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split pFBA into CT and easy-modeling part
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exaexa committed Dec 9, 2023
1 parent 3d821fe commit 48cbc6e
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Showing 5 changed files with 133 additions and 135 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/src/examples/03-qp-problems.jl
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Expand Up @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ model = A.load(J.JSONFBCModel, "e_coli_core.json") # load the model

# Use the convenience function to run standard pFBA

vt = X.parsimonious_flux_balance(model, Clarabel.Optimizer)
vt = X.parsimonious_flux_balance(model, Clarabel.Optimizer; modifications = [X.silence])

# Or use the piping functionality

Expand Down
62 changes: 34 additions & 28 deletions src/analysis/flux_balance.jl
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@@ -1,34 +1,40 @@
Run flux balance analysis (FBA) on the `model`, optionally specifying
`modifications` to the problem. Basically, FBA solves this optimization
max cᵀx
s.t. S x = b
xₗ ≤ x ≤ xᵤ
See "Orth, J., Thiele, I. & Palsson, B. What is flux balance analysis?. Nat
Biotechnol 28, 245-248 (2010)." for more
The `optimizer` must be set to a `JuMP`-compatible optimizer, such as
`GLPK.Optimizer` or `Tulip.Optimizer`.
Optionally, you may specify one or more modifications to be applied to the model
before the analysis, such as [`set_objective_sense`](@ref),
[`set_optimizer`](@ref), [`set_optimizer_attribute`](@ref), and
Returns a tree with the optimization solution of the same shape as the model
defined by [`fbc_model_constraints`](@ref).
# Example
model = load_model("e_coli_core.json")
solution = flux_balance(model, GLPK.optimizer)
Make an JuMP model out of `constraints` using [`optimization_model`](@ref)
(most arguments are forwarded there), then apply the `modifications`, optimize
the model, and return either `nothing` if the optimization failed, or `output`
substituted with the solved values (`output` defaults to `constraints`.
For a "nice" version for simpler finding of metabolic model optima, use
function optimized_constraints(
modifications = [],
output = constraints,
om = optimization_model(constraints, args...; kwargs...)
for m in modifications
is_solved(om) ? C.constraint_values(output, J.value.(om[:x])) : nothing

export optimized_constraints

Compute an optimal objective-optimizing solution of the given `model`.
Most arguments are forwarded to [`optimized_constraints`](@ref).
Returns a tree with the optimization solution of the same shape as
given by [`fbc_model_constraints`](@ref).
function flux_balance(model::A.AbstractFBCModel, optimizer; kwargs...)
constraints = fbc_model_constraints(model)
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171 changes: 95 additions & 76 deletions src/analysis/parsimonious_flux_balance.jl
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@@ -1,92 +1,111 @@

Run parsimonious flux balance analysis (pFBA) on the `model`. In short, pFBA
runs two consecutive optimization problems. The first is traditional FBA:
max cᵀx = μ
s.t. S x = b
xₗ ≤ x ≤ xᵤ
And the second is a quadratic optimization problem:
min Σᵢ xᵢ²
s.t. S x = b
xₗ ≤ x ≤ xᵤ
μ = μ⁰
Where the optimal solution of the FBA problem, μ⁰, has been added as an
additional constraint. See "Lewis, Nathan E, Hixson, Kim K, Conrad, Tom M,
Lerman, Joshua A, Charusanti, Pep, Polpitiya, Ashoka D, Adkins, Joshua N,
Schramm, Gunnar, Purvine, Samuel O, Lopez-Ferrer, Daniel, Weitz, Karl K, Eils,
Roland, König, Rainer, Smith, Richard D, Palsson, Bernhard Ø, (2010) Omic data
from evolved E. coli are consistent with computed optimal growth from
genome-scale models. Molecular Systems Biology, 6. 390. doi:
accession:10.1038/msb.2010.47" for more details.
pFBA gets the model optimum by standard FBA (using
[`flux_balance`](@ref) with `optimizer` and `modifications`), then
finds a minimal total flux through the model that still satisfies the (slightly
relaxed) optimum. This is done using a quadratic problem optimizer. If the
original optimizer does not support quadratic optimization, it can be changed
using the callback in `qp_modifications`, which are applied after the FBA. See
the documentation of [`flux_balance`](@ref) for usage examples of
The optimum relaxation sequence can be specified in `relax` parameter, it
defaults to multiplicative range of `[1.0, 0.999999, ..., 0.99]` of the original
Returns an optimized model that contains the pFBA solution (or an unsolved model
if something went wrong).
# Performance
This implementation attempts to save time by executing all pFBA steps on a
single instance of the optimization model problem, trading off possible
flexibility. For slightly less performant but much more flexible use, one can
construct parsimonious models directly using
# Example
model = load_model("e_coli_core.json")
parsimonious_flux_balance(model, biomass, Gurobi.Optimizer) |> values_vec
Optimize the system of `constraints` to get the optimal `objective` value. Then
try to find a "parsimonious" solution with the same `objective` value, which
optimizes the `parsimonious_objective` (possibly also switching optimization
sense, optimizer, and adding more modifications).
For efficiency, everything is performed on a single instance of JuMP model.
A simpler version suitable for direct work with metabolic models is available
in [`parsimonious_flux_balance`](@ref).
function parsimonious_flux_balance(
function parsimonious_optimized_constraints(
modifications = [],
qp_modifications = [],
relax_bounds = [1.0, 0.999999, 0.99999, 0.9999, 0.999, 0.99],
parsimonious_optimizer = nothing,
parsimonious_sense = J.MIN_SENSE,
parsimonious_modifications = [],
tolerances = [absolute_tolerance_bound(0)],
output = constraints,
# Run FBA
opt_model = flux_balance(model, optimizer; modifications)
J.is_solved(opt_model) || return nothing # FBA failed

# get the objective
Z = J.objective_value(opt_model)
original_objective = J.objective_function(opt_model)
# first solve the optimization problem with the original objective
om = optimization_model(constraints, args...; kwargs...)
for m in modifications
is_solved(om) || return nothing

target_objective_value = J.objective_value(om)

# prepare the model for pFBA
for mod in qp_modifications
mod(model, opt_model)
# switch to parsimonizing the solution w.r.t. to the objective value
isnothing(parsimonious_optimizer) || J.set_optimizer(om, parsimonious_optimizer)
for m in parsimonious_modifications

# add the minimization constraint for total flux
v = opt_model[:x] # fluxes
J.@objective(opt_model, Min, sum(dot(v, v)))
J.@objective(om, J.MIN_SENSE, C.substitute(parsimonious_objective, om[:x]))

for rb in relax_bounds
# lb, ub = objective_bounds(rb)(Z)
J.@constraint(opt_model, pfba_constraint, lb <= original_objective <= ub)
# try all admissible tolerances
for tolerance in tolerances
(lb, ub) = tolerance(target_objective_value)
lb <= C.substitute(objective, om[:x]) <= ub

J.is_solved(opt_model) && break
is_solved(om) && return C.constraint_values(output, J.value.(om[:x]))

J.delete(opt_model, pfba_constraint)
J.unregister(opt_model, :pfba_constraint)
J.delete(om, pfba_tolerance_constraint)
J.unregister(om, :pfba_tolerance_constraint)

# all tolerances failed
return nothing

export parsimonious_optimized_constraints

Compute a parsimonious flux solution for the given `model`. In short, the
objective value of the parsimonious solution should be the same as the one from
[`flux_balance`](@ref), except the squared sum of reaction fluxes is minimized.
If there are multiple possible fluxes that achieve a given objective value,
parsimonious flux thus represents the "minimum energy" one, thus arguably more
Most arguments are forwarded to [`parsimonious_optimized_constraints`](@ref),
with some (objectives) filled in automatically to fit the common processing of
FBC models, and some (`tolerances`) provided with more practical defaults.
Similarly to the [`flux_balance`](@ref), returns a tree with the optimization
solutions of the shape as given by [`fbc_model_constraints`](@ref).
function parsimonious_flux_balance(
tolerances = relative_tolerance_bound.(1 .- [0, 1e-6, 1e-5, 1e-4, 1e-3, 1e-2]),
constraints = fbc_model_constraints(model)
objective = constraints.objective.value,
parsimonious_objective = squared_sum_objective(constraints.fluxes),

Pipe-able variant of [`parsimonious_flux_balance`](@ref).
parsimonious_flux_balance(optimizer; kwargs...) =
model -> parsimonious_flux_balance(model, optimizer; kwargs...)

export parsimonious_flux_balance
8 changes: 3 additions & 5 deletions src/builders/objectives.jl
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Expand Up @@ -13,9 +13,7 @@ $(TYPEDSIGNATURES)
squared_sum_error_objective(constraints::C.ConstraintTree, target::Dict{Symbol,Float64}) =
(C.value(c) - target[k]) * (C.value(c) - target[k]) for
(k, c) in constraints if haskey(target, k)
(C.squared(C.value(c) - target[k]) for (k, c) in constraints if haskey(target, k)),
init = zero(C.LinearValue),
25 changes: 0 additions & 25 deletions src/solver.jl
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Expand Up @@ -47,28 +47,3 @@ is_solved(opt_model::J.Model) =
J.termination_status(opt_model) in [J.MOI.OPTIMAL, J.MOI.LOCALLY_SOLVED]

export is_solved

Make an JuMP model out of `constraints` using [`optimization_model`](@ref)
(most arguments are forwarded there), then apply the modifications, optimize
the model, and return either `nothing` if the optimization failed, or `output`
substituted with the solved values (`output` defaults to `constraints`.
function optimized_constraints(
modifications = [],
output = constraints,
om = optimization_model(constraints, args...; kwargs...)
for m in modifications
is_solved(om) ? C.constraint_values(output, J.value.(om[:x])) : nothing

export optimized_constraints

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