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Merge pull request #657 from SkySkimmer/func-auto-prop-lower
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Adapt to coq/coq#19346 (ComInductive flags)
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gares authored Jul 14, 2024
2 parents 56b874c + ff443b1 commit 68e32cb
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Showing 3 changed files with 133 additions and 18 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions .github/workflows/main.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -43,6 +43,10 @@ jobs:
- run: opam repo add coq-dev
- run: opam install coq-core.${{ matrix.coq_version }}
- run: opam install coq-stdlib.${{ matrix.coq_version }}
- run: |
opam pin add coq-core ${{ matrix.coq_version }}
opam pin add coq-stdlib ${{ matrix.coq_version }}
if: ${{ matrix.coq_version != 'dev' }}
- run: opam install ./coq-elpi.opam --deps-only --with-test -y
- run: opam exec make build
- run: opam exec make test
Expand Down
26 changes: 21 additions & 5 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2924,18 +2924,34 @@ let poly_cumul_udecl_variance_of_options state options =
Array.of_list variance

[%%if coq = "8.19"]
let comInductive_interp_mutual_inductive_constr env_ar_params sigma arity =
let comInductive_interp_mutual_inductive_constr env_ar_params sigma arity ~cumulative ~poly ~template ~finite =
let arityconcl =
match Reductionops.sort_of_arity env_ar_params sigma arity with
| exception Reduction.NotArity -> None
| s -> Some s in
ComInductive.interp_mutual_inductive_constr ~arityconcl:[arityconcl]
ComInductive.interp_mutual_inductive_constr ~arityconcl:[arityconcl] ~cumulative ~poly ~template ~finite
[%%elif coq = "8.20"]
let comInductive_interp_mutual_inductive_constr _ _ _ ~cumulative ~poly ~template ~finite =
ComInductive.interp_mutual_inductive_constr ~arities_explicit:[true] ~template_syntax:[SyntaxAllowsTemplatePoly] ~cumulative ~poly ~template ~finite
let comInductive_interp_mutual_inductive_constr _ _ _ ~cumulative ~poly ~template ~finite =
let flags = {
template = Some false;
auto_prop_lowering = false;
ComInductive.interp_mutual_inductive_constr ~arities_explicit:[true] ~template_syntax:[SyntaxAllowsTemplatePoly] ~flags

[%%if coq = "8.19"]
let comInductive_interp_mutual_inductive_constr_post (a,b,c) = [],a,b,c
let comInductive_interp_mutual_inductive_constr _ _ _ =
ComInductive.interp_mutual_inductive_constr ~arities_explicit:[true] ~template_syntax:[SyntaxAllowsTemplatePoly]
let comInductive_interp_mutual_inductive_constr_post x = x

let lp2inductive_entry ~depth coq_ctx constraints state t =

let lp2constr coq_ctx ~depth state t =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3039,7 +3055,7 @@ let lp2inductive_entry ~depth coq_ctx constraints state t =
Univ.Level.Set.union acc
(universes_of_term state t))
used (nuparams @ params) in
let sigma = restricted_sigma_of used state in
let sigma = restricted_sigma_of used state in

state, comInductive_interp_mutual_inductive_constr
env_ar_params sigma arity
Expand Down
121 changes: 108 additions & 13 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -231,9 +231,10 @@ let univpoly_of ~poly ~cumulative =
| true, false -> Poly
| false, _ -> Mono

[%%if coq = "8.19" || coq = "8.20"]
let of_coq_inductive_definition id =
let open Vernacentries.Preprocessed_Mind_decl in
let { flags; typing_flags; private_ind; uniform; inductives } = id in
let { flags; typing_flags; private_ind; uniform; inductives } = id in
if List.length inductives != 1 then nYI "mutual inductives";
let inductive = List.hd inductives in
let (((name),(parameters,non_uniform_parameters),arity,constructors),notations) = inductive in
Expand All @@ -255,6 +256,34 @@ let univpoly_of ~poly ~cumulative =
univpoly = univpoly_of ~poly ~cumulative
let of_coq_inductive_definition id =
let open Vernacentries.Preprocessed_Mind_decl in
let { flags; udecl; typing_flags; private_ind; uniform; inductives } = id in
if List.length inductives != 1 then nYI "mutual inductives";
let inductive = List.hd inductives in
let (((name),(parameters,non_uniform_parameters),arity,constructors),notations) = inductive in
if notations != [] then CErrors.user_err Pp.(str "notations not supported");
let name = [Names.Id.to_string name.CAst.v] in
let constructors = (function (Vernacexpr.(_,NoCoercion,NoInstance),c) -> c
| _ -> CErrors.user_err Pp.(str "coercion and instance flags not supported"))
constructors in
let { ComInductive.template; cumulative; poly; finite } = flags in
if template <> None then nYI "raw template polymorphic inductives";
if udecl <> None then nYI "raw universe polymorphic inductives with universe declaration";
finiteness = finite;
univpoly = univpoly_of ~poly ~cumulative

[%%if coq = "8.19" || coq = "8.20"]
let of_coq_record_definition id =
let open Vernacentries.Preprocessed_Mind_decl in
let { flags; primitive_proj; kind; records; } : record = id in
Expand All @@ -277,8 +306,32 @@ let univpoly_of ~poly ~cumulative =
constructor = Some idbuild;
fields = cfs;
univpoly = univpoly_of ~poly ~cumulative

let of_coq_record_definition id =
let open Vernacentries.Preprocessed_Mind_decl in
let { flags; udecl; primitive_proj; kind; records; } : record = id in
if List.length records != 1 then nYI "mutual inductives";
let open Record.Ast in
let { name; is_coercion; binders : Constrexpr.local_binder_expr list; cfs; idbuild; sort; default_inhabitant_id : Names.Id.t option; } = List.hd records in
if is_coercion = Vernacexpr.AddCoercion then CErrors.user_err Pp.(str "coercion flag not supported");
let name = [Names.Id.to_string name.CAst.v] in
let sort = sort |> (fun sort ->
match sort.CAst.v with
| Constrexpr.CSort s -> s
| _ -> CErrors.user_err ?loc:sort.CAst.loc Pp.(str "only explicits sorts are supported")) in
let { ComInductive.template; cumulative; poly; finite } = flags in
if template <> None then nYI "raw template polymorphic inductives";
if udecl <> None then nYI "raw universe polymorphic inductives with universe declaration";
parameters = binders;
constructor = Some idbuild;
fields = cfs;
univpoly = univpoly_of ~poly ~cumulative
let intern_record_decl glob_sign (it : raw_record_decl) = glob_sign, it

[%%if coq = "8.19"]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -996,6 +1049,15 @@ let handle_template_polymorphism = function
| Some false -> Some false
| Some true -> err Pp.(str "#[universes(template)] is not supported")

[%%if coq = "8.19" || coq = "8.20"]
let handle_template_polymorphism flags =
let open Vernacentries.Preprocessed_Mind_decl in
{ flags with template = handle_template_polymorphism flags.template }
let handle_template_polymorphism flags =
{ flags with ComInductive.template = handle_template_polymorphism flags.ComInductive.template }

let in_elpi_cmd_synterp ~depth ?calldepth state (x : Cmd.raw) =
let open Cmd in
match x with
Expand All @@ -1021,6 +1083,43 @@ let in_elpi_cmd_synterp ~depth ?calldepth state (x : Cmd.raw) =
| Term raw_term ->
state, E.mkApp trmc E.mkDiscard [], []

[%%if coq = "8.19" || coq = "8.20"]
let dest_rdecl raw_rdecl =
let open Vernacentries.Preprocessed_Mind_decl in
let { flags = ({ template; poly; cumulative; udecl; finite } as flags); primitive_proj; kind; records } = raw_rdecl in
flags, udecl, primitive_proj, kind, records
let interp_structure ~flags udecl kind ~primitive_proj x =
let open Vernacentries.Preprocessed_Mind_decl in
let { template; poly; cumulative; finite } = flags in
Record.interp_structure ~template udecl kind ~cumulative ~poly ~primitive_proj finite x
let dest_rdecl (raw_rdecl : Cmd.raw_record_decl) =
let open Vernacentries.Preprocessed_Mind_decl in
let { flags; udecl; primitive_proj; kind; records } = raw_rdecl in
flags, udecl, primitive_proj, kind, records
let interp_structure ~flags udecl kind ~primitive_proj x =
Record.interp_structure ~flags udecl kind ~primitive_proj x

[%%if coq = "8.19" || coq = "8.20"]
let dest_idecl raw_indt =
let open Vernacentries.Preprocessed_Mind_decl in
let { flags = ({ udecl } as flags); typing_flags; uniform; private_ind; inductives } = raw_indt in
flags, udecl, typing_flags, uniform, private_ind, inductives
let interp_mutual_inductive ~flags ~env ~uniform ~private_ind ?typing_flags ~udecl x =
let open Vernacentries.Preprocessed_Mind_decl in
let { template; poly; cumulative; finite } = flags in
ComInductive.interp_mutual_inductive ~env ~template ~cumulative ~poly ~uniform ~private_ind ?typing_flags udecl x finite
let dest_idecl raw_indt =
let open Vernacentries.Preprocessed_Mind_decl in
let { flags; udecl; typing_flags; uniform; private_ind; inductives } = raw_indt in
flags, udecl, typing_flags, uniform, private_ind, inductives
let interp_mutual_inductive ~flags ~env ~uniform ~private_ind ?typing_flags ~udecl x =
ComInductive.interp_mutual_inductive ~env ~flags ~uniform ~private_ind ?typing_flags udecl x

let in_elpi_cmd ~depth ?calldepth coq_ctx state ~raw (x : =
let open Cmd in
let hyps = [] in
Expand All @@ -1032,12 +1131,11 @@ let in_elpi_cmd ~depth ?calldepth coq_ctx state ~raw (x : =
let state, t = grecord2lp ~depth state glob_rdecl in
state, t, []
| RecordDecl (_ist,(glob_sign,raw_rdecl)) ->
let open Vernacentries.Preprocessed_Mind_decl in
let { flags = { template; poly; cumulative; udecl; finite }; primitive_proj; kind; records } = raw_rdecl in
let template = handle_template_polymorphism template in
let flags, udecl, primitive_proj, kind, records = dest_rdecl raw_rdecl in
let flags = handle_template_polymorphism flags in
(* Definitional type classes cannot be interpreted using this function (why?) *)
let kind = if kind = Vernacexpr.Class true then Vernacexpr.Class false else kind in
let e = Record.interp_structure ~template udecl kind ~cumulative ~poly ~primitive_proj finite records in
let e = interp_structure ~flags udecl kind ~primitive_proj records in
record_entry2lp ~depth coq_ctx E.no_constraints state ~loose_udecl:(udecl = None) e
| IndtDecl (_ist,(glob_sign,raw_indt)) when raw ->
let raw_indt = of_coq_inductive_definition raw_indt in
Expand All @@ -1046,15 +1144,12 @@ let in_elpi_cmd ~depth ?calldepth coq_ctx state ~raw (x : =
let state, t = ginductive2lp ~depth state glob_indt in
state, t, []
| IndtDecl (_ist,(glob_sign,raw_indt)) ->
let open Vernacentries.Preprocessed_Mind_decl in
let { flags = { template; poly; cumulative; udecl; finite }; typing_flags; uniform; private_ind; inductives } = raw_indt in
let template = handle_template_polymorphism template in
let flags, udecl, typing_flags, uniform, private_ind, inductives = dest_idecl raw_indt in
let flags = handle_template_polymorphism flags in
let e =
match inductives with
| [mind_w_not] ->
ComInductive.interp_mutual_inductive ~env:coq_ctx.env
~template ~cumulative ~poly ~uniform ~private_ind ?typing_flags
udecl [mind_w_not] finite
interp_mutual_inductive ~flags ~env:coq_ctx.env ~uniform ~private_ind ?typing_flags ~udecl [mind_w_not]
| _ -> nYI "(HOAS) mutual inductives"
inductive_entry2lp ~depth coq_ctx E.no_constraints state ~loose_udecl:(udecl = None) e
Expand Down

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