Fixes and features to implement
Fix top line showing bottom line issue - Done
Check why resolution is now reporting 1440 x 256 - Fixed
Create boot from bios on startup - Done
Fix disk boot issue with fast CPU (ST0=40,ST1=04 in RW_DATA_EXEC3) - Done
Fix corruption writing at 16x and higher - Done
Fix Beeper sound - Done
Add DKTronics joystick and sound support - Done
Get Mouse support working - AMS Done, Kempston Done, Keymouse Done
Create fake daisywheel module to boot 3.5" disks - Done
RAMtest has corrupt screen at start - done
Find issue with intermittent disk corruption
Find screen corruption issue with HoE at boot
Fix Blagger stuck key
CF2DD support
- Disk 40 - Drive 40 = 1 : 1 Track
- Disk 40 - Drive 80 = 1 : 2 Track
- Disk 80 - Drive 40 = 1 : 1 Track - will error
- Disk 80 - Drive 80 = 1 : 1 Tract
- SENSE_INT_STATE - returns modified cylinder number
- SEEK needs cylinder halving
Future features
- Add memory above 128K as SDRAM and options for different memory sizes
- Get multiple drives working
- System timing is 64Mhz clock
- Video clock is 16 Mhz