Table used to capture cassandra CQL script version status during LERN release deployment
Column Name | Data Type | Description | Sample Data |
version | text | Current CQL script version deployed | 1.113 |
checksum | int | -1988945306 | |
description | text | Not Used | cassandra |
execution_time | int | Time taken in milliseconds to execute the cql script | 2323 |
installed_by | text | Not Used | |
installed_on | timestamp | Timestamp on which the cql script was executed | 2020-12-18 11:04:46.095000+0000 |
installed_rank | int | The order in which this migration was applied amongst all others. (For out of order detection) | 226 |
script | text | CQL script name | V1.113_cassandra.cql |
success | boolean | Indicator to mention whether CQL script was run successfully or not | True |
type | text | The type of migration (CQL, JAVA_DRIVER, ...) | CQL |
version_rank | int | The position of this version amongst all others. (For easy order by sorting) | 112 |
Table used to store information about the last run CQL migration script data
Column Name | Data Type | Description | Sample Data |
name | text | Field Name | installed_rank |
count | counter | Field Value | 257 |