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8.Economie collaborative
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- Méthode de Frontières Immergées pour la Mécanique des Fluides Application à la Simulation de la Nage , Thèse Jessica Hovnanian
- Norme ISO 18459 biomimétisme
- Biomimicry master class 2016
- Biomimtisme résilience et innovations au service des humains
- Biomimicry. 3rd RECP Networking Conference. 4. 5 September 2013. Green Chemistry
- Biomimicry in biomedical research
- Leveraging Biological Inspiration in an Information Visualization Class PDF n°1 + PDF n°2 + Video
- Macro to Micro: Innovation Inspired by Nature
- nature-inspired design strategies in sustainable product development
- nature inspired design: strategies towards sustainability
- Cradle to Cradle (C2C) Inspired Master theses adding pieces to ...
- Summary thesis Nature-Inspired Design - TU Delft: IO
- Learning from Mother Nature: Biomimicry for the Next ... - Mindef
- Innovations for a Campground Water System: A Biomimicry Approach
- Biomimicry in Iceland: Present Status and Future Significance
- communication inspired by nature - Biomimicry Iberia
- Biomimetics and Marine Technology - Marine Technology Society
- Biomimicry as a super systems metaphor for software engineering
Résumé de meeting
- Biomimétisme #5 - "L'Agora de la clairière" (Henry Dicks) (with images, tweets) · ryu5t
- Réseau des labs de biomimétisme
- Table ronde autour du biomimétisme
- Fish and Robots Swimming Together in a Water Tunnel: Robot Color and Tail-Beat Frequency Influence Fish Behavior
- A biomimetic redox flow battery based on flavin mononucleotide
- The Kombucha BioFilm: a Model System for Microbial Ecology
- ec GREEN City Applications contextualisation, Pile Microbienne
- Beaver-inspired wetsuits in the works Rubbery hair-lined wetsuits may help keep surfers warm._ October 5, 2016_
- The promise of fluorescent polymer gels Color-changing materials could be used to detect structural failure in energy-related equipment
- Finding a new formula for concrete Researchers look to bones and shells as blueprints for stronger, more durable concrete.
- Biomimetic non-reflective coating for solar cells wins MADMEC Team wins $10,000 at annual competition for invention inspired by butterfly wings.
- A mollusk of a different stripe Optical features embedded in marine shells may help develop responsive, transparent displays
- How to hide like an octopus Researchers create materials that reproduce cephalopods’ ability to quickly change colors and texture
- New material structures bend like microscopic hair Researchers say structures may be used in windows to wick away moisture
- Researchers engineer light-activated skeletal muscle Technique may enable robotic animals that move with the strength and flexibility of their living counterparts
- Plants exhibit a wide range of mechanical properties, engineers find Biological structures may help engineers design new materials
- Soft autonomous robot inches along like an earthworm Flexible design enables body-morphing capability.
- Biomimicry and the culinary arts
- Le biomimétisme est il une éthique?
- page 5 http://www.etopia.be/IMG/pdf/biomimetisme.pdf
- "Un biomimétisme engagé" 2016. par Michka Mélo
- "esclavage et liberté": "Discours de la servitude volontaire"
- Téléologie et fonctions biologiques, le débat théorique et les implications pratique
L'économie du Nouveau Monde - Actu Environnement, Rapport remis à Madame Ségolène ROYAL. Ministre de ... Groupe de travail dirigé par Corinne LEPAGE
Bio-indication: de l’écologie des communautés aux indicateurs standardisé
Modèles aléatoires en Ecologie et Evolution - CMAP, Polytechnique, Sylie Méléard
Processus et dynamique de la recolonisation et de la biodiversité ...
Quasi-Circular Growth: a Pragmatic Approach to Sustainability for Non-Renewable Material Resources , par François Grosse
[Recyling] The report, from the United Nations Environment Programme , examined the recycling rates of 60 metals . Globally, 34 of them have recycling rates below 1 per cent, while only 18 have rates above 50 per cent
understanding steel recovery and recycling rates ... - Dovetail Partners
Flexibility of the coral-algal symbiosis in the face of climate change
- Study of JRC: From citizen science to DIY science
- A review of citizen science and community-based : environmental monitoring: issues and opportunities
- The future is bright for environmental citizen science - European ...
- Citizen Science Framework Review - Environmental Conservation ...
- The current state of community-based environmental monitoring in New Zealand
- Citizen Science Resources, Global Ocean Science Education Workshop UNESCO Headquarters , Paris, France, Effective Practices in Ocean Citizen Science, June 15, 2016
- Socializing the Crowd: Learning to Talk in Citizen Science
- Learning at the Seafloor, Looking at the Sky: The Relationship Between Individual Tasks and Collaborative Engagement in Two Citizen Science Projects
- Planet Hunters and Seafloor Explorers: Legitimate Peripheral Participation Through Practice Proxies in Online Citizen Science
Présentation de l' UPMC Lab sur la bioluminescence en milieu marin
Legal Aspects of Implementing the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety
Carbonic Anhydrase Generates CO2 and H+ That Drive Spider Silk Formation Via Opposite Effects on the Terminal Domains Mapping the conditions of spider silk proteins along the silk gland, and combining with molecular studies, reveals a pH controlled switch between lock and trigger forms, providing insights into spider silk formation
Galatea of the Microbes: Biological Identity as a Composite Reality
Prévention des risques infectieux dans les laboratoires d'analyse de biologie médicale
The organization of work in social insect colonies Deborah M Gordon
From division of labor to the collective behavior of social insect
Phylosymbiosis: co-evolution of hosts-symbionts along phylogeny
Host Biology in Light of the Microbiome: Ten Principles of Holobionts and Hologenomes
[There are 20k species of bee; what did research in 2016 reveal about these amazing animals](https://t.co/eKet7fe57S https://t.co/S7RjPieyat) ?
- Everything I Know: 42 Hours of Buckminster Fuller’s Visionary Lectures Free Online (1975)
- Open Design as a plateform for social innovation
- Clicking Clean: A Guide to Building the Green Internet - Greenpeace
- "place, platform and knowledge co-production dynamics : evidence from makers and fablab"
- Design of a visually enhanced searchable database for exploration and application of biomimicry in interior design by. Meredith Anne Chambers
- Aesthetics and inspiration for visualization design: bridging the gap between art and science
Pour mémoire par @v_dagrain le C3C
Enfants et technologies créatives : un phénomène d'exaptation
Users and Customizable Software: A Co-Adaptive Phenomeno
The Pirate Book, about sharing, distributing and experiencing cultural contents
[Blockchains and the Web ReportA W3C Workshop on Distributed Ledgers on the Web//MIT media Lab](https://Blockchains and the Web ReportA W3C Workshop on Distributed Ledgers on the Web//MIT media Lab)
Lecture libre en ligne ou tout petit paiement en téléchargement : Cyberpunk reality
Cryptologia : Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information
200 Page Official RaspberryPi Project Book [Now Available To Download For Free](https:// https://t.co/5vYtp1UzIb)
Role of Simplicity in Creative Behaviour: The Case of the Poietic Generator
Inspired design: using interdisciplinarity and biomimicry for software innovation This thesis presents research and proposes a framework for increasing the breadth and depth of interdisciplinary knowledge in the field of computer science. The intent is to address an increasing problem of complexity in software and computing systems.
Du vivant
- Review of Reinhabiting Reality: Towards a Recovery of Culture by Freya Mathews & Serpil Oppermann
- Midgley: The Ethical Primate Part II: The Reductive Enterprise 1
- Towards a Deeper Philosophy of Biomimicry - Freya Mathews
- Le biomimetisme, voici les travaux de l'ami Henry Dicks
- A Biopunk Manifesto - Meredith Patterson - YouTube
Des technologies numériques
- [Aaron Swartz, le documentaire à son sujet ](https://The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz | full movie (2014) )
- Noisebridge vision
- The Critical Engineering Manifesto | fr
This page features a growing list of Free Philosophy eBooks, presenting essential works by Aristotle, Hegel, Kant, Nietzsche, Wittgenstein and many other philosophers. You can generally read these texts on your Kindle, iPad & iPhone, or web browser
- Quels modèles d'innovation aujourd'hui ?
- [VIDEO] Creative Commons expliqué en 2 minutes, Faire sans contrefaire
- Travailler en mode collaboratif : 200 fiches pratiques et méthodologiques
- Chemins de la Transition Roadbook
- Présentation "c'est quoi les communs?"
- Design des instances par les amis Locaux Motives
- ÉTUDE DE LA CONFIGURATION EN TIERS-LIEU - La repolitisation par le service /Antoine BURRET Thèse de doctorat de Sociologie
- Les 5 valeurs de Joël de Rosnay pour construire l’avenir | Pearltrees
- Olivier Auber - P2P manisfesto & Crypto Currencies manifesto ...
- The economics of technological congruence, Antonelli Cristiano, University Of Turin
- Un film, en anglais, sur la propriété intellectuelle: RIP: remix manifesto
- Hackers / workflow / collaboration
- Livre en ligne et pdf, Wikimedia movement governance: the limits of a-hierarchical organizations
- Open Models, les business modele de l’économie ouverte . Accessible gratuitement sur kindle
- Systems Thinking in Complex Responsive Processes and Systems ...
- Systems thinking, complex responsive processes, and systems intelligence
Congruence Model
- De la convergence à la congruence : a mise en scène de la société civile dans la recherche d’innovations utiles, Jean-Philippe MOUSNIER, Sociologue, expert en intelligence économique
- The Impact of Learning Processes on Radical Innovation in Less Successful Innovator Countries: Turkey, Macedonia, Slovenia, and Serbia
- Keeping pace with change in SMEs : creating and maintaining congruence and consistency in SMEs in transition economies.
- Multilevel Latent Polynomial Regression for Modeling (In)Congruence across Organizational Groups: The Case of Organizational Culture Research
- Innovation-supportive culture: The Impact of organizational values on process innovation
- The Congruence Model A Roadmap for Understanding Organizational Performance
- Grande base de données de l'économie collaborative
- Economie collaborative, Vers une économie de la bienveillance
- Les mécanismes de confiance dans l'économie de partage
- La consommation collaborative : une révolution citoyenne ?
- L'Economie collaborative : nouveau vecteur d'influence et de ...
- Le petit guide de la startup, écrit par Sam Altman · Illustré par Gregory Koberger · Traduit par Florent Berthet
- Making (in) the Smart City: Urban Makerspaces for Commons-Based Peer Production in Innovation, Education and Community-Building
- Sur la culture libre et les licences
- etude de la tolerance aux preservatifs en latex naturel deproteinise ...
- Doo-Sung Yoo: Lifelike Artificial Hybrids: Aesthetic and Practical Approaches to Combinations of Natural and Unnatural Technology
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