β DISCLAIMER 1: This is an unofficial library and offers no warranty! The developers and contributors of the project do not assume any responsibility in case of ban of your account. Use of instagram bots does not comply with the terms of the service: use this software at your own risk. A "bot" is legal software, but the use of a bot continuously violates the terms of use of Instagram and you risk a: soft ban (such as limited actions or follow-up) or you risk ban with suspension for a few days (or permanent). All trademarks and logos belong to their respective owners.
β DISCLAIMER 2: The API (on which the bot is partially based) login ( just for the first login of the profile ) can cause the creation of a warning email about a new access to instagram from a new device (samsung phone usually)
This project is free, and I try to provide excellent free support. Why donate? I work on this project several hours a week or in my spare time and try to keep it up to date and working. This cannot be done without your financial support, even small. There are professional bots that saves passwords on the cloud for β¬14/month: we want to protect your passwords and offer you a better product than others storing all the datas locally on your machine. A lower donation would allow continuous development, ever better quality and the realization of this dream. THANK YOU!
π΅ ACTIONS: With the term actions are identified the buttons at the start of each page. Then name of the button can be read by hovering the mouse on it.
β« LABELS: Each input, label, button has a label on it with a small description of the element, it is readable by hovering the mouse on it.
π΄ API: This bot uses a Nodejs instagram-private-api for upload medias. If you have the 2FA enabled for do the login you are going to insert two times the 2FA code, once for thw browser login and once for the api login.
βοΈ LIST FIELDS: Each list field to fill in the bot settings has to respect the following format: elem1 & elem2 & elem3 ....
Instagram api manual:
- π Dashboard
- π¨ In development
- π Profiles
- π¬ actions
- π Login datas
- π Interactions
- π Interactions Values
- π Interactions Limits
- π Images Collector
- π Auto Post
- π Auto Story
- π Images
- π¬ actions
- π Images Collector
- π Posts
- π Stories
- π¬ actions
- π Auto Story
- π Stats
- π Logs
- π’ Issues
- π¨ In development
From this panel you can manage the account settings, create/delete new profiles and start/stop bots.
All the given datas are stored LOCALLY on your machine. There are no cloud services so all the informations are securely saved and ONLY YOU can read them.
- β‘ Run: Runs the bot of the current selected profile.
- β‘ Save settings: Save the settings of the selected profile. Each time that you edit something be sure to save it before running the bot.
- β‘ Api login: Does the login in the private api for the selected profile
- β‘ New profile creation:
- Write the profile name in the Create new profile field. If you want to reuse the settings already wrote for another profile before than write the name in the Create new profile field select the wanted profile.
- Compile the setting
- Click the Save settings button and the profile will automatically created.
- β‘ Run All: Runs all the bots of the saved profiles.
- β‘ Stop: Stop the bot of the selected profile. For stop a bot is possible to simply close the window of the bot.
- β‘ Stop All: Stop all the running bots.
- β‘ Clear Fields: Clears all the fields withot saving/deleting anithing.
- β‘ Delete Profile: Delete the selected profile and all the related datas ( except for the images )
- β‘Clear Session: Clear all the datas of the session in the browser and in the api.
- β‘ username : your login username
- β‘ password : your login password
if the account has 2FA enabled and the Auto post/story is active the code will be sent twice, once for thw API login and once for the Brwoser login.
The login is made only once (if the previous session is valid). It can be made again by clearing the profile session with the action Clear Session
- β‘ follow public : Allow the bot to the public profiles
- β‘ follow private : Allow the bot to follow the private profiles
- β‘ follow no post : Allow the bot to follow profiles without posts
- β‘ left comment : Allow the bot to left a custom comment under the posts of the visited user
- β‘ left like : Allow the bot to left a like under the posts of the visited user
- β‘ left message : Allow the bot to left a dm to the visited user
- β‘ unfollow : Allow the bot to unfollow someone
- The unfollow action is made only on profiles that the bot has previously followed.
Each interaction value is valid only if the corresponding interaction status is active. For example if you set number of likes = 3 but the left like interaction is not active the number of likes are ignored
β‘ number of likes: The number of likes that the bot has to left on the visited profile. if number of likes = 3 it will like the last 3 post of the user.
β‘ pages for profile collection : A list of pages from where the bot collect the profiles with which interact. ( & separator )
β‘ number of comments : The number of comments that the bot has to left on the visited profile.
β‘ comment : A list of commets from where the bot can choiche for pick a comment to left. ( & separator )
β‘ message : A list of messages from where the bot can choiche for pick a text to send to the visited user. ( & separator )
β‘ delay : The delay that the bot has to sleep before to start another Interactions cycle with the next user. Interactions with user1 + unfollow ---> sleep delay ---> Interactions with user2 + unfollow ---> sleep delay ---> ....
β‘ start unfollow: The number of people that the bot has to follow before that it starts to unfollow someone. if start unfollow = 100 it will start to unfollow after 100 profiles followed.
β‘ random actions: This setting randomize the actions:
- likes: The bot will left a random number of likes, from 1 to number of likes.
- comments: The bot will left a random number of comments, from 1 to number of comments.
- follow: The bot will follow or not the visited profile.
- unfollow: The bot will unfollow or not someone.
- messages: THe bot will send or not a dm to the visited profile.
β‘ random time: This settings randomize the sleep delay between one interaction cycle and another.
- The bot will sleep from delay/2 to 2 * delay
β‘ collect following time: The delay that the bot has for scrape your profile following list and find who it has to unfollow by comparing your following list with the previously followed peoples.
β‘ collect to follow time: The delay that the bot has for scrape the followers list of the pages for profile collection and save the scraped profiles for interact with them.
- β‘ follow per day : The maximum range of follow to left in one day.
- β‘ likes per day : The maximum range of likes to left in one day.
- β‘ unfollow per day: The maximum range of unfollow to left in one day.
- β‘ comment per day : The maximum range of commets to left in one day.
- β‘ message per day : The maximum range of messages to left in one day.
- β‘ hashtags: The hashtags list from where you want the bot to collect the images from, you can add too profiles name. @ for profiles, # for hashtags, ! for absolute paths of folders ( & separator ) ex: ( #hashtag1 & #hashtag2 & @profile1 & @profile2 & !abs/path/to/folder).
- β‘ collect images: Allow the bot to automatically collect new images each given delay.
- β‘ collect images delay: The delay that the bot has to wait before collect again the images.
By default in eache random post the owner of the posted image will be tagged in the post.
- β‘ auto post: Allow the bot to do auto posts.
- β‘ random post: Allow the bot to create a random post from the collected images.
- β‘ random post delay: The delay that the bot has to wait before post a new random post
- β‘ captions: The captions list that the bot will use for create the random post. ( & separator )
- β‘ auto story: Allow the bot to do auto stories.
- β‘ random story: Allow the bot to create a random story from the collected images.
- β‘ random story delay: The delay that the bot has to wait before post a new random story
From this panel you can manage the collected images and run the profiles images collector for collect new images.
The collected images are not downloaded but the ig images links are stored in a file, so they doesn't fill your disk space!
Be aware that the ig videos links are temporary, usually a video link expires after few days so don't collect videos and hope that they will remain there for months.
- β‘ Run: Runs the image collector of the selected profile. It collects the most popular images/videos and their owner of the given hashtags, and the latest (12-18) posts of a given profile. ( usually each hashtag has 9 popular medias).
- β‘ Save settings: Save the settings of the selected profile. Each time that you edit something be sure to save it before running the bot.
- β‘ Run All: Runs all the images collectors of the saved profiles.
- β‘ Stop: Stop the image collector of the selected profile. Is possible to simply close the window of the collector too.
- β‘ Stop All: Stop all the images collectors.
- β‘ Delete All Images: Delete all the images of the hastas related to the selected profile. The deleted images are gone too for all the others profiles. All the profiles shares the images, if you have two profiles A and B and both have the hashtag #pizza if you delete on or more images of the hashtag #pizza from the profile A the images are deleted too for the profile B.
- β‘ Delete Profile: Delete the selected profile and all the related datas ( except for the images )
- β‘Clear Session: Clear all the datas of the session in the browser and in the api.
- β‘ hashtags: The hashtags list from where you want the bot to collect the images from, you can add too profiles name. @ for profiles, # for hashtags, ! for absolute paths of folders ( & separator ) ex: ( #hashtag1 & #hashtag2 & @profile1 & @profile2 & !abs/path/to/folder).
- β‘ collect images: Allow the bot to automatically collect new images each given delay.
- β‘ collect images delay: The delay that the bot has to wait before collect again the images.
From this panel you can manage/schedule posts.
β‘ Random Post: generate random posts based on the given
β‘ Add Post: Add a post card at the bottom of the page that can be filled with custom datas for create a scheduled post. The supported files are .mp4 for videos and .jpg for images. You can add too a tag list containing the users to tag. ( & separator ).
β‘ Save settings: Save the settings of the selected profile. Each time that you edit something be sure to save it before running the bot.
β‘ Delete All posts: Remove all the Scheduled posts of the selected profile.
β‘ Delete Profile: Delete the selected profile and all the related datas ( except for the images )
β‘ Clear Session: Clear all the datas of the session in the browser and in the api.
For Generate a Random Posts:
- Fill the random posts number field with the posts to generate.
- Fill the random posts start date field with the date that indidicates the start of the pubblication of the posts.
- Select the capiton type between: - random caption: take a random caption from the given captions. - default caption: take the caption collected with the post. - default + random: use the default one and adds to it a random caption from the given captions.
- Click the random posts button, this will generate 'n' posts with random videos/images previously collected from the bot, the posts dates start from the given date and each time that a new random post is created this date is incremented with the number given in the random post delay field.
By default in eache random post the owner of the posted image will be tagged in the post.
- β‘ auto post: Allow the bot to do auto posts.
- β‘ random post: Allow the bot to create a random post from the collected images.
- β‘ random post delay: The delay that the bot has to wait before post a new random post
- β‘ captions: The captions list that the bot will use for create the random post. ( & separator )
captions special words:
- @owner : when the bot will post the image/video will replace this word with the source ( so the owner of the post ) of the post.
From this panel you can manage/schedule stories.
- β‘ Random Stories:
- Fill the random stories number field with the posts to generate.
- Fill the random story start date field with the date that indidicates the start of the pubblication of the posts.
- Click the _random stories button, this will generate 'n' stories with random videos/images previously collected from the bot, the stories dates start from the given date and each time that a new random story is created this date is incremented with the number given in the random story delay field.
- β‘ Add Story: Add a story card at the bottom of the page that can be filled with custom datas for create a scheduled story. The supported files are .mp4 for videos and .jpg for images.
- β‘ Save settings: Save the settings of the selected profile. Each time that you edit something be sure to save it before running the bot.
- β‘ Delete All Stories: Remove all the Scheduled posts of the selected profile.
- β‘ Delete Profile: Delete the selected profile and all the related datas ( except for the images )
- β‘ Clear Session: Clear all the datas of the session in the browser and in the api.
- β‘ auto story: Allow the bot to do auto stories.
- β‘ random story: Allow the bot to create a random story from the collected images.
β¦οΈ random story delay: The delay that the bot has to wait before post a new random story
This is a view only panel. When the bot is active it stores the interactions that it does and some datas relative to your profile for create ANALYTICS GRAPHS. The following graphs are aviable.
- Daily stats
- Likes interaction
- Comments interaction
- Follow interaction
- Unfollow interaction
- Visited profiles
- Profile uploaded posts count: No
- Following
- Followers
This is a view only panel. There are stored all the bot logs, basically what it does and when it does it. If you see that something isn't working just checks the logs for see if something bad happend.
- With the logs filter u can choose to view only a specific type of logs:
- errors
- info
- warnings
- success
Sometimes the error are displayed too in the upper alert box!
For any problem or help request open an issue.
- Code and Contributions Licese
Copyright (c) 2020 Linch1-Wiinsta: Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
- Images and logos have CC BY-NC 4.0 License
- Documentations and Translations have CC BY 4.0 License