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[TC] local binders in evar scope during precompile + link.cs
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FissoreD committed Jul 30, 2024
1 parent ff98925 commit e2f9a2c
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Showing 8 changed files with 262 additions and 13 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions apps/tc/elpi/base.elpi
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -163,3 +163,8 @@ pred close-term-no-prune-ty i:(term -> list prop), i:term, o:list prop.
close-term-no-prune-ty (x\ []) _ [] :- !.
close-term-no-prune-ty (x\ [X x | Xs x]) Ty [@pi-decl `x` Ty x\ X x | Xs'] :- !,
close-term-no-prune-ty Xs Ty Xs'.

pred close-term-no-prune-fun i:(term -> list term), i:term, o:list term.
close-term-no-prune-fun (x\ []) _ [] :- !.
close-term-no-prune-fun (x\ [X x | Xs x]) Ty [fun _ Ty X | Xs'] :-
close-term-no-prune-fun Xs Ty Xs'.
29 changes: 24 additions & 5 deletions apps/tc/elpi/ho_compile.elpi
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,10 +24,15 @@ namespace tc {
decompile-term-aux (sort _ as T) L T' L :- !, copy T T', !.
decompile-term-aux (uvar as X) L X L :- !.
decompile-term-aux (primitive _ as X) L X L :- !.
decompile-term-aux (tc.coercion T S) (pr [X|Xs] L1) Y (pr Xs' L3) :- !,
name Y X S,
decompile-term-aux T (pr Xs L1) T' (pr Xs' L2),
P = Y T',
L3 = [P | L2].
decompile-term-aux (tc.canonical-projection T S _) (pr [X|Xs] L1) Y (pr Xs' L3) :- !,
name Y X S,
decompile-term-aux T (pr Xs L1) T' (pr Xs' L2),
P = coq.unify-eq Y T' ok,
P = Y T',
L3 = [P | L2].

decompile-term-aux (tc.maybe-eta-tm T S) (pr [X|XS] L1) Y (pr XS' [NL | L2]) :- !,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -124,6 +129,7 @@ namespace tc {
(pi t s r \ copy (tc.canonical-projection t s _) r :- !, copy t r, !) =>
(pi t s r \ copy ( t s) r :- !, copy t r, !) =>
(pi t s r \ copy (tc.maybe-llam-tm t s) r :- !, copy t r, !) =>
(pi t s r \ copy (tc.coercion t s) r :- !, copy t r, !) =>
std.assert! (copy A B) "[TC] clean-term error".

pred main
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -316,6 +322,8 @@ namespace tc {

% Type Var Cnt uvar-pair-list
pred make-pairs-aux i:term, i:term, o:list prop.
make-pairs-aux Ty (fun _ _ IBo) L' :- !,
pi x\ make-pairs-aux Ty (IBo x) (L x), close-prop-no-prune L L'.
make-pairs-aux (prod _ Ty Bo) V [pi x\ uvar-pair x Ty X' :- x == V, ! | L] :- !,
pi x\ make-pairs-aux (Bo x) X' L.
make-pairs-aux _ _ [].
Expand All @@ -335,11 +343,18 @@ namespace tc {

pred decompile-problematic-term i:term, i:list prop, o:term, o:list prop.
decompile-problematic-term (primitive _ as C) A C A :- !.

decompile-problematic-term (tc.maybe-eta-tm T S) L V [ V T' | L2] :-
prune V S, !, fold-map T L T' L2.

decompile-problematic-term ( T _) A T' A' :-
% there is no need to decompile T since no precompilation is done inside coercions
decompile-problematic-term (tc.coercion T S) L1 Y [ Y T|L1] :- !,
prune Y S.
% there is no need to decompile T since no precompilation is done inside CS
decompile-problematic-term (tc.canonical-projection T S _) L1 Y [ Y T|L1] :- !,
prune Y S.

decompile-problematic-term (tc.maybe-eta-tm T S) L V [ V T' | L2] :- !,
prune V S, fold-map T L T' L2.

decompile-problematic-term ( T _) A T' A' :- !,
fold-map T A T' A'.

decompile-problematic-term (tc.maybe-llam-tm (app [app[H|S] | NPF]) Sc) L Z [NL|L'] :- !,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -399,6 +414,10 @@ namespace tc {
build-eta-links-of-vars-aux Hd S L',
build-eta-links-of-vars Vars L'',
std.append L' L'' L.
build-eta-links-of-vars [fun _ Ty Bo|Vars] L :-
(pi x\ build-eta-links-of-vars [Bo x] (L' x), close-term-no-prune-ty L' Ty L''),
build-eta-links-of-vars Vars L''',
std.append L'' L''' L.

% Goal Goal' Links
Expand Down
34 changes: 34 additions & 0 deletions apps/tc/elpi/ho_link.elpi
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -130,6 +130,34 @@ namespace tc {

namespace cs {
pred cs i:term, i:term.
% TODO: suspend link on vars in T
cs V T :- var V, !, get-vars T Vars, declare_constraint (cs V T) [_, V | Vars].
cs T1 T2 :- coq.unify-eq T1 T2 ok.

% pred unify-rebinding-names i:list prop, i:list prop, i:term, i:term.
% unify-rebinding-names [] T1 [] T2 (unify-eq T1V T2) :- !, copy T1 T1V.
% unify-rebinding-names [N|NS] T1 [V|VS] T2 C :- !, copy N V => unify-rebinding-names NS T1 VS T2 C.
% unify-rebinding-names [] T1 VS T2 C :- !, unify-rebinding-names [] {coq.subst-prod VS T1} [] T2 C. % FIXME: reduction
% unify-rebinding-names [_|NS] (prod _ _ F) [] T2 C :- !, % FIXME: reduction
% assert! (pi x\ F x = F1) "restriction bug", unify-rebinding-names NS F1 [] T2 C.

pred unify-under-ctx i:list term, i:list term, i:term, i:term, i:term, i:term.
unify-under-ctx [] [] A B V1 V2 :- copy A A', copy V1 V1', !, coq.unify-eq A' B ok, !, V1' = V2.
unify-under-ctx [X|XS] [Y|YS] A B V1 V2:- (copy X Y :- !) => unify-under-ctx XS YS A B V1 V2.

% TODO: there could be two same variables suspended on non unifyable
% terms, this should be detected and raise a failure.
% An example of this is in test/canonical_struct.v
constraint cache def decl coq.unify-eq ?- solve-cs cs {
rule solve-cs \ (Ctx ?- cs A B) <=> (Ctx => coq.unify-eq A B ok).
rule (Ctx1 ?- cs (uvar A L1 as X) T1) \ (Ctx2 ?- cs (uvar A L2 as Y) T2) <=>
(Ctx2 => unify-under-ctx L1 L2 T1 T2 X Y).
rule \ solve-cs.

pred eta i:term, o:term.
eta A B :- eta.eta A B.

Expand All @@ -141,5 +169,11 @@ namespace tc {

pred solve-llam.
solve-llam :- declare_constraint solve-llam [_].

pred cs i:term, i:term.
cs A B :- cs.cs A B.

pred solve-cs.
solve-cs :- declare_constraint solve-cs [_].
14 changes: 11 additions & 3 deletions apps/tc/elpi/ho_precompile.elpi
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ namespace tc {
precompile-aux _ (pglobal _ _ as C) A C A :- !.
precompile-aux _ (sort _ as C) A C A :- !.
precompile-aux _ (primitive _ as C) A C A :- !.
precompile-aux _ T A (tc.coercion T Scope) (s A) :- T HD _, tc.coercion-unify HD, !, free-var Scope.
precompile-aux _ (app [global (const C) | _] as T) A (tc.canonical-projection T Scope N) (s A) :- coq.env.projection? C N, !, free-var Scope.
precompile-aux _ (app [primitive (proj P _) | _] as T) A (tc.canonical-projection T Scope 0) (s A) :- coq.env.primitive-projection? P _, !, free-var Scope.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -229,12 +230,20 @@ namespace tc {
precompile-aux (pglobal _ _ as C) A C A :- !.
precompile-aux (sort _ as C) A C A :- !.
precompile-aux (primitive _ as C) A C A :- !.

precompile-aux T A (tc.coercion T Scope) A :- T HD _, tc.coercion-unify HD, !, names Scope.
precompile-aux (app [global (const C) | _] as T) A (tc.canonical-projection T Scope N) A :-
coq.env.projection? C N, !, names Scope.
precompile-aux (app [primitive (proj P _) | _] as T) A (tc.canonical-projection T Scope 0) A :-
coq.env.primitive-projection? P _, !, names Scope.

% Detect maybe-eta term
precompile-aux (fun Name Ty B as T) N (tc.maybe-eta-tm (fun Name Ty' B') Scope) M :-
maybe-eta T, !,
names Scope,
(pi x\ precompile-aux (B x) N (B' x) M'),
std.assert! (pi x\ precompile-aux (B x) N (B' x) (MM x), close-term-no-prune-fun MM Ty M') "[TC] should not fail1",
precompile-aux Ty M' Ty' M.

% Detect maybe-beta term
Expand All @@ -244,10 +253,9 @@ namespace tc {
names Scope1,
std.fold-map NPF N precompile-aux NPF1 M.

% In the goal there are
precompile-aux (prod Name Ty B) N ( (prod Name Ty' B') (r-ar z MaxAr)) P :- !,
count-prod Ty MaxAr,
std.assert! (pi x\ precompile-aux (B x) N (B' x) M) "[TC] should not fail",
std.assert! (pi x\ precompile-aux (B x) N (B' x) (MM x), close-term-no-prune-fun MM Ty M) "[TC] should not fail2",
precompile-aux Ty M Ty' P.

% Working with fun
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions apps/tc/elpi/solver.elpi
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ namespace tc {
if-true print-compiled-goal (coq.say "[TC] the compiled goal is" Q), !,
tc.time-it tc.oTC-time-instance-search (
do PostProcess, Q,,, % Trigger eta links % Trigger llam links
) "instance search".
Expand Down
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions apps/tc/elpi/tc_aux.elpi
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -219,4 +219,12 @@ namespace tc {
list term -> % The list of FV in the precomp subterm
int ->

:index (5)
pred coercion-unify i:term.

type coercion
term ->
list term ->
131 changes: 130 additions & 1 deletion apps/tc/tests/canonical_struct.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -99,4 +99,133 @@ Module CS5.
apply (ofe_any nat).
End CS5.
End CS5.

Module CS6.
Structure ofe := Ofe { ofe_car :> Type; }.
Structure cmra := Cmra { cmra_car :> Type; }.

Coercion cmra_ofeO (A : cmra) := Ofe A.

Elpi Accumulate tc.db lp:{{
tc.coercion-unify {{cmra_ofeO}}.

Canonical Structure ofe_nat := Ofe nat.
Canonical Structure cmra_nat := Cmra nat.

Class C (i: ofe).

Instance i: forall (c : cmra), C (cmra_ofeO c) := {}.

Goal C ofe_nat.
apply _.
End CS6.

Module CS7.
Structure ofe := Ofe { ofe_car :> Type; }.
Structure cmra := Cmra { cmra_car :> Type; }.

Coercion cmra_ofeO (A : cmra) := Ofe A.

Elpi Accumulate tc.db lp:{{
tc.coercion-unify {{cmra_ofeO}}.

Canonical Structure ofe_bool := Ofe bool.
Canonical Structure cmra_bool := Cmra bool.

Class C (i: ofe).

Class D (i: Type).
Instance d : D bool := {}.

Instance i: forall (c : cmra), D (cmra_car c) -> C (cmra_ofeO c) := {}.
Elpi Print TC.Solver.

Goal C ofe_bool.
apply _.

Canonical Structure ofe_nat := Ofe nat.
Canonical Structure cmra_nat := Cmra nat.

Goal exists a, C a.
apply _.
End CS7.

Module CS8.
Structure ofe := Ofe { ofe_car :> Type; }.
Canonical Structure ofe_bool := Ofe bool.
Class C (i : Type).
Instance i : C ofe_bool := {}.

Test for constraint activation using After
tc-instance-search, we have the suspended goal ` X ofe_bool` that
must be activated. This activation need to load the context before the
call to unify-eq since we need to load the type of `x`
Goal forall (x: nat), exists X, C X.
eexists. apply _.

(* TODO: error in llam link *)
(* Goal forall (x: nat), exists X, C (X x).
Elpi Trace Browser.
(* Elpi TC Solver Deactivate TC.Solver. *)
apply _.
Qed *)
End CS8.

Module CS9.
Structure ofe := Ofe { ofe_car :> Type; }.
Canonical Structure ofe_bool := Ofe bool.
Canonical Structure ofe_nat := Ofe nat.

Class loop.
Instance l : loop -> loop := {}.
Class C (i : Type) (i : Type).
Instance i : loop -> C ofe_bool ofe_nat := {}.

Here we have two suspended goal on X with cs links. The same variable
is linked with ofe_bool and ofe_nat. Since they don't unfy, the instance
`i` cannot be used.
Goal exists X, C X X.
Fail apply _.
End CS9.

Module CS10.
Structure ofe := Ofe { ofe_car :> Type; }.
Canonical Structure ofe_bool := Ofe bool.

Class C (i : Type).
Instance i : C bool := {}.

(* Here the projection is in the goal *)
Goal C (ofe_car ofe_bool). apply _. Qed.
End CS10.

Module CS11.
Structure ofe := Ofe { ofe_car :> Type; }.
Canonical Structure ofe_bool := Ofe bool.

Class D (i : ofe).
Instance d : D (ofe_bool) := {}.

Class C (i : Type).
Instance i X: D X -> C (ofe_car X) := {}.

(* Here the projection is in the goal *)
Goal exists X, C (ofe_car X). eexists.
apply _.
Show Proof.
53 changes: 49 additions & 4 deletions apps/tc/tests/test.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -277,6 +277,54 @@ Module HO_10.
End HO_10.

Module HO_11.
Class Unit (i : Prop).
Instance i F : Unit (forall (f : Prop), F f) := {}.
Goal Unit (forall x, x).
apply _.
End HO_11.

Module HO_12.
Class Unit (i : Prop).
Instance i : Unit (forall x, x) := {}.
Set Printing Existential Instances.
Goal forall (y: Prop), exists (F: Prop -> Prop), Unit (forall x, F x).
eexists ?[F].
2: { refine (fun x => _); shelve. }
Set Printing Existential Instances.
apply _.
End HO_12.

Module HO_13.
Class Unit (i : Prop).
Class PP (i : Prop -> Prop -> Prop).
Axiom f : Prop -> Prop -> Prop.
Instance i F : PP (fun x y => F y x) -> Unit (forall (x y: Prop), F y x) := {}.
Instance j : PP (fun x y => f y x) := {}.
Check _ : (Unit (forall x y, _)).

Goal exists (X: Prop -> Prop -> Prop), Unit (forall x y, X x y).
2: { refine (fun _ _ => _); shelve. }
apply _.

Elpi Query TC.Solver lp:{{
std.spy-do![Goal = {{Unit (forall x y, lp:(F x y))}}, Goal Proof Q PP,
do PP, Q,
std.assert! (Proof = {{i f j}}) "Error"].
End HO_13.

Module HO_scope_check1.
Axiom f : Type -> (Type -> Type) -> Type.
Axiom g : Type -> Type -> Type.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -565,7 +613,4 @@ Module CoqUvar4.
do 1 eexists.
apply _.
End CoqUvar4.

(* TODO: add test with negative premise having a variable with type (M A) where M and A are coq uvar,
this is in order to clean-term with llam *)
End CoqUvar4.

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