create and initialize PostgreSQL database
create and activate virtual environment
- in terminal:
python -m venv ./.venv
source .venv/bin/activate
- in terminal:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Initialize Alembic
- in terminal:
alembic init alembic
When you initialize Alembic, a file called alembic.ini will be created in the root directory. Line 63 should read something like this:
sqlalchemy.url = {your database address}
-edit the parameters to match your database address
Make sure to add the alembic.ini file to the .gitignore for security.
create a .env file, and add the following:
DATABASE_URL={your database address}
Generate a secret key by typing the
openssl rand -base64 32
into your terminal, then copy/paste the output and assign it to the SECRET_KEY variable in your .env file
spin the backend
terminal:fastapi dev api/main.py
navigate to the backend GUI
install frontend dependencies
terminal:npm install
spin the frontend
terminal:npm run dev
navigate to UI