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File metadata and controls

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IPFS Share Files

IPFS Share Files


Share files via IPFS

Lead Maintainer

Diogo Silva

Table of Contents


The IPFS Share Files is a work-in-progress. It is part of the wider IPFS GUI project.

The app uses ipfs-redux-bundle to connect to IPFS via multiple providers. An instance of js-ipfs is created if no provider is available.

This app is built with create-react-app. Please read the docs.


With [email protected] and [email protected] or greater installed, run:

> npm install


To run the app in development mode:

> npm run start
# Go to http://localhost:3000

To run the storybook:

> npm run storybook
# Go to http://localhost:9009

Optionally you may have a local IPFS daemon running:

> ipfs daemon
# API server listening on /ip4/

IPFS Daemon

You must configure your IPFS API to allow cross-origin (CORS) requests from you development server and the domain.

You can either run the script:

> ./

Or do it manually:

> ipfs config --json API.HTTPHeaders.Access-Control-Allow-Origin '["http://localhost:3000", ""]'
> ipfs config --json API.HTTPHeaders.Access-Control-Allow-Methods '["PUT", "GET", "POST"]'

To reset the config to its default state run:

> ipfs config --json API.HTTPHeaders {}


To validate the code using StandardJS run:

> npm run lint


To build the app for production to the build folder:

> npm run build


We use Jenkins for automatic deployments. When a branch gets merged to master, it's deployed to When merged to develop, it goes to


We use Transifex to help us translate IPFS Share Files. The translations are stored on public/locales and the English version is the source of truth.

If want to contribute, go to the project page on Transifex, create an account, pick a language and start translating!

How to sync translations

  1. Install and set up the command-line client (tx)
  2. Download new translations from Transifex with tx pull -a
    • this creates/updates the files in public/locales/* that need to be committed
    • if a new language is created, remember to add it to src/i18n.js

How to add or update keys

  1. Make sure you have the latest files from Transifex with tx pull -a
  2. Only change the source file (public/locales/en/translation.json)
  3. Commit your changes
    • changes from the master branch are fetched by Transifex automatically

For more info on our i18n process at IPFS, check out ipfs/i18n.


Feel free to dive in! Open an issue or submit PRs.

To contribute to IPFS in general, see the contributing guide.
