diff --git a/config/fancymenu/custom_locals/astralmenu/en_us.local b/config/fancymenu/custom_locals/astralmenu/en_us.local index 7eb6983d0..ae0e2f448 100644 --- a/config/fancymenu/custom_locals/astralmenu/en_us.local +++ b/config/fancymenu/custom_locals/astralmenu/en_us.local @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ astralmenu.mainmenu.options.hover = Configure the game astralmenu.mainmenu.quit.text = Quit Game astralmenu.mainmenu.quit.hover = Come back soon! astralmenu.mainmenu.changelog.text = Changelog -astralmenu.mainmenu.changelog.hover = Latest Patch: 2.1.1 +astralmenu.mainmenu.changelog.hover = Latest Patch: 2.1.2 astralmenu.mainmenu.music.hover = Listen to the OST on Spotify! astralmenu.mainmenu.discord.hover = Join the official Discord server! astralmenu.mainmenu.credits.hover = Open the credits for Create: Astral @@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ astralmenu.changelog.2_1.title = Create: Astral Version 2.1 astralmenu.changelog.2_1.close = Close Changelog astralmenu.changelog.2_1_1.label = Update 2.1 -astralmenu.changelog.2_1_1.title = Create: Astral Patch 2.1.1 -astralmenu.changelog.2_1_1.label = Patch 2.1.1 +astralmenu.changelog.2_1_1.title = Create: Astral Patch 2.1.2 +astralmenu.changelog.2_1_1.label = Patch 2.1.2 astralmenu.multiplayer_error_message.line1 = If you're getting an error when joining a multiplayer server, try rejoining before reporting it as a bug! astralmenu.multiplayer_error_message.line2 = If you still can't join, please join the Discord (link can be found on the left hand side of the main menu) and report it in the #bug-reports channel! \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config/fancymenu/customization/modpack_changelog_2.1.1_layout.txt b/config/fancymenu/customization/modpack_changelog_2.1.1_layout.txt index e4941c15e..b073b2ec8 100644 --- a/config/fancymenu/customization/modpack_changelog_2.1.1_layout.txt +++ b/config/fancymenu/customization/modpack_changelog_2.1.1_layout.txt @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ element { element { interactable = true - source = ^^^%n%2.1.1 is the first patch to 2.1, addressing many of the critical bugs and issues identified by the community since launch.%n%%n%Thanks to everyone for helping make Astral as enjoyable as possible!%n%^^^ + source = ^^^%n%2.1.2 addresses issues identified by the community, and introduces new features which are detailed in the below changelog.%n%%n%Thanks to everyone for helping make Astral as enjoyable as possible!%n%^^^ source_mode = direct shadow = true scale = 0.7 @@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ element { element { interactable = true - source = - **General quest book fixes, amending chapters appearing too early, unfinishable / legacy quests, missing item rewards.**%n%%n%- Stone Growth Chamber: %n%Fixed behaviour on servers (weren't generating). %n%Changed location of machine block in the structure & no longer uses dimension conditions, instead changing the block produced based on the type of smooth stone you build the machine out of (Re-visit ch2 quest for new explanation). %n%Legacy recipe exists for any previously built stone chambers to still function and generate andesite anywhere.%n%%n%- Astral Generators PR merged, recipes added, no quests yet.%n%- Orbit dimension fixes PR, no longer fall out of overworld orbit into the end, space station doesn't void terrain nearby.%n%- Seitan recipe fix PR merged.%n%- Tech Rebirb Fluid name fix PR merged.%n%- Buff blaze cake recipe to use less hellfire / Tech Reborn fuels re-buff PR.%n%- Andesite now gets crushed into cobble, no more conflicting tin nugget recipe.%n%- Milling for 200% recipes now properly show as 100%.%n%- Createdeco zinc sheets (no uses) are no longer obtainable.%n%- Merge andesite alloy block from Create and KubeJs.%n%- Slime log melting.%n%- Calcite/dripstone new recipe options + mill into higher yield of bonemeal.%n%- New dye automation routes.%n%- Screw Breeches are now wrenchable, could not previously be mined in survival w/o silk touch.%n%- Restore methods of getting resources from soul sand/soil.%n%- Misc tweaks to fluid numbers, structure nbt, radio jukebox recipe removal, ink sac recipe buff.%n%- Fix uncraftable process for shimmer amplifier due to using 9000 mB instead of fabric units. + source = - **Quest book is now fully implements localisation keys for translators thanks to the efforts from the l18n modpack pull request on GitHub.** %n%%n%Create: Copycats updated to 2.1.4, which includes copycats for components such as cogwheels and fluid pipes!%n%- XPcrystals updated to 1.0.5 (QoL), fixes for xp lake spawning.%n%- Various ch6 world gen tweaks, monazite spawning.%n%- Moon Debris now has a portal and ore geodes.%n%- Blazing blood automation path%n%- Quest book states bottomless lava tanks don't exist but they did, config adjusted so newly generated worlds will actually reflect that. If enabling bottomless fluids in create config yourself, new fluids can be bottomless such as chocolate, blood, milk and honey to reflect them being useful in many automation recipes.%n%- Fix for some default included schematics showing the wrong multiblocks.%n%- Stone growth QoL (Block tags in structure, cobblestone variant using stone bricks)%n%- Remove conflicting netherrack crushing recipes%n%- Added missing recipe for calorite tank%n%- General fixes for item names that displayed as internal names.%n%- Quantum tanks re-buffed to Tier 6 Upgrade levels (virtually infinite).%n%- Misc. Lang file tweaks and quest book discrepancy fixes.%n%- Copper shovel can now be used in recipes that look for shovel tags (farmers delight)%n%%n%- Pull Request: Added StarEI -- an REI Addon for astral's Custom Machinery recipes - A Pepper%n%- Pull Request: Remove Venus and Glacio in proxima centuri from the planet menu - CubeBotFan%n%- Pull Request: Block tags in stone growth chamber multiblock and distillery blaze burners are less strict with fluid burners - CubeBotFan%n%- Pull Request: Added new food items, Bulba's Tea, Dipped Potato. Adjusted Shimmered Apple and Seared potato recipes. Adjust some food stats and effects. - MikoTheBoi%n%- Pull Request: Metal Alloying fixes -> Create does allow for regular heated Crafting recipes to be done when Superheated. Distinguished Superheated / Heated alloying by using molten metals in heated and solid metals with superheated. -GreenOxygen%n%- Misc. Pull Requests: Vinery seeds from grapes, new kelpfarm recipes, gold dupe fix, eggs without chickens, buff some 2.1.1 recipes to make them more appealing -GreenOxygen%n%- Pull Request: Nerf steam turbine. 168k E --> 15k E - DefinedEntity%n%- Pull Request: Added Defined's Blocks mod - DefinedEntity source_mode = direct shadow = true scale = 1.0