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Releases: MRCollective/ChameleonForms


04 May 03:59
Choose a tag to compare

Thanks to @cuzzlor who contributed #85, which fixed the JavaScript date validation bug outlined in #73.


16 Mar 15:13
Choose a tag to compare

Thanks to @mwhelan who contributed #81, which added the ability to specify different LetterCasing options for the HumanisedLabels class (used to configure default MVC label casing.


16 Mar 15:11
Choose a tag to compare

Thanks to @TravisTheTechie for contributing #80, which closed issues:

  • #74 .Autofocus() in IFieldConfiguration
  • #75 .TabIndex() on IFieldConfiguration


17 Nov 14:54
Choose a tag to compare

Includes bug fix for #71.

Thanks to @bendetat for reporting the problem and contributing the fix!


16 Nov 16:37
Choose a tag to compare

The first post 0.X release - ChameleonForms has been used extensively across a number of production sites and we are happy for it to be used in production. We will be aiming to reduce the number of breaking changes to the library from here.


This version contains:

  • Comprehensive documentation
  • Twitter Bootstrap 3 Template
  • Out-of-the-box support for representing:
    • An encapsulating form
    • Messages in a form
    • Sections and nested sections of form fields
    • A variety of form fields driven by model metadata (including: Boolean, DateTime, enums, lists of enums, lists of arbitrary items, multi-line text, file uploads, password inputs, normal inputs)
    • Nested fields
    • Navigation areas with buttons
  • Integration with ASP.NET MVC 4 (including client-side unobtrusive validation)


Installation is easier done through NuGet:

Install-Package ChameleonForms
Install-Package ChameleonForms.TwitterBootstrap3

Alternatively, a binary is attached to this release.

Future plans

The full backlog can be seen on the Trello board, but the following are likely to be the next features that are investigated:

  • Better sub view model support (including partials and editor templates)
  • Fine-grained configuration of required designators
  • Support for excluding particular enum values
  • Horizontal and inline forms with Twitter Bootstrap

If you have feature ideas or would like to request that a specific feature that you would find useful be prioritised by the team raise an issue to let us know.