The default field will output a field when no other field type worked. It allows the user to enter a simple string input for the value of that field.
public string StringField { get; set; }
A non-nullable type will always be Required and a nullable type can be made to be Required by annotating with the [Required]
attribute (but allows you to start off with a blank value when using null
so you don't bias the user's input).
When using the Default Field Generator then the default HTML of the Field Element will be:
<input %validationAttrs% %htmlAttributes% id="%propertyName%" name="%propertyName%" type="text" value="%value%" />
If the field is required then the default HTML will be:
<input %validationAttrs% %htmlAttributes% id="%propertyName%" name="%propertyName%" required="required" type="text" value="%value%" />