All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See commit-and-tag-version for commit guidelines.
0.0.5 (2024-12-21)
- 2023 retrospective blog (0288ecf)
- 2023 retrospective blog indonesian (c2eabe7)
- about home page (90a250c)
- about page update 🚀 (8350715)
- ada uc link 🚀 (c291971)
- add bangkit capstone project 🚀 (c005e16)
- add blog views (its actually working frfr ong no cap) 🚀 (60c607d)
- add blog views backend (firebase) 🚀 (60b678a)
- add carbon badge 🚀 (782302f)
- add csharp to tech stack (b7b8483)
- add cv 🚀 (396c66c)
- add cv 🚀 (150d53b)
- add eva card 🚀 (e0f1806)
- add golang moment 🚀 (9fc94f1)
- add json ld (8dbad57)
- add mobile sidenav 🚀 (f5bfc4f)
- add mobile sidenav 🚀 (0cc8759)
- add netlify configs and update umami script (27f6129)
- add quotes page, fetch from quotes api backend, add daisyui 🚀 (89d929e)
- add react image lightbox 🚀 (080d82f)
- add react native description, change edge-runtime to edge 🚀 (7d4ae37)
- add route 🚀 (4add477)
- add skeleton loading iframe (a61769d)
- add some tech stack yo 🚀 (f68581b)
- add spigger product (8cec559)
- add spotify now playing 🚀 (c8f0a81)
- add supoort link (3ed2e64)
- add umami analytics (58eb0e2)
- add youtube link (6be174d)
- app engine deploy 🚀 (ed4eab0)
- axios interceptors blog 🚀 (285289b)
- banger ass tic tac toe 🚀 (ed47037)
- better animation now playing (23a07fd)
- better seo (3dd9e17)
- better seo, perhaps (f9ffd49)
- betterheader links (0055667)
- blog script (72d271b)
- blog view api attempt 🚀 (a1b1302)
- change blog seo description (8b14fe3)
- change links 🚀 (3bd6d74)
- change postcss config ts (982460b)
- change sort components (5dace60)
- change title (bc03c28)
- change to btoa for vercel compat 🚀 (28bcdd9)
- changed cv to a gdrive link 🚀 (8f423de)
- color palette 🚀 (61dcecb)
- colors constant 🚀 (ff51427)
- complete the python venv blog 🚀 (9a7a96a)
- cosmetic updates (d34f120)
- Create vercel.json (4a69434)
- custom code copy icon 🚀 (474d734)
- disable daisyui themes (83b86be)
- env example spotify 🚀 (dea4d52)
- fetch now playing only if visible (7479634)
- github sponsor footer (88f3a32)
- glow ass title (a410ed0)
- go blog 🚀 (e31e8ce)
- gruvbox theme 🚀 (91199a1)
- i18n blog (2d73e4e)
- improve quotes page (7b0e5a0)
- intervariable font 🚀 (7ab2ca5)
- jsonld use from const (b2340cb)
- line number on blog (f576a60)
- manifest (6915944)
- manifest rename (0459ef4)
- migrate about page to app router (863e359)
- migrate blog to app (a5784d2)
- migrate blog to app router (1d03967)
- migrate components page to app router (ff5340c)
- migrate coverage to coverage-next (292ccca)
- migrate cv to app router (4c0f008)
- migrate headless ui to shadcn (45d18e7)
- migrate lightbox (8be2114)
- migrate projects page to app router (81afb54)
- migrate react tippy to shadcn tooltip (6a38596)
- migrate to app router incrementally (fdb8a50)
- migrate to pnpm (d66e054)
- migrate to pnpm (92c26c9)
- migrate to pnpm (325b6a1)
- morsenator about page 🚀 (bb91cff)
- move firebase key to env 🚀 (4d44aee)
- move quotes to app router (68db8bb)
- new blog just dropped (ac4a639)
- next js 13 🚀 (71f0a65)
- now playing tooltip (3a09c8e)
- number ninja privacy policy 🚀 (9dd39b7)
- og image metadata (5f1adab)
- opne new tab false terms of use morsenator 🚀 (f53a679)
- optimize css (d851d95)
- optimize rerenders (e1e3842)
- overall website enchancement (f3807ff)
- petto tnc 🚀 (5f10987)
- preact is back yo 🚀 (07b1083)
- preact mmk 🚀 (99ad0e0)
- pwa and manifest script 🚀 (4955198)
- quotes api rewrite (e866e49)
- quotes api rewrite slug (e003d36)
- reduce graphics load on mobile (b88b39e)
- refresh spotify interval 🚀 (702284a)
- remove index-old graphic (da29bd6)
- remove unnecessary element from product privacy policy 🚀 (d55e2d0)
- responsive now playing (da7eca6)
- revalidate now playing to 10 s (c1b9642)
- revise about page (c75aec5)
- robots (0068ad3)
- save preferences when sorting in session storage (0566421)
- scroll button props 🚀 (c64055b)
- scroll button refined 🚀 (c5f453d)
- slashing divider footer (a9ffa45)
- some frame motion tree shaking (159b336)
- swift tech stack 🚀 (8fb7350)
- three js render (e7e1c49)
- ttt better 🚀 (47356b2)
- ttt responsive 🚀 (812efef)
- ui improvements (9e65afc)
- unit test coverage improvement 🚀 (6f002c1)
- update accessibility (52c84f4)
- update accessibility (fdbad63)
- update and fix cypress error (6757e89)
- update cypress yo 🚀 (b2b889c)
- update json ld (a1bcec4)
- update metadata for seo (85464ad)
- update name (899b171)
- update projects 🚀 (7059454)
- update styling (20840d9)
- use commit-and-tag-version (41f1ddf)
- use cssnano (15f0437)
- use defer only for loading script (04367fc)
- use description from constants (9b515b3)
- use edge runtime for now-playing (da08107)
- use geist font (0c3ff3b)
- use lodash-es (491ff8b)
- use not-found in app router (c5bd4f7)
- use partial import react 🚀 (1ad156b)
- use passive listeners (cb61e5b)
- use server actions and route handler for blogs (e2e96d0)
- use sewist to replace next-pwa (9c102b7)
- use ts next config (bb392fa)
- use typescript for tailwind config file 🚀 (fb5ed88)
- about link grows (0dc5126)
- accessibility cv page (ca0ce98)
- accessibility issues (a71a1cc)
- build error (a1d7ed9)
- build error (fa9b17a)
- build error gh action (d62719a)
- build error gh action (21acebb)
- cloudinary route 🚀 (23d1a78)
- coolbutton test (a5e4a39)
- copy custom code (0aff8a4)
- counter (caa781a)
- custom code clipboard (567d8cd)
- cypress build ci env (5659de4)
- cypress deps error (5385080)
- favicon (2cafa61)
- firestore error deps (dab5737)
- font optimization (cf84e2b)
- footer alignments (8820211)
- framer motion bug 🚀 (13ae72e)
- full button width and add emoji 🚀 (2381767)
- intersection observer test error (31dcb7c)
- invalid date 🚀 (4030630)
- invalid robots.txt (eecd905)
- jest config error ts-node 🚀 (75b88c7)
- light mode blog text color (69b7802)
- link tree 🚀 (65a4613)
- mail tooltip spacing 🚀 (fec616d)
- mobile responsiveness (3b3b58d)
- pn not synced (e84f3ae)
- pnpm build error (9af518b)
- pnpm cypress g action error (0eebeac)
- react three fiber error (c202d56)
- remove react tippy css (6d7c0e0)
- request module not found (2baea4c)
- rerenders and typo (6eee26e)
- responsive cool button (11f03cf)
- revert postcss (072ca19)
- skip firebase admin in ci env (c56f866)
- skip links not focusable (e26f517)
- skip links not focusable (d78f2b5)
- sonarcloud bugs (cdef9e9)
- sonarcloud bugs (573a92c)
- sonarcloud duplicate code (d0bddc0)
- storybook 🚀 (7fd73f5)
- tooltip provider pages (d6db66a)
- tsconfig types (9f1a681)
- typo sheesh 🚀 (8ffa297)
- unit test (0a5e06f)
- update domains 🚀 (8db6447)
- use tsx instead of ts-node (12b5aba)
0.0.4 (2022-05-21)
- add 500 error page 🚀 (5fe66cf)
- add a very nice navbar 🚀 (83c897c)
- add about page! 🚀 (37ee770)
- add accent to 404 heading 🚀 (fc88301)
- add colormodetoggle and styledinput component 🚀 (51dbb15)
- add copyright footer 🚀 (1380ad4)
- add db to techstack, add scrollbutton 🚀 (2f06cf5)
- add direction prop to page progress 🚀 (c4d36ba)
- add environment variables typing 🚀 (22cad35)
- add favicons 🚀 (7f28c05)
- add favicons 🚀 (9daa2e3)
- add intersection observer animationg 🚀 (b0e68bf)
- add logo width to opengraph request 🚀 (3e14bd2)
- add more projects, project image 🚀 (2081961)
- add nprogress 🚀 (2cf7f50)
- add nvmrc, move classname 🚀 (38e1a22)
- add og api route option 🚀 (449cbaa)
- add page progress component 🚀 (b0bbaca)
- add projects page 🚀 (7f6628e)
- add ring to project card and colormodetoggle 🚀 (e616e41)
- add something in the header, footer contact 🚀 (e947cfe)
- add storybook 🚀 (035c98d)
- add support for svgr 🚀 (2284a99)
- add tech stack 🚀 (e359396)
- better cool button 🚀 (8e056ba)
- better error page accent 🚀 (650ccef)
- better nav for mobile device 🚀 (c0c0139)
- change accent light mode to be more contrast 🚀 (69123b5)
- change index seo title 🚀 (ec71a14)
- change skip to content 🚀 (2521548)
- change skip to content button 🚀 (352572b)
- color mode toggle improvement, better accent coloring 🚀 (7c5f23f)
- dark bg and dark text on body element 🚀 (0631750)
- disable preact 🚀 (aa95e43)
- enable dependabot update 🚀 (eb7b6f8)
- even better cool button 🚀 (c979056)
- footer content 🚀 (3f2ab73)
- full page 404 includes header and footer 🚀 (07e954e)
- jest config typings 🚀 (04dbd8e)
- mainpage lol 🚀 (0fda33e)
- project button scale animation 🚀 (f427612)
- public coveralls bruh 🚀 (3631b39)
- public coveralls bruh 🚀 (e9b92f7)
- purge yarn lock 🚀 (030ad11)
- seo description fixed 🚀 (de69bcf)
- shorten tailwind config css 🚀 (0a1a733)
- storybook config typescript 🚀 (7f16460)
- update page story 🚀 (3483f27)
- update scripts 🚀 (ed7cf1d)
- use inter font 🚀 (0513543)
- use nextjs-progressbar 🚀 (4d01c76)
- using tailwind instead of css for stories 🚀 (3ab6352)
- wording 🚀 (66b7b2c)
- accessibility and seo lighthouse 🚀 (745f98a)
- accessibility and seo lighthouse 🚀 (0fe42e6)
- favicon broken link 🚀 (4e53b1f)
- jest missing deps 🚀 (5844029)
- react 18 typings 🚀 (4746a3f)
- remove whitespace from className 🚀 (6ddebdb)
- sometimes font not loaded 🚀 (5a23007)
- tooltip padding 🚀 (3e9d52b)
- tooltip typing 🚀 (ed19ba7)
- wrong tailwind classname coolbutton, refactor tooltip to use tailwind 🚀 (7ea2e59)
0.0.2 (2022-02-21)
- add eslint plugin jest and eslint plugin prettier 🚀 (7bb50e7)
- add next bundle analyzer 🚀 (625216f)
- dark and light mode color support 🚀 (08a598e)
- button component classname typo (f6d967c)
- a cool button (b6e5e6b)
- accent component (ef0517a)
- add clsxm 🚀 (8165944)
- better enums (eaa6754)
- better tsconfig for cypress 🚀 (63a4bc8)
- change commitlint config to ts (2eb180e)
- commit lint (36bc23e)
- cypress config (f79c239)
- header and footer (424c544)
- initialize layout (00afd42)
- layout component (b1162b5)
- useful api, typescript cypress (d3ea4cb)