see module: logger
see module: networkx
CaptureProcMemory(interval=1.0, pid=None)
Capture maximum process memory statistics.
See get_proc_mem_stat
for more information.
__exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback)
__init__(self, interval=1.0, pid=None)
Initialize the memory capture.
: Time interval in seconds to capture memory statistics. Note that memory statistics are captured by reading /proc files. It is advised not to reduce the interval too much, otherwise we increase the overhead of reading the
: Process id. Optional. Default is the current process.
Return maximum memory statistics.
- Dictionary with memory statistics in MB.
CaptureSysMemory(interval=1.0, **kwargs)
Capture maximum system memory statistics.
See get_sys_mem_stat
for more information.
__exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback)
__init__(self, interval=1.0, **kwargs)
Initialize the memory capture.
: Time interval in seconds to capture memory statistics. Note that memory statistics are captured by reading/proc
files. It is advised not to reduce the interval too much, otherwise we increase the overhead of reading the files.
Return maximum memory statistics.
- Dictionary with memory statistics in MB.
KeyValueAction(option_strings, dest, nargs=None, const=None, default=None, type=None, choices=None, required=False, help=None, metavar=None, deprecated=False)
Information about how to convert command line strings to Python objects.
Action objects are used by an ArgumentParser to represent the information needed to parse a single argument from one or more strings from the command line. The keyword arguments to the Action constructor are also all attributes of Action instances.
Keyword Arguments:
- option_strings -- A list of command-line option strings which
should be associated with this action.
- dest -- The name of the attribute to hold the created object(s)
- nargs -- The number of command-line arguments that should be
consumed. By default, one argument will be consumed and a single
value will be produced. Other values include:
- N (an integer) consumes N arguments (and produces a list)
- '?' consumes zero or one arguments
- '*' consumes zero or more arguments (and produces a list)
- '+' consumes one or more arguments (and produces a list)
Note that the difference between the default and nargs=1 is that
with the default, a single value will be produced, while with
nargs=1, a list containing a single value will be produced.
- const -- The value to be produced if the option is specified and the
option uses an action that takes no values.
- default -- The value to be produced if the option is not specified.
- type -- A callable that accepts a single string argument, and
returns the converted value. The standard Python types str, int,
float, and complex are useful examples of such callables. If None,
str is used.
- choices -- A container of values that should be allowed. If not None,
after a command-line argument has been converted to the appropriate
type, an exception will be raised if it is not a member of this
- required -- True if the action must always be specified at the
command line. This is only meaningful for optional command-line
- help -- The help string describing the argument.
- metavar -- The name to be used for the option's argument with the
help string. If None, the 'dest' value will be used as the name.
__call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None)
Call self as a function.
ObjectAsStr(obj, name=None)
Hide object under a string.
Return hash(self).
__new__(cls, obj, name=None)
Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.
obj_to_name(obj, cls)
Singleton metaclass.
__call__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
Call self as a function.
Timer context manager which can also be used as a standalone timer.
We can query our timer for the elapsed time in seconds even before .
Example as a context manager:
>>> with TimeIt() as timer:
>>> sleep(0.05)
>>> print(timer)
"Elapsed time: 0.05s"
Example as a standalone timer:
>>> timer = TimeIt()
>>> timer.start_timer()
>>> sleep(0.05)
>>> print(timer)
"Elapsed time: 0.05s"
__exit__(self, *args)
__init__(self, verbose=False)
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
Print elapsed time in seconds.
data_polling(*args, timeout=120, polling=1, file_count=None, fail_fast=True, verbose=False)
Poll for the availability of files
Poll for data and return when all data is available or otherwise raise an exception if the timeout is reached.
- *args: Variable length argument list of file patterns to be checked.
syntax supported for files on a remote host.
- timeout (int): Timeout in seconds (default is 120 seconds).
- polling (int): Time interval in seconds between each poll (default is 1 second).
- file_count (int): Expected number of files to be found for globular expansion (default is >= 1 files per pattern).
- fail_fast (bool): Stop when a file is not found (default is True).
- verbose (bool): Print verbose output.
function_to_argparse(func, parser=None, exclude=None)
Generate an argparse from a function signature
function_to_argparse_parse_args(*args, **kwargs)
Get process memory statistics from /proc//status.
More information can be found at
: Process id. Optional. Default is the current process.
- Dictionary with memory statistics in MB. Fields are VmSize, VmRSS, VmPeak and VmHWM.
Get system memory statistics from /proc/meminfo.
More information can be found at
- Dictionary with memory statistics in MB. Fields are Committed_AS, MemFree, Buffers, Cached and MemTotal.
Determine whether we are in a Jupyter notebook.
Return successive overlapping pairs taken from the input iterable.
The number of 2-tuples in the output iterator will be one fewer than the number of inputs. It will be empty if the input iterable has fewer than two values.
pairwise('ABCDEFG') → AB BC CD DE EF FG
process_path(fpath: str)
Process path.
: Remote path in the format :. If host corresponds to the local host, then the host element will be removed.
- Processed path
stage_to_dir(*args, staging_dir, verbose=False)
Copy input filepaths to a staging area and update paths.
Hard link copies are preferred (same host) and physical copies are made otherwise.
File name, size and modification time are used to evaluate if the destination file
exists already (matching criteria of rsync). If exists already, skip the copy.
Staged files are named: <modification-time>_<file-size>_<filename>
to avoid
collision with identically names files.
subset_equality(obj_a, obj_b)
Return whether obj_a is a subset of obj_b.
Supporting namedtuple and dataclasses, otherwise fallback to equality. Note that a 'None' value in obj_a is considered a wildcard.