1.0 (assert_frame_equal check_less_precise) to 1.5.0 (last checked version))
  • no usage of sox command anymore, remove sox dependency
  • merging annotations now sets the format to 'NA' instead of a blank value.


  • replace exit() with raise ValueError() to comply with Exception propagation (metrics pipeline)
  • fixed ignore-errors in zooniverse upload_chunks
  • fixed calculate_shift to correctly reshape to single channel

0.0.7 2022-09-14


  • missing column merged_from in annotations.csv does not fail anymore

0.0.6 2022-09-13


  • Start times can include seconds (e.g. 12:34:59) while still accepting the old format (This change will allow other columns to accept multiple formats easily).
  • child-project --version command
  • merge_sets in AnnotationManager method now accepts arguments [full_set_merge,skip_existing,recording_filter] to carry out partial merges
  • child-project metrics added the --segments command to extract metrics from a dataFrame of segments
  • metrics <voc_speaker> <lena_CTC> and <lena_CVC>


  • metrics pipeline's options --from --to require a HH:MM:SS format now.
  • merge-annotations command fails when the output_set already exists or if the required sets don't exist


  • eafbuilder attributes a default time-aligneable ling-type to created tiers to avoid random attribution that can lead to wrong behaviour and crashes
  • 'imported_at' column in annotations.csv did not have a new correct format (in a set)
  • metrics avg_cry_... avg_can_... and avg_non_can_... were not calculated correctly
  • metrics lp_n lp_dur use lena columns in priority
  • metrics lena-CTC and lena-CVC are added correctly and added to the output of the lena pipeline
  • praat-parselmouth is now in the setup file so the dependency get installed automatically by conda


  • child-project process --split --split option dropped as there is no further need of reducing long audios (>15hs)

0.0.5 - 2022-07-25


  • --spectrogram option in the zooniverse extract-chunks pipeline to generate an image of a spectrogram that will help citizen-scientists with the classification on zooniverse.
  • child-project compare-recordings command added to allow users to prin a divergence score. This will help identify audio files that are just duplicates of others (and possibily have different codecs/sampling rate/number of channels)
  • --import-speech-from command added to the eaf builder to integrate previous annotations to the eaf file (e.g. VTC segments) to facilitate annotation process


  • metrics pipeline, reworked to be more flexible. Performance hit with it.
    • Old pipelines still exist
    • new usage of --period option on every pipeline and for eveery metric.
    • Usage of a csv file to specify the list of metrics wanted
    • Ease of adding new metrics to the supported list
    • Outputs a yml parameter file that can be reused to compute the same metrics and keep a trace of what was run.
  • changes to standard annotation value (addressee, vcm_type etc)


  • importation of empty file now correctly generates an empty converted file
  • --period option correctly works with other units than recording_filename


  • Support for python 3.6

0.0.4 - 2022-02-02


  • Conversation sampler
  • get_within_ranges function to retrieve all annotations that match the desired portions of the recordings
  • --import-speech-from option for the EAF annotation builder to pre-fill annotations based on any previously imported set of annotations
  • compute_ages function to compute the age of the subject child for each recording
  • lena_speaker for the LENA its converter
  • lena_speaker aggregated metrics for the LenaMetrics pipeline
  • Improved AclewMetrics and LenaMetrics performance
  • Improved error handling (dataframes sanity checks)


  • More flexible high-volubility sampler


  • Fixed pipelines crashes in presence of NA values in recording_filename
  • RandomVocalizationSampler crash fix

0.0.3 - 2021-10-06


  • Fixed exceptions thrown by child-project CLI

0.0.2 - 2021-09-29


  • CSV importer to register pre-exisiting CSV annotations into the index without performing any conversion
  • Enable Zooniverse pipeline's retrieve-classifications to match classifications to the original chunks metadata
  • get_within_time_range method to clip a list of annotations within a given time-range
  • get_segments_timestamps method to calculate the onset and offset timestamps of each segment from an annotation
  • --from-time/--to-time option for metrics extraction
  • Time-unit aggregated metrics, supporting custom time periods.
  • optional --recordings option to apply the audio processors to specific recordings only
  • allow child-project validate to check custom recordings profiles and/or annotation sets
  • --ignore-errors switch for Zooniverse pipeline's upload-chunks
  • enforce_dtypes option for ChildProject in order to enforce the dtype of certain metadata columns (e.g. session_id, child_id) to their expected dtype


  • Fixed skip-existing argument of the basic audio processor
  • Fixed a crash-bug that occured while extracting metrics from recordings with no FEM/MAL/CHI/OCH segment
  • Made pyannote-agreement an optional dependency
  • Added dependency constraints to fix some installation issues.

0.0.1 - 2021-07-14


  • First proper release of the package.