- Added an extra parameter lang to bypass Google's language bug. See http://code.google.com/p/recaptcha/issues/detail?id=133#c3
- widget.html no longer includes options.html. Options are added directly to widget.html
- Removed django-registration dependency
- Changed testing mechanism to environmental variable RECAPTCHA_TESTING
- Handle missing REMOTE_ADDR request meta key. Thanks Joe Jasinski.
- Added checks for settings.DEBUG to facilitate tests. Thanks Victor Neo.
- Fix for correct iframe URL in case of no javascript. Thanks gerdemb.
- Don't force registration version thanks kshileev.
- Render widget using template, thanks denz.
- Use remote IP when validating.
- Added SSL support, thanks Brooks Travis.
- Added support for Javascript reCAPTCHA widget options, thanks Brandon Taylor.
- Allow for key and ssl specification at runtime, thanks Evgeny Fadeev.
- Initial release.