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Formating source vocabulary to OMOP

TODO ask @CoderMikolaj how table was created.

TODO: Missing English translations were made using Google-tralator

Progess in number of codes

From 6 736 codes 0 have been approved.

This makes 0% of codes approved.

Assessing coverage of databases

Database finngen

How many codes labeled as ICD8fi in finngen are not in the atc standard?

There are 231 codes not found in the standard

Top10 sorted by freq:

concept_code freq freq_per
00000 2402 0.553%
62550 501 0.115%
38699 395 0.091%
71700 308 0.071%
13300 272 0.063%
61200 238 0.055%
66170 221 0.051%
64094 162 0.037%
62551 155 0.036%
46300 141 0.032%

The full list can be found in ./3_freq_of_source_codes/finngen_not_in_ICD8fi.csv

Status of the ICD8fi codes infinngen

status n_codes per_codes n_events per_events
not_mapped 2547 91.685% 425316 97.931%
not_found 231 8.315% 8986 2.069%