Table: SurveyLog
+-------------+------+ | Column Name | Type | +-------------+------+ | id | int | | action | ENUM | | question_id | int | | answer_id | int | | q_num | int | | timestamp | int | +-------------+------+ This table may contain duplicate rows. action is an ENUM (category) of the type: "show", "answer", or "skip". Each row of this table indicates the user with ID = id has taken an action with the question question_id at time timestamp. If the action taken by the user is "answer", answer_id will contain the id of that answer, otherwise, it will be null. q_num is the numeral order of the question in the current session.
The answer rate for a question is the number of times a user answered the question by the number of times a user showed the question.
Write a solution to report the question that has the highest answer rate. If multiple questions have the same maximum answer rate, report the question with the smallest question_id
The result format is in the following example.
Example 1:
Input: SurveyLog table: +----+--------+-------------+-----------+-------+-----------+ | id | action | question_id | answer_id | q_num | timestamp | +----+--------+-------------+-----------+-------+-----------+ | 5 | show | 285 | null | 1 | 123 | | 5 | answer | 285 | 124124 | 1 | 124 | | 5 | show | 369 | null | 2 | 125 | | 5 | skip | 369 | null | 2 | 126 | +----+--------+-------------+-----------+-------+-----------+ Output: +------------+ | survey_log | +------------+ | 285 | +------------+ Explanation: Question 285 was showed 1 time and answered 1 time. The answer rate of question 285 is 1.0 Question 369 was showed 1 time and was not answered. The answer rate of question 369 is 0.0 Question 285 has the highest answer rate.
# Write your MySQL query statement below
SELECT question_id AS survey_log
FROM SurveyLog
ORDER BY sum(action = 'answer') / sum(action = 'show') DESC, 1
T AS (
question_id AS survey_log,
(sum(action = 'answer') OVER (PARTITION BY question_id)) / (
sum(action = 'show') OVER (PARTITION BY question_id)
) AS ratio
FROM SurveyLog
SELECT survey_log
ORDER BY ratio DESC, 1