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File metadata and controls

46 lines (26 loc) · 2.22 KB


This is an object representing an export. Using this endpoint, you can export voucher transactions as a CSV file. This functionality works asynchronously and comes down to the following steps: create an export object and return its id so you can track its status, trigger a CSV file generation, change the status to SCHEDULED when the generation is over, store the file in S3 and change the status to DONE. Now you can download it. With parameters you can select which fields will be exported. An export request will almost always result in a single file being generated by the system. However, when your volume of data is large, the system may split the results into multiple chunks.


Name Type Description Notes
id String Unique export ID.
_object ObjectEnum The type of object being represented. This object stores information about the `export`.
createdAt OffsetDateTime Timestamp representing the date and time when the export was scheduled in ISO 8601 format.
status StatusEnum Status of the export. Informs you whether the export has already been completed, i.e. indicates whether the file containing the exported data has been generated.
channel String The channel through which the export was triggered.
exportedObject ExportedObjectEnum The type of exported object.
parameters VoucherTransactionsFilters
result VoucherTransactionsExportResult [optional]
userId String Identifies the specific user who initiated the export through the Voucherify Dashboard; returned when the `channel` value is `WEBSITE`. [optional]

Enum: ObjectEnum

Name Value
EXPORT "export"

Enum: StatusEnum

Name Value

Enum: ExportedObjectEnum

Name Value
VOUCHER_TRANSACTIONS "voucher_transactions"