- Fix warning caused by using the 'u' regex modifier, which is no longer supported.
- Fix list formatter.
- Fix bug in Shared::Caser raising error when titlecasing Japanese text.
- Address several more Ruby 2.4 deprecation warnings.
- Upgrade to RSpec 3, drop rr mocking library.
- Add support for Ruby 2.4.
- Add support for the Slovenian locale (sl).
- Fix parent locale fallbacks (#202).
- Pass along locale when formatting currencies (#203).
- Add support for Tibetan (bo).
- Import a bunch of missing transform rules added in CLDR v27-29.
- Refactor importers, introduce add_locale rake task.
- Upgrade to Unicode v8.0.0, CLDR v29, and ICU 57.1.
- Add support for fields.
- Update plural rules with several bug fixes.
- Add support for hyphenation (uses LibreOffice/Hunspell data).
- Add support for transliteration.
- Override South Korean postal code format, which changed recently.
- Only add JSON as a dependency if running under Ruby < 2 (#191).
- Add units support, eg. "12 degrees Celsius", etc.
- Added
convenience method to LocalizedSymbol (@Anthony-Gaudino). - Improved documentation for world territories (@Anthony-Gaudino).
- Fixed issues with Unicode regular expressions
- Unicode properties not recognized correctly
- Unicode properties not unioned correctly when placed side-by-side
- Inverted unicode properties not unioned correctly
- Leading dashes in character classes now treated as literals instead of as denoting a range
- Fix units for Gujarati, Kannada, Marathi
- Add Gujarati, Kannada, Marathi
- Add 'short' as a valid weekday names form in Shared::Calendar.
- Fixed an issue with single quotes appearing in dates formatting.
- Added support for locale codes that have region code in lower case.
- Fixed time zone formatting for DateTime objects.
- Updated resources from CLDR v26 (except the collation data).
- Added support for ordinal plurals.
- Added PostalCodes#find_all method.
- Added negative numbers abbreviation.
- Fixed pluralization for abbreviated numbers.
- Fixed pluralization rules by not merging 'en' rules into every locale.
- Adding Date back in as a localizable object.
- Fixing date and time formatting issue where calling
on an instance ofLocalizedDate
could raise an error.
- Fixing issue causing extraneous single quotes to appear in formatted dates and times.
- Territories containment support.
- Add en-150 and es-419 locales.
- Fixed short numbers formatting for ru and other locales that use patterns with literal periods.
- Fixed short numbers formatting for ja, ko, af, and a few other locales.
- Added more locales: de-CH, en-AU, en-CA, en-GB, en-IE, en-SG, en-ZA, es-CO, es-MX, es-US, fr-BE, fr-CA, fr-CH, it-CH.
- Rubinius support.
- Adding ability to generate sample postal codes from their regexes.
- Fixing abbreviated timespan formats for en-GB (backport from 2.4.3).
- Adding maximum_level option to SortKeyBuilder to limit the size of collation sort keys (@jrochkind).
- Significant performance enhancements for normalization via the eprun gem.
- Adding the rule-based number formatters (123 becomes "one hundred twenty-three").
- Major overhaul of most formatters, now using data readers to encapsulate format options and read pattern data.
- Adding support for different numbering systems (eg. arab, latn, etc), number formatter updated accordingly.
- Partial upgrade to CLDR v24 (missing units).
- Support for simple/full/Turkic casefolding. Upper/lowercasing support still needed.
- Support for Unicode regular expressions. Requires oniguruma for use in Ruby 1.8.
- Text segmentation by sentence (word and line support coming soon).
- Executable README.
- Fixing abbreviated timespan formats for en-GB.
- Fixing non-quoted symbol error in en-GB plural resource file.
- Upgrade to CLDR v23.1, ICU4J 51.2.
- Adding en-GB locale (British English).
- Partial support for Ruby 2.0 (yaml no longer breaks, may not dump correctly).
- Upgrade to CLDR v23.
- Ability to disable loading of any custom locale resources.
- Long and short decimal formatters now respect the :precision option.
- Adding timezone support to date/time formatting.
- Removing the localize method from Date objects. Call to_date on a LocalizedDateTime or LocalizedTime object instead.
- Relaxing JSON dependency to give users more version flexibility. JSON gem now has no version number in twitter-cldr-rb.
- Modified AdditionalDateFormatSelector to return the correct format on exact format match.
- Significant performance improvements (memoization, resource preloading).
- Number parsing.
- Custom Hebrew units (thanks @yarons!)
- Icelandic and Croatian support.
- Global locale setter and fallbacks.
- Support for territories from CLDR.
- Added support for Vietnamese.
- Fixed bug for additional date formats that was causing the wrong format to be returned.
- Added locales ga, ta, gl, cy, sr, bg, ku, ro, lv, be, sq, sk, and bn.
- Added additional date formats.
- Upgraded to CLDR 22.1.
- Imported currency symbols and formatting rules from CLDR.
- Added support for short/long numbers (eg. 1M for 1,000,000).
- Improved RCov/Simplecov support.
- Added custom Hungarian plurals rule.
- Added support for approximate timespans (relative times).
- Locale resources now exported without Unicode escape sequences.
- Included Unicode-safe YAML dumping support via an adaptation of the ya2yaml gem.
- Implemented the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm to help reorder mixed right-to-left and left-to-right text.
- Added list formatting support.
- Improved, more accurate Finnish and Chinese collation support.
- Moved JavaScript build environment to twitter-cldr-js.
- Added support for language code conversion.
methods (eg. for Hash, String, etc) now dynamically generated, part of theTwitterCldr::Localized
namespace.- New convenience method
- Wrote rake tasks to update CLDR and ICU resources.
- All resource files now written with symbolized keys so the gem doesn't have to recursively symbolize them on load.
- Unicode code points now represented internally with integers instead of strings for better performance.
- Added number formatting in JavaScript.
- Added telephone code lookup functionality (per country) and postal code validation.
- Collation tries now loaded from marshal dumps, collation running time improved by ~80%.
- Added case-first collation element tailoring support for languages like Danish.
- Included a missing development dependency (ruby_parser).
- Added locale-aware collation via fractional collation element tailoring.
- Added #sort and #sort! methods to LocalizedArray.
- Added JavaScript relative time functionality, eg. "2 seconds ago".
- Added collation (sorting) support via the Unicode Collation Algorithm.
- Added Catalan, Basque, Greek, Afrikaans, Ukrainian, and Czech support along with calendar fixes for existing locales.
- DateTimeTokenizer now falls back on English if the given locale isn't supported.
- Added ability to use NFC and NFKC in core_ext/string
- Added NFC and NFKC algorithms.
- Refactored Shared::UnicodeData::Attributes into Shared::CodePoint.
- Added relative time functionality, eg. "2 seconds ago".
- Reorganized locale resources.
- Added explicit specs for examples in the README.
- ArgumentError now raised if a resource can't be found.
- Fixed behavior of the :precision option for number formatting.
- Updated CLDR data to v21 (http://cldr.unicode.org/index/downloads/cldr-21).
- Added support for localized arrays (i.e. arrays of Unicode code points).
- Added NFKD normalization algorithm.
- Formatter tokens now cached for better performance.
- Improvements to core extensions (Symbol, Date, etc).
- Added full normalization test from unicode.org.
- Autoload classes to improve performance.
- Plural support [@KL-7]
- Unicode data, decomposition [@timothyandrew]
- Fixed a US-ASCII bug that caused rake errors. This fix applies to both Ruby 1.8 and 1.9.
- Fixed a regexp error in a test function, as well as a tokenizer bug. All tests now pass.
- Added support for Travis, a distributed build platform.
- Look ma, I'm open source!
- Added functionality to gracefully fall back on default locale if chosen locale is unsupported.
- Added support for Arabic, Hebrew, Farsi, Thai, and Urdu.
- Added world language support.
- Localized dates, times, and datetimes can now be interchangeably converted to each other.
- Fixed a bug that would not allow lookup of resource data by string (only symbol).
- Added really basic plural support.
- Birthday!