- npx hardhat node --hostname
- npx hardhat run --network localhost scripts/deploy-test.js <— deploy contracts here
- Run a script to mint loot/gm/etc using localhost as provider
- Setup subgraph https://thegraph.academy/developers/local-development/
- Update docker-compose.yml file to: ethereum: 'mainnet:http://host.docker.internal:8545/'before you run docker-compose up
- Update subgraph.yaml to point to hardhat contract addresses, e.g. Loot address: '0x5FbDB2315678afecb367f032d93F642f64180aa3' # '0xff9c1b15b16263c61d017ee9f65c50e4ae0113d7'
- yarn run codegen
- yarn run build
Local 9. yarn run create-local 10. yarn run deploy-local
Hosted 9. graph auth --product hosted-service 9a5f477af4ca427ea1a2e8194d59b4a0 10. graph deploy --product hosted-service open-quill-foundation/librarium-testnet