diff --git a/src/OperatorStateRetriever.sol b/src/OperatorStateRetriever.sol index 9927a5b4..590814bc 100644 --- a/src/OperatorStateRetriever.sol +++ b/src/OperatorStateRetriever.sol @@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ contract OperatorStateRetriever { // get the indices of the quorumBitmap updates for each of the operators in the nonSignerOperatorIds array checkSignaturesIndices.nonSignerQuorumBitmapIndices = registryCoordinator.getQuorumBitmapIndicesAtBlockNumber(referenceBlockNumber, nonSignerOperatorIds); + // get the indices of the totalStake updates for each of the quorums in the quorumNumbers array checkSignaturesIndices.totalStakeIndices = stakeRegistry.getTotalStakeIndicesAtBlockNumber(referenceBlockNumber, quorumNumbers); @@ -130,6 +131,8 @@ contract OperatorStateRetriever { checkSignaturesIndices.nonSignerQuorumBitmapIndices[i] ); + require(nonSignerQuorumBitmap != 0, "OperatorStateRetriever.getCheckSignaturesIndices: operator must be registered at blocknumber"); + // if the operator was a part of the quorum and the quorum is a part of the provided quorumNumbers if ((nonSignerQuorumBitmap >> uint8(quorumNumbers[quorumNumberIndex])) & 1 == 1) { // get the index of the stake update for the operator at the given blocknumber and quorum number diff --git a/src/StakeRegistry.sol b/src/StakeRegistry.sol index 059cd344..b807194e 100644 --- a/src/StakeRegistry.sol +++ b/src/StakeRegistry.sol @@ -697,6 +697,7 @@ contract StakeRegistry is StakeRegistryStorage { uint32[] memory indices = new uint32[](quorumNumbers.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < quorumNumbers.length; i++) { uint8 quorumNumber = uint8(quorumNumbers[i]); + require(_quorumExists(quorumNumber), "StakeRegistry.getTotalStakeIndicesAtBlockNumber: quorum does not exist"); require( _totalStakeHistory[quorumNumber][0].updateBlockNumber <= blockNumber, "StakeRegistry.getTotalStakeIndicesAtBlockNumber: quorum has no stake history at blockNumber" diff --git a/test/tree/OperatorStateRetrieverUnit.tree b/test/tree/OperatorStateRetrieverUnit.tree new file mode 100644 index 00000000..90228ac6 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/tree/OperatorStateRetrieverUnit.tree @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +. +└── OperatorStateRetriever tree (*** denotes that integration tests are needed to validate path) + ├── when getOperatorState(IRegistryCoordinator,bytes32,uint32) is called + │ ├── when the given operator has never registered with the given registryCoordinator (their quorumBitmapHistory has length 0) + │ │ └── it should revert with "RegistryCoordinator.getQuorumBitmapIndicesAtBlockNumber: operator has no bitmap history at blockNumber" + │ └── when the given operator has registered for the first time with the given registryCoordinator + │ ├── after the given blockNumber + │ │ └── it should revert with "RegistryCoordinator.getQuorumBitmapIndicesAtBlockNumber: operator has no bitmap history at blockNumber" + │ └── before the given blockNumber + │ ├── and was not registered for any quorums at the given blockNumber + │ │ └── it should return (0, []) + │ └── and was registered for a set of quorums at the given blockNumber + │ └── it should return + └── the given operator's quorum bitmap at the given blockNumber as the first argument and + └── a list of the list of operators (by id and stake) ordered by index for each quorum in the quorumBitmap from the first argument ascending by quorumNumber + ├── when getOperatorState(IRegistryCoordinator,bytes memory,uint32) is called + │ ├── when at any of the given quorumNumbers were not created at the time of call + │ │ └── it should revert with "IndexRegistry._operatorCountAtBlockNumber: quorum does not exist" + │ ├── when at any of the given quorumNumbers were not created before or at the given blockNumber + │ │ └── it should revert with "IndexRegistry._operatorCountAtBlockNumber: quorum did not exist at given block number" + │ └── when the given quorumNumbers are created on the given registry registryCoordinator + │ └── it should return their quorum bitmap as the first argument and a list of the list of operators (by id and stake) ordered by index for each quorum in the set ascending by quorumNumber + └── when getCheckSignaturesIndices is called + ├── when any of the given nonSignerOperatorIds were never registered with the given registryCoordinator + │ └── it should revert with "RegistryCoordinator.getQuorumBitmapIndexAtBlockNumber: no bitmap update found for operatorId at block number" + ├── when any of the given operator has registered for the first time with the given registryCoordinator after the given blockNumber + │ └── it should revert with "RegistryCoordinator.getQuorumBitmapIndexAtBlockNumber: no bitmap update found for operatorId at block number" + ├── when any of the given operator is completely deregistered with the given registryCoordinator at the given blockNumber + │ └── it should revert with "RegistryCoordinator.getQuorumBitmapIndexAtBlockNumber: no bitmap update found for operatorId at block number" + ├── when any of the given quorumNumbers were not created at the time of the call + │ └── it should revert with "StakeRegistry.getTotalStakeIndicesAtBlockNumber: quorum does not exist" + ├── when any of the given quorumNumbers were not created before or at the given blockNumber + │ └── it should revert with "StakeRegistry.getTotalStakeIndicesAtBlockNumber: quorum has no stake history at blockNumber" + └── otherwise + └── it should return + ├── a list of the indices of the QuorumBitmapUpdates at the given blockNumber for the given nonSignerOperatorIds in the inputted quorumNumber order as the first argument + ├── a list of the indices of the ApkUpdates at the given blockNumber for each quorum in the inputted quorumNumber order as the second argument + ├── a list of the indices of the StakeUpdates at the given blockNumber for the total stake for each quorum in the inputted quorumNumber order as the third argument + └── a list of (a list of the indices of the stakes of each operator in each of the quorums the operator was in at the blockNumber from lowest to greatest quorumNumber they were apart of) in the order of the inputted nonSigners \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/test/unit/OperatorStateRetrieverUnit.t.sol b/test/unit/OperatorStateRetrieverUnit.t.sol index eb85cc3f..0781202a 100644 --- a/test/unit/OperatorStateRetrieverUnit.t.sol +++ b/test/unit/OperatorStateRetrieverUnit.t.sol @@ -6,8 +6,277 @@ import "../utils/MockAVSDeployer.sol"; contract OperatorStateRetrieverUnitTests is MockAVSDeployer { using BN254 for BN254.G1Point; + function setUp() virtual public { - _deployMockEigenLayerAndAVS(); + numQuorums = 8; + _deployMockEigenLayerAndAVS(numQuorums); + } + + function test_getOperatorState_revert_neverRegistered() public { + cheats.expectRevert("RegistryCoordinator.getQuorumBitmapIndexAtBlockNumber: no bitmap update found for operatorId at block number"); + operatorStateRetriever.getOperatorState(registryCoordinator, defaultOperatorId, uint32(block.number)); + } + + function test_getOperatorState_revert_registeredFirstAfterReferenceBlockNumber() public { + cheats.roll(registrationBlockNumber); + _registerOperatorWithCoordinator(defaultOperator, 1, defaultPubKey); + + // should revert because the operator was registered for the first time after the reference block number + cheats.expectRevert("RegistryCoordinator.getQuorumBitmapIndexAtBlockNumber: no bitmap update found for operatorId at block number"); + operatorStateRetriever.getOperatorState(registryCoordinator, defaultOperatorId, registrationBlockNumber - 1); + } + + function test_getOperatorState_deregisteredBeforeReferenceBlockNumber() public { + uint256 quorumBitmap = 1; + cheats.roll(registrationBlockNumber); + _registerOperatorWithCoordinator(defaultOperator, quorumBitmap, defaultPubKey); + + cheats.roll(registrationBlockNumber + 10); + cheats.prank(defaultOperator); + registryCoordinator.deregisterOperator(BitmapUtils.bitmapToBytesArray(quorumBitmap)); + + (uint256 fetchedQuorumBitmap, OperatorStateRetriever.Operator[][] memory operators) = operatorStateRetriever.getOperatorState(registryCoordinator, defaultOperatorId, uint32(block.number)); + assertEq(fetchedQuorumBitmap, 0); + assertEq(operators.length, 0); + } + + function test_getOperatorState_registeredAtReferenceBlockNumber() public { + uint256 quorumBitmap = 1; + cheats.roll(registrationBlockNumber); + _registerOperatorWithCoordinator(defaultOperator, quorumBitmap, defaultPubKey); + + (uint256 fetchedQuorumBitmap, OperatorStateRetriever.Operator[][] memory operators) = operatorStateRetriever.getOperatorState(registryCoordinator, defaultOperatorId, uint32(block.number)); + assertEq(fetchedQuorumBitmap, 1); + assertEq(operators.length, 1); + assertEq(operators[0].length, 1); + assertEq(operators[0][0].operator, defaultOperator); + assertEq(operators[0][0].operatorId, defaultOperatorId); + assertEq(operators[0][0].stake, defaultStake); + } + + function test_getOperatorState_revert_quorumNotCreatedAtCallTime() public { + cheats.expectRevert("IndexRegistry._operatorCountAtBlockNumber: quorum does not exist"); + operatorStateRetriever.getOperatorState(registryCoordinator, BitmapUtils.bitmapToBytesArray(1 << numQuorums), uint32(block.number)); + } + + function test_getOperatorState_revert_quorumNotCreatedAtReferenceBlockNumber() public { + cheats.roll(registrationBlockNumber); + IRegistryCoordinator.OperatorSetParam memory operatorSetParams = + IRegistryCoordinator.OperatorSetParam({ + maxOperatorCount: defaultMaxOperatorCount, + kickBIPsOfOperatorStake: defaultKickBIPsOfOperatorStake, + kickBIPsOfTotalStake: defaultKickBIPsOfTotalStake + }); + uint96 minimumStake = 1; + IStakeRegistry.StrategyParams[] memory strategyParams = new IStakeRegistry.StrategyParams[](1); + strategyParams[0] = + IStakeRegistry.StrategyParams({ + strategy: IStrategy(address(1000)), + multiplier: 1e16 + }); + + cheats.prank(registryCoordinator.owner()); + registryCoordinator.createQuorum(operatorSetParams, minimumStake, strategyParams); + + cheats.expectRevert("IndexRegistry._operatorCountAtBlockNumber: quorum did not exist at given block number"); + operatorStateRetriever.getOperatorState(registryCoordinator, BitmapUtils.bitmapToBytesArray(1 << numQuorums), uint32(registrationBlockNumber - 1)); + } + + function test_getOperatorState_returnsCorrect() public { + uint256 quorumBitmapOne = 1; + uint256 quorumBitmapThree = 3; + cheats.roll(registrationBlockNumber); + _registerOperatorWithCoordinator(defaultOperator, quorumBitmapOne, defaultPubKey); + + address otherOperator = _incrementAddress(defaultOperator, 1); + BN254.G1Point memory otherPubKey = BN254.G1Point(1, 2); + bytes32 otherOperatorId = BN254.hashG1Point(otherPubKey); + _registerOperatorWithCoordinator(otherOperator, quorumBitmapThree, otherPubKey, defaultStake -1); + + OperatorStateRetriever.Operator[][] memory operators = operatorStateRetriever.getOperatorState(registryCoordinator, BitmapUtils.bitmapToBytesArray(quorumBitmapThree), uint32(block.number)); + assertEq(operators.length, 2); + assertEq(operators[0].length, 2); + assertEq(operators[1].length, 1); + assertEq(operators[0][0].operator, defaultOperator); + assertEq(operators[0][0].operatorId, defaultOperatorId); + assertEq(operators[0][0].stake, defaultStake); + assertEq(operators[0][1].operator, otherOperator); + assertEq(operators[0][1].operatorId, otherOperatorId); + assertEq(operators[0][1].stake, defaultStake - 1); + assertEq(operators[1][0].operator, otherOperator); + assertEq(operators[1][0].operatorId, otherOperatorId); + assertEq(operators[1][0].stake, defaultStake - 1); + } + + function test_getCheckSignaturesIndices_revert_neverRegistered() public { + bytes32[] memory nonSignerOperatorIds = new bytes32[](1); + nonSignerOperatorIds[0] = defaultOperatorId; + + cheats.expectRevert("RegistryCoordinator.getQuorumBitmapIndexAtBlockNumber: no bitmap update found for operatorId at block number"); + operatorStateRetriever.getCheckSignaturesIndices(registryCoordinator, uint32(block.number), BitmapUtils.bitmapToBytesArray(1), nonSignerOperatorIds); + } + + function test_getCheckSignaturesIndices_revert_registeredFirstAfterReferenceBlockNumber() public { + bytes32[] memory nonSignerOperatorIds = new bytes32[](1); + nonSignerOperatorIds[0] = defaultOperatorId; + + cheats.roll(registrationBlockNumber); + _registerOperatorWithCoordinator(defaultOperator, 1, defaultPubKey); + + // should revert because the operator was registered for the first time after the reference block number + cheats.expectRevert("RegistryCoordinator.getQuorumBitmapIndexAtBlockNumber: no bitmap update found for operatorId at block number"); + operatorStateRetriever.getCheckSignaturesIndices(registryCoordinator, registrationBlockNumber - 1, BitmapUtils.bitmapToBytesArray(1), nonSignerOperatorIds); + } + + function test_getCheckSignaturesIndices_revert_deregisteredAtReferenceBlockNumber() public { + bytes32[] memory nonSignerOperatorIds = new bytes32[](1); + nonSignerOperatorIds[0] = defaultOperatorId; + + cheats.roll(registrationBlockNumber); + _registerOperatorWithCoordinator(defaultOperator, 1, defaultPubKey); + + cheats.roll(registrationBlockNumber + 10); + cheats.prank(defaultOperator); + registryCoordinator.deregisterOperator(BitmapUtils.bitmapToBytesArray(1)); + + // should revert because the operator was registered for the first time after the reference block number + cheats.expectRevert("OperatorStateRetriever.getCheckSignaturesIndices: operator must be registered at blocknumber"); + operatorStateRetriever.getCheckSignaturesIndices(registryCoordinator, uint32(block.number), BitmapUtils.bitmapToBytesArray(1), nonSignerOperatorIds); + } + + function test_getCheckSignaturesIndices_revert_quorumNotCreatedAtCallTime() public { + bytes32[] memory nonSignerOperatorIds = new bytes32[](1); + nonSignerOperatorIds[0] = defaultOperatorId; + + _registerOperatorWithCoordinator(defaultOperator, 1, defaultPubKey); + + cheats.expectRevert("StakeRegistry.getTotalStakeIndicesAtBlockNumber: quorum does not exist"); + operatorStateRetriever.getCheckSignaturesIndices(registryCoordinator, uint32(block.number), BitmapUtils.bitmapToBytesArray(1 << numQuorums), nonSignerOperatorIds); + } + + function test_getCheckSignaturesIndices_revert_quorumNotCreatedAtReferenceBlockNumber() public { + cheats.roll(registrationBlockNumber); + _registerOperatorWithCoordinator(defaultOperator, 1, defaultPubKey); + + cheats.roll(registrationBlockNumber + 10); + bytes32[] memory nonSignerOperatorIds = new bytes32[](1); + nonSignerOperatorIds[0] = defaultOperatorId; + + IRegistryCoordinator.OperatorSetParam memory operatorSetParams = + IRegistryCoordinator.OperatorSetParam({ + maxOperatorCount: defaultMaxOperatorCount, + kickBIPsOfOperatorStake: defaultKickBIPsOfOperatorStake, + kickBIPsOfTotalStake: defaultKickBIPsOfTotalStake + }); + uint96 minimumStake = 1; + IStakeRegistry.StrategyParams[] memory strategyParams = new IStakeRegistry.StrategyParams[](1); + strategyParams[0] = + IStakeRegistry.StrategyParams({ + strategy: IStrategy(address(1000)), + multiplier: 1e16 + }); + + cheats.prank(registryCoordinator.owner()); + registryCoordinator.createQuorum(operatorSetParams, minimumStake, strategyParams); + + cheats.expectRevert("StakeRegistry.getTotalStakeIndicesAtBlockNumber: quorum has no stake history at blockNumber"); + operatorStateRetriever.getCheckSignaturesIndices(registryCoordinator, registrationBlockNumber + 5, BitmapUtils.bitmapToBytesArray(1 << numQuorums), nonSignerOperatorIds); + } + + function test_getCheckSignaturesIndices_returnsCorrect() public { + uint256 quorumBitmapOne = 1; + uint256 quorumBitmapTwo = 2; + uint256 quorumBitmapThree = 3; + + cheats.roll(registrationBlockNumber); + _registerOperatorWithCoordinator(defaultOperator, quorumBitmapOne, defaultPubKey); + + cheats.roll(registrationBlockNumber + 10); + address otherOperator = _incrementAddress(defaultOperator, 1); + BN254.G1Point memory otherPubKey = BN254.G1Point(1, 2); + bytes32 otherOperatorId = BN254.hashG1Point(otherPubKey); + _registerOperatorWithCoordinator(otherOperator, quorumBitmapThree, otherPubKey, defaultStake -1); + + cheats.roll(registrationBlockNumber + 15); + cheats.prank(defaultOperator); + registryCoordinator.deregisterOperator(BitmapUtils.bitmapToBytesArray(quorumBitmapOne)); + + cheats.roll(registrationBlockNumber + 20); + _registerOperatorWithCoordinator(defaultOperator, quorumBitmapTwo, defaultPubKey); + + cheats.roll(registrationBlockNumber + 25); + cheats.prank(otherOperator); + registryCoordinator.deregisterOperator(BitmapUtils.bitmapToBytesArray(quorumBitmapTwo)); + + cheats.roll(registrationBlockNumber + 30); + _registerOperatorWithCoordinator(otherOperator, quorumBitmapTwo, otherPubKey, defaultStake - 2); + + bytes32[] memory nonSignerOperatorIds = new bytes32[](2); + nonSignerOperatorIds[0] = defaultOperatorId; + nonSignerOperatorIds[1] = otherOperatorId; + + OperatorStateRetriever.CheckSignaturesIndices memory checkSignaturesIndices = operatorStateRetriever.getCheckSignaturesIndices(registryCoordinator, uint32(block.number), BitmapUtils.bitmapToBytesArray(quorumBitmapThree), nonSignerOperatorIds); + // we're querying for 2 operators, so there should be 2 nonSignerQuorumBitmapIndices + assertEq(checkSignaturesIndices.nonSignerQuorumBitmapIndices.length, 2); + // the first operator (0) registered for quorum 1, (1) deregistered from quorum 1, and (2) registered for quorum 2 + assertEq(checkSignaturesIndices.nonSignerQuorumBitmapIndices[0], 2); + // the second operator (0) registered for quorum 1 and 2 (1) deregistered from quorum 2, and (2) registered for quorum 2 + assertEq(checkSignaturesIndices.nonSignerQuorumBitmapIndices[1], 2); + // the operators, together, serve 2 quorums so there should be 2 quorumApkIndices + assertEq(checkSignaturesIndices.quorumApkIndices.length, 2); + // quorum 1 (0) was initialized, (1) the first operator registered, (2) the second operator registered, and (3) the first operator deregistered + assertEq(checkSignaturesIndices.quorumApkIndices[0], 3); + // quorum 2 (0) was initialized, (1) the second operator registered, (2) the first operator registered, (3) the second operator deregistered, and (4) the second operator registered + assertEq(checkSignaturesIndices.quorumApkIndices[1], 4); + // the operators, together, serve 2 quorums so there should be 2 totalStakeIndices + assertEq(checkSignaturesIndices.totalStakeIndices.length, 2); + // quorum 1 (0) was initialized, (1) the first operator registered, (2) the second operator registered, and (3) the first operator deregistered + assertEq(checkSignaturesIndices.totalStakeIndices[0], 3); + // quorum 2 (0) was initialized, (1) the second operator registered, (2) the first operator registered, (3) the second operator deregistered, and (4) the second operator registered + assertEq(checkSignaturesIndices.totalStakeIndices[1], 4); + // the operators, together, serve 2 quorums so there should be 2 nonSignerStakeIndices + assertEq(checkSignaturesIndices.nonSignerStakeIndices.length, 2); + // quorum 1 only has the second operator registered, so there should be 1 nonSignerStakeIndices + assertEq(checkSignaturesIndices.nonSignerStakeIndices[0].length, 1); + // the second operator has (0) registered for quorum 1 + assertEq(checkSignaturesIndices.nonSignerStakeIndices[0][0], 0); + // quorum 2 has both operators registered, so there should be 2 nonSignerStakeIndices + assertEq(checkSignaturesIndices.nonSignerStakeIndices[1].length, 2); + // the first operator has (0) registered for quorum 1 + assertEq(checkSignaturesIndices.nonSignerStakeIndices[1][0], 0); + // the second operator has (0) registered for quorum 2, (1) deregistered from quorum 2, and (2) registered for quorum 2 + assertEq(checkSignaturesIndices.nonSignerStakeIndices[1][1], 2); + + nonSignerOperatorIds = new bytes32[](1); + nonSignerOperatorIds[0] = otherOperatorId; + // taking only the deregistration into account + checkSignaturesIndices = operatorStateRetriever.getCheckSignaturesIndices(registryCoordinator, registrationBlockNumber + 15, BitmapUtils.bitmapToBytesArray(quorumBitmapThree), nonSignerOperatorIds); + // we're querying for 1 operator, so there should be 1 nonSignerQuorumBitmapIndices + assertEq(checkSignaturesIndices.nonSignerQuorumBitmapIndices.length, 1); + // the second operator (0) registered for quorum 1 and 2 + assertEq(checkSignaturesIndices.nonSignerQuorumBitmapIndices[0], 0); + // at the time, the operator served 2 quorums so there should be 2 quorumApkIndices + assertEq(checkSignaturesIndices.quorumApkIndices.length, 2); + // at the time, quorum 1 (0) was initialized, (1) the first operator registered, (2) the second operator registered, and (3) the first operator deregistered + assertEq(checkSignaturesIndices.quorumApkIndices[0], 3); + // at the time, quorum 2 (0) was initialized, (1) the second operator registered + assertEq(checkSignaturesIndices.quorumApkIndices[1], 1); + // at the time, the operator served 2 quorums so there should be 2 totalStakeIndices + assertEq(checkSignaturesIndices.totalStakeIndices.length, 2); + // at the time, quorum 1 (0) was initialized, (1) the first operator registered, (2) the second operator registered, and (3) the first operator deregistered + assertEq(checkSignaturesIndices.totalStakeIndices[0], 3); + // at the time, quorum 2 (0) was initialized, (1) the second operator registered + assertEq(checkSignaturesIndices.totalStakeIndices[1], 1); + // at the time, the operator served 2 quorums so there should be 2 nonSignerStakeIndices + assertEq(checkSignaturesIndices.nonSignerStakeIndices.length, 2); + // quorum 1 only has the second operator registered, so there should be 1 nonSignerStakeIndices + assertEq(checkSignaturesIndices.nonSignerStakeIndices[0].length, 1); + // the second operator has (0) registered for quorum 1 + assertEq(checkSignaturesIndices.nonSignerStakeIndices[0][0], 0); + // quorum 2 only has the second operator registered, so there should be 1 nonSignerStakeIndices + assertEq(checkSignaturesIndices.nonSignerStakeIndices[1].length, 1); + // the second operator has (0) registered for quorum 2 + assertEq(checkSignaturesIndices.nonSignerStakeIndices[1][0], 0); } function testGetOperatorState_Valid(uint256 pseudoRandomNumber) public {