3 | 3 | [![level badge][level-badge]](https://github.com/Level/awesome)
4 | 4 | [](https://www.npmjs.com/package/levelup)
5 | 5 | [](https://www.npmjs.com/package/levelup)
6 |
| -[](https://travis-ci.com/Level/levelup) |
| 6 | +[](https://github.com/Level/levelup/actions/workflows/test.yml) |
7 | 7 | [](https://www.npmjs.com/package/levelup)
8 |
| -[](https://coveralls.io/github/Level/levelup) |
| 8 | +[](https://codecov.io/gh/Level/levelup) |
9 | 9 | [](https://standardjs.com)
10 | 10 | [](#backers)
11 | 11 | [](#sponsors)
14 | 14 |
15 | 15 | <details><summary>Click to expand</summary>
16 | 16 |
17 |
| -- [Introduction](#introduction) |
18 |
| -- [Supported Platforms](#supported-platforms) |
19 |
| -- [Usage](#usage) |
20 |
| -- [API](#api) |
21 |
| - - [Special Notes](#special-notes) |
22 |
| - - [`levelup(db[, options[, callback]])`](#levelupdb-options-callback) |
23 |
| - - [`db.supports`](#dbsupports) |
24 |
| - - [`db.open([options][, callback])`](#dbopenoptions-callback) |
25 |
| - - [`db.close([callback])`](#dbclosecallback) |
26 |
| - - [`db.put(key, value[, options][, callback])`](#dbputkey-value-options-callback) |
27 |
| - - [`db.get(key[, options][, callback])`](#dbgetkey-options-callback) |
28 |
| - - [`db.del(key[, options][, callback])`](#dbdelkey-options-callback) |
29 |
| - - [`db.batch(array[, options][, callback])` _(array form)_](#dbbatcharray-options-callback-array-form) |
30 |
| - - [`db.batch()` _(chained form)_](#dbbatch-chained-form) |
31 |
| - - [`db.isOpen()`](#dbisopen) |
32 |
| - - [`db.isClosed()`](#dbisclosed) |
33 |
| - - [`db.createReadStream([options])`](#dbcreatereadstreamoptions) |
34 |
| - - [`db.createKeyStream([options])`](#dbcreatekeystreamoptions) |
35 |
| - - [`db.createValueStream([options])`](#dbcreatevaluestreamoptions) |
36 |
| - - [`db.iterator([options])`](#dbiteratoroptions) |
37 |
| - - [`db.clear([options][, callback])`](#dbclearoptions-callback) |
38 |
| - - [What happened to `db.createWriteStream`?](#what-happened-to-dbcreatewritestream) |
39 |
| -- [Promise Support](#promise-support) |
40 |
| -- [Events](#events) |
41 |
| -- [Multi-process Access](#multi-process-access) |
42 |
| -- [Contributing](#contributing) |
43 |
| -- [Big Thanks](#big-thanks) |
44 |
| -- [Donate](#donate) |
45 |
| - - [Backers](#backers) |
46 |
| - - [Sponsors](#sponsors) |
47 |
| -- [License](#license) |
| 17 | +- [levelup](#levelup) |
| 18 | + - [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents) |
| 19 | + - [Introduction](#introduction) |
| 20 | + - [Supported Platforms](#supported-platforms) |
| 21 | + - [Usage](#usage) |
| 22 | + - [API](#api) |
| 23 | + - [Special Notes](#special-notes) |
| 24 | + - [`levelup(db[, options[, callback]])`](#levelupdb-options-callback) |
| 25 | + - [`db.supports`](#dbsupports) |
| 26 | + - [`db.open(options)`](#dbopenoptions) |
| 27 | + - [`db.close([callback])`](#dbclosecallback) |
| 28 | + - [`db.put(key, value, options)`](#dbputkey-value-options) |
| 29 | + - [`db.get(key, options)`](#dbgetkey-options) |
| 30 | + - [`db.del(key, options)`](#dbdelkey-options) |
| 31 | + - [`db.batch(array, options)` _(array form)_](#dbbatcharray-options-array-form) |
| 32 | + - [`db.batch()` _(chained form)_](#dbbatch-chained-form) |
| 33 | + - [`db.isOpen()`](#dbisopen) |
| 34 | + - [`db.isClosed()`](#dbisclosed) |
| 35 | + - [`db.createReadStream([options])`](#dbcreatereadstreamoptions) |
| 36 | + - [`db.createKeyStream([options])`](#dbcreatekeystreamoptions) |
| 37 | + - [`db.createValueStream([options])`](#dbcreatevaluestreamoptions) |
| 38 | + - [`db.iterator([options])`](#dbiteratoroptions) |
| 39 | + - [`db.clear(options)`](#dbclearoptions) |
| 40 | + - [What happened to `db.createWriteStream`?](#what-happened-to-dbcreatewritestream) |
| 41 | + - [Promise Support](#promise-support) |
| 42 | + - [Events](#events) |
| 43 | + - [Multi-process Access](#multi-process-access) |
| 44 | + - [Contributing](#contributing) |
| 45 | + - [Big Thanks](#big-thanks) |
| 46 | + - [Donate](#donate) |
| 47 | + - [Backers](#backers) |
| 48 | + - [Sponsors](#sponsors) |
| 49 | + - [License](#license) |
48 | 50 |
49 | 51 | </details>
50 | 52 |
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