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Driving Licence App: Development Strategy

Building this app one step at a time.

0. Setup

  • Filled-out planning document
  • Define first communication plan.
  • Set up the starter project.
    • Identify the main repository owner.
    • Add each other as collaborators.
    • Set up the project board.
  • Fork the organized-for-deployment.
  • Make a search about app and think on the samples.
  • Define user stories.
  • Write a first-draft development strategy.
  • Deploy the starter code.
  • Update
  • Begin planning the data tables for the application.
  • Update existing files according to requirements.
  • Create issues, assign issues, create milestones and labels.
  • Begin wireframing

1. User Story: Home Page - Overview

A user can overview a sample tutorial, and can see overview of the page *** This user story can be divided into pieces as Header, Main Section Footer or Contact page, About page... labels: init, view, style, frontend


  • Create init.js to declare home page for initialization.

  • Render UI. Create/work on view.js, create/work on a class named UI, create/work on render method and use it for rendering/initializing.

  • Create style.css, use bootstrap. (this section will be updated)

  • Home page needs

    • Responsive website


    • Create collapse navigation bar (links to other pages, sign up, sign in buttons,tutorials,practice-test,browse-tests, profile, free sample test, our logo)

    Main Section

    • Create a video tag . App tutorial (short , and it starts automatically when the page loaded)
    • Create some cards for example for the tests; an img tag, short comment <p> below it when click the photo then it goes to the test page. An img tag, short comment <p> below it when click the photo then it goes to the practical information page.


    • Copyright, Contact information...

2. User Story: Sign up

A user can sign up / register online (self-registration). in the register part we ask the user : - name and surname - mail - country - city - age - create password - secret question and answer to reset his password. - ... labels: frontend, view, style, backend, route


  • Create an interface for user to sign up.
    • Create label, input for
      • name
      • surname
      • mail
      • country
      • city
      • age
      • password
      • secret question
      • answer to reset his password.
  • Render UI. When user clicks sign up button it will be rendered. Create/work on view.js, create/work on a class named UI, create/work on render method.


  • Access to db... Write new user to db.
  • Build route. Send confirmation/error response (Successfully signed up).
  • Open home page with message = Welcome "new user".

3. User Story: Login

A user can login by using username and password.

labels: frontend, view, style, backend, route


  • Create an interface for user to login.
  • Render UI. When user clicks login button it will be rendered. Create/work on view.js, create/work on a class named UI, create/work on render method.
  • User name div text will be changed as userName.


  • Access to db... Check the user if exists or not.
    • If the backend route verifies users authentication, user will be directed to homepage.
    • If the backend route doesn’t accept users authentication, an error message will be shown and request re-entry.
  • Write table user as online.
  • Build route. Send confirmation or error response (Successfully signed in).

4. User Story: Logout

A user can logout.

labels: frontend, view, style, backend, route


  • Render UI. When user clicks logout button it will be rendered. Create/work on view.js, create/work on a class named UI, create/work on render method.
  • User name div text will be changed as blank('').


  • Access to db... Check the user if exists or not.
  • Write table user as offline.
  • Build route. Send confirmation/error response.

5. User Story: Recover/Reset Password

  • A user can recover/reset his/her password by clicking forget password link.

  • Create an interface (frontend) asks user for email address,

  • if email address exists (backend),

  • ask in a new interface security question (frontend)

  • is answer is correct (backend)

  • ask for new password (frontend)

  • reset it (frontend)

  • and go to home page.

6. User Story: User Page

  • As an registered user can see a page specialized for him after logged in and then clicked his name.

Create links for reading materials. Create links for tests. Create link for results.

Ideas about what the page should have..

  • user can enroll for test
  • user can take exam
  • user can see his correct and incorrect answers.
  • user can write comment/questions/feedback
  • user can view test result
  • update profile(optional)
  • user can logged out

7. User Story: Teacher Page (This page is "nice to have")

  • As an teacher user can see a page specialized for him.

      - As an registered teacher can grant user to take re-exam
      - For uploading if teachers give an excel
      | comment | question | answer | photo link |
      | --- | --- | --- | --- |
      | You are in a car... | You are in a car. | True | |
      | You are in a car... | You should close your eyes. | False | |
      - we can convert excel in a json and then upload the questions easily. So we only need upload excel document `UI`, and `convert it to JSON logic`. when user sends that `request to backend`, it will `write` to `db`.


  • There is a modify sources(tests and tutorial) button , when he clicks, it goes to the another page.
    • Create 2 buttons for sources and tests.
    • sources button for sources page. All the materials will shown here, Create an add button to add new material.
    • when he clicks the add button it opens form for uploading. in the form there will be box? for uploading pictures or videos and text area for text information and input for heading.
    • Bottom of each material(video or text) there will be delete button and change button.
    • when delete button clicked then first ask that are you sure to delete this part?(for materials)
    • When tests clicked he goes to the tests page. there he can see all the tests and and add button to add new question.
    • when he click the add button then it opens a form. in the form tag there is box? for picture uploading, there are inputs for subquestions and answers.
    • Bottom of each test there will be delete button and change button.
    • when delete button clicked then first ask that are you sure to delete this part? (for tests)
  • There is a statistics button. when he clicks the button , user sees the statistics. (how many students are enrolled for the course, test success of students , in which courses students have difficulties,... )


  • when the user clicked the add button in the sources, run add.js , go to db and add the uploaded file to the folder.(for materials)
  • when the user clicked the add button in the sources, run add.js , go to db and add the uploaded file to the folder.(for tests)
  • Run delete.js and access to db and delete that part.(for materials)
  • Run delete.js and access to db and delete that part.(for tests)
  • when the user clicked the change button then run change.js and access to db and change that part.(for materials)
  • when the user clicked the change button then run change.js and access to db and change that part. (for tests)
  • when the user click the statistics button it gets necessary information from test page.

8. User Story: Add Tutorial Materials

  • A registered user with teacher role can add practice test questions and tutorials.

  • This is detailed in Teacher Page

9. User Story: Update Tutorial Materials

  • A registered user with teacher role can add practice test questions and tutorials.

  • This is detailed in Teacher Page

10. User Story: Delete Tutorial Materials

  • A registered user with teacher role can add practice test questions and tutorials.

  • This is detailed in Teacher Page

11. User Story: Tests Page

  • As an registered user can reach tests list with results.
  • A user can see his total time 20 minutes for 20 questions X 4 sub-questions = 80 questions.
  • A user can take re-exam(re-test).
  • A user can go back and next question. (in real test it can't be so no need)
  • if a user don't finish the test and later he wants to solve remaining questions, the test will continue where he stopt. (what is about time??? is it freezes?)


  • create a table with one column titles (links) shown in rows for all the tests, one column result.
  • Render UI. Create Test folder. Create/work on view.js, create/work on a class named UI, create/work on render method and use it for rendering/initializing.
  • Create style.css, use bootstrap.
  • It will be responsive.


  • Read Test names from Test Table. and send them as a respond. (x)

12. User Story: Test Page

  • As an registered user can take a test.


  • A button when it is clicked to see all the tests with its title and pictures.
  • A button when it is clicked to see his test results for any test separately.
  • A button for next question.
  • A button for back question.
  • In test page there will be a picture of question, sound of question and 4 different sub-questions are related with this question.
  • A button for sound of question description.
  • 4 buttons for each sub-question sound.
  • For each sub-question there will be yes and no checkboxes.
  • A button to see his results.
  • A button when it is clicked he can do test again.
  • An icon to see the time.

BACKEND Initialization

  • Create one method/function to read from db on situation table text, image, audio columns test-related situation. and on question table text, audio columns situation-related question.

    After click End My Test

  • Create one method/function to read from db on situation table image columns test-related situation. and on option table correctOption columns question-related option to make see which questions are correct which are wrong.

  • Create one method/function to write to db on result table correctCount columns which relates chosen test.

13. User Story: Results

  • A registered user can reach his results/scores.

Ideas about what the page should have..

  • as a user he can see the the solution/corrections at the end of each test.
  • as a user if he click any test in the results page , he can see the result of his test.
  • as an teacher he can see the average of the student success in the teacher page.(optional)
  • as an teacher he can see the total number of the students in the teacher page.(optional)


  • there are img tags for each test. if user is successful in that course image has a green border. otherwise it has a red border.
  • at the bottom of each img there are 3 text areas, correct answer , incorrect answer , total question
  • each img has a link for the result of that test. when user click the test then user see the correct answers of the questions.
    • there are img tags for each question. if it is correct answered then the image has a green border otherwise it has a red border.
    • at the bottom of the image there will be sub-questions with the correct answers.


  • to show the correct answer amount for each test, it render his answers with the correct answers and save this statistics to statics table on db. (x)
  • it gets the correct answers , user's answers , questions from db when the page loaded.(x)
  • after rendering all user answers , we compute average success of any test and save it in db. (optional)
  • ...

14. User Story: Comments Write/send/read (user page)

  • A registered user can add comment and see all the comments.

  • A registered user with teacher role can reply to comment/feedbacks.

  • Create a section for writing (frontend) comment

  • Create a button to send comment (frontend) it.

  • Comment text will saved in Comment table with user id, test name, date and time.

    Ideas about what the page should have..

15. User Story: Tutorials

  • A registered user can see tutorials.

  • Create like youtube's videos page that lists all of the videos or page by page.

16. Testing

  • Be sure all app sections works properly. Making sure your deployed app works for the live demo.

17. Deploying App

  • Deploy app to make it online and accessible for the users. Use Heroku or another method.

18. Complete

  • Complete for more details about the app.

Ideas about what the page should have..

  • Contributions,
  • All the contact infos about team members.
  • ! This section can be updated always to make a perfect readme.

19. Presentation

  • Preparing a presentation where everyone in the team will speak.

20. Video

  • A short video add for the project.