diff --git a/powerbi-docs/connect-data/service-python-packages-support.md b/powerbi-docs/connect-data/service-python-packages-support.md index 06a7802692..f8ed4310cd 100644 --- a/powerbi-docs/connect-data/service-python-packages-support.md +++ b/powerbi-docs/connect-data/service-python-packages-support.md @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ ms.custom: '' ms.service: powerbi ms.subservice: pbi-data-sources ms.topic: conceptual -ms.date: 01/13/2023 +ms.date: 01/17/2025 LocalizationGroup: Connect to data --- # Learn which Python packages are supported in Power BI @@ -17,27 +17,99 @@ You can use the powerful [Python programming language](https://www.python.org/) The following sections provide an alphabetical table of which Python packages are supported in Power BI. -## Request support for a new Python package - -Supported Python packages for Power BI are found in the [following section](#python-packages-that-are-supported-in-power-bi). If you would like to request support of a Python package not found in that list, submit your request to [Power BI Ideas](https://ideas.powerbi.com). - ## Requirements and limitations of Python packages There are a handful of requirements and limitations for Python packages: -* Current Python runtime: Python 3.7.7. * Power BI, for the most part, supports Python packages with free and open-source software licenses such as GPL-2, GPL-3, MIT+, and so on. * Power BI supports packages published in PyPI. The service doesn't support private or custom Python packages. Users are encouraged to make their private packages available on PyPI prior to requesting the package be available in Power BI. * For Python visuals in Power BI Desktop, you can install any package, including custom Python packages. * For security and privacy reasons, Python packages that provide client-server queries over the web in the service, aren't supported. Networking is blocked for such attempts. * The approval process for including a new Python package has a tree of dependencies. Some dependencies required to be installed in the service can't be supported. -## Python packages that are supported in Power BI +### For reports in Premium/Fabric backed workspaces +* Python runtime: Python 3.11 + +## Python packages that are supported in the Power BI service (Premium/ Fabric backed workspaces) + +The following table shows which packages **are supported** in Power BI for reports in **Premium/Fabric backed workspaces**. +[Download packages here] (https://pypi.org/) + +| Package | Version | +|--------------------|-----------| +| asttokens | 2.4.1 | +| certifi | 2024.8.30 | +| comm | 0.2.2 | +| contourpy | 1.3.0 | +| cycler | 0.12.1 | +| debugpy | 1.8.5 | +| decorator | 5.1.1 | +| exceptiongroup | 1.2.2 | +| executing | 2.1.0 | +| fonttools | 4.53.1 | +| importlib_metadata | 8.4.0 | +| ipykernel | 6.29.4 | +| ipython | 8.27.0 | +| jedi | 0.19.1 | +| joblib | 1.4.2 | +| jupyter_client | 8.6.2 | +| jupyter_core | 5.7.2 | +| kiwisolver | 1.4.5 | +| matplotlib | 3.8.4 | +| matplotlib inline | 0.1.7 | +| munkres | 1.1.4 | +| nest_asyncio | 1.6.0 | +| numpy | 2.0.0 | +| packaging | 24.1 | +| pandas | 2.2.2 | +| parso | 0.8.4 | +| patsy | 0.5.6 | +| pexpect | 4.9.0 | +| pickleshare | 0.7.5 | +| pillow | 10.4.0 | +| pip | 24 | +| platformdirs | 4.2.2 | +| ply | 3.11 | +| prompt_toolkit | 3.0.47 | +| psutil | 6.0.0 | +| ptyprocess | 0.7.0 | +| pure_eval | 0.2.3 | +| Pygments | 2.18.0 | +| pyparsing | 3.1.2 | +| PyQt5 | 5.15.9 | +| PyQt5 sip | 12.12.2 | +| python dateutil | 2.9.0 | +| pytz | 2024.1 | +| pyzmq | 26.2.0 | +| scikit learn | 1.5.0 | +| scipy | 1.13.1 | +| seaborn | 0.13.2 | +| setuptools | 70.0.0 | +| sip | 6.7.12 | +| six | 1.16.0 | +| stack data | 0.6.2 | +| statsmodels | 0.14.2 | +| threadpoolctl | 3.5.0 | +| toml | 0.10.2 | +| tomli | 2.0.1 | +| tornado | 6.4.1 | +| traitlets | 5.14.3 | +| typing_extensions | 4.12.2 | +| tzdata | 2024.1 | +| unicodedata2 | 15.1.0 | +| wcwidth | 0.2.13 | +| wheel | 0.44.0 | +| xgboost | 2.0.3 | +| zipp | 3.20.1 | + -The following table shows which packages **are supported** in Power BI. +### For non-Premium/Fabric backed workspaces/Sov. Clouds +* Python runtime: Python 3.7.7 + +The following table shows which packages **are supported** in Power BI reports in **non-Premium/Fabric backed workspaces**. | Package | Version | Link | -|:----------------------|:------------|:-------------------------------------------------------------------------| +|-----------------------|-------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `cycler` | 0.11.0 | [https://pypi.org/project/cycler](https://pypi.org/project/cycler) | | `joblib` | 1.1.0 | [https://pypi.org/project/joblib](https://pypi.org/project/joblib) | | `kiwisolver` | 1.4.4 | [https://pypi.org/project/kiwisolver](https://pypi.org/project/kiwisolver) | @@ -60,6 +132,13 @@ The following table shows which packages **are supported** in Power BI. | `typing-extensions` | 4.3.0 | [https://pypi.org/project/typing-extensions](https://pypi.org/project/typing-extensions) | | `xgboost` | 1.6.1 | [https://pypi.org/project/xgboost](https://pypi.org/project/xgboost) | + +## Considerations and limitations + +- Py visuals aren't supported with Service Principal Profiles for App Owns Data. +- Py visuals rendered from the Power BI service (for Premium/ F SKUs) will support payloads of < 30Mb. + + ## Related content For more information about Python in Power BI, take a look at the following articles: diff --git a/powerbi-docs/connect-data/service-r-packages-support.md b/powerbi-docs/connect-data/service-r-packages-support.md index 311adb9459..b3b8a8f27a 100644 --- a/powerbi-docs/connect-data/service-r-packages-support.md +++ b/powerbi-docs/connect-data/service-r-packages-support.md @@ -8,34 +8,1176 @@ ms.custom: '' ms.service: powerbi ms.subservice: powerbi-ai ms.topic: how-to -ms.date: 11/10/2023 +ms.date: 1/16/2025 LocalizationGroup: Connect to data --- + # Create visuals by using R packages in the Power BI service -You can use the powerful [R programming language](https://www.r-project.org/) to create visuals in the Power BI service. Many R packages are supported in the Power BI service and more are being supported all the time. Some packages aren't supported. +You can use the powerful [R programming language](https://www.r-project.org/) to create visuals in the Power BI service. The Power BI service supports almost thousand packages. The following sections provide an alphabetical table of which R packages are supported in Power BI, and which aren't. For more information about R in Power BI, see the [R visuals](../visuals/service-r-visuals.md) article. -## Request support for a new R package - -Supported R packages for the Power BI service are found in [the following section](#r-packages-that-are-supported-in-power-bi). If you would like to request support of an R package not found in that list, submit your request to [Power BI Ideas](https://ideas.powerbi.com). - ## Requirements and limitations of R packages -There are a handful of requirements and limitations for R packages: - -* Current R runtime: Microsoft R 3.4.4 -* The Power BI service usually supports R packages with free and open-source software licenses such as GPL-2, GPL-3, MIT+, and so on. +* The Power BI service supports R packages with free and open-source software licenses such as GPL-2, GPL-3, MIT+, and so on. * The Power BI service supports packages published in the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). The service doesn't support private or custom R packages. Users are encouraged to make their private packages available on CRAN prior to requesting the package be available in the Power BI service. * The Power BI Desktop has two variations for R packages: - * For R visuals, you can install any package, including custom R packages - * For Custom R visuals, only public CRAN packages are supported for auto-installation of the packages + * For Custom R visuals, only public CRAN packages are supported for autoinstallation of the packages * For security and privacy reasons, R packages that provide client-server queries over the web, such as *RgoogleMaps*, in the service, aren't supported. Networking is blocked for such attempts. See the following section for a list of supported and unsupported R packages. * The approval process for including a new R package has a tree of dependencies. Some dependencies required to be installed in the service can't be supported. -## R packages that are supported in Power BI +### For reports in Premium/Fabric backed workspaces +* Current R runtime: R 4.3.3 + +## R packages that are supported in Power BI (Premium/Fabric backed workspaces) + +The following packages are supported.[Download] (https://cran.r-project.org/): + +| Package | Version | +|-----------------------|-------------| +| abc | 2.2.1 | +| abc.data | 1.1 | +| abind | 1.4-5 | +| acepack | 1.4.2 | +| actuar | 3.3-4 | +| ade4 | 1.7-22 | +| adegenet | 2.1.10 | +| AdMit | 2.1.9 | +| AER | 1.2-13 | +| agricolae | 1.3-7 | +| AlgDesign | 1.2.1 | +| alluvial | 0.1-2 | +| andrews | 1.1.2 | +| anomalize | 0.3.0 | +| anytime | 0.3.9 | +| aod | 1.3.3 | +| apcluster | 1.4.13 | +| ape | 5.8 | +| aplpack | 1.3.5 | +| approximator | 1.2-8 | +| arm | 1.14-4 | +| arsenal | 3.6.3 | +| arules | 1.7-8 | +| arulesViz | 1.5.3 | +| ash | 1.0-15 | +| askpass | 1.2.0 | +| assertthat | 0.2.1 | +| audio | 0.1-11 | +| autocogs | 0.1.4 | +| automap | 1.1-12 | +| aweek | 1.0.3 | +| BACCO | 2.1-0 | +| backports | 1.5.0 | +| BaM | 1.0.3 | +| BAS | 1.7.1 | +| base64 | 2.0.1 | +| base64enc | 0.1-3 | +| BayesDA | 2012.04-1 | +| BayesFactor | 0.9.12-4.7 | +| bayesGARCH | 2.1.10 | +| bayesm | 3.1-6 | +| bayesmix | 0.7-6 | +| bayesplot | 1.11.1 | +| bayesQR | 2.4 | +| bayesSurv | 3.7 | +| bayestestR | 0.14.0 | +| BayesTree | 0.3-1.5 | +| BayesX | 0.3-3 | +| BCBCSF | 1.0-1 | +| BDgraph | 2.73 | +| beanplot | 1.3.1 | +| beepr | 2 | +| beeswarm | 0.4.0 | +| benford.analysis | 0.1.5 | +| BenfordTests | 1.2.0 | +| bfp | 0.0-48 | +| BH | 1.84.0-0 | +| bibtex | 0.5.1 | +| biglm | 0.9-3 | +| bindr | 0.1.1 | +| bindrcpp | 0.2.3 | +| binom | 1.1-1.1 | +| BiocManager | 1.30.25 | +| bit | 4.0.5 | +| bit64 | 4.0.5 | +| bitops | 1.0-8 | +| bizdays | 1.0.16 | +| blandr | 0.6.0 | +| blme | 1.0-5 | +| blob | 1.2.4 | +| BLR | 1.6 | +| BMA | 3.18.17 | +| bmp | 0.3 | +| BMS | 0.3.5 | +| bnlearn | 4.8.3 | +| boa | 1.1.8-2 | +| BoolNet | 2.1.9 | +| Boom | 0.9.15 | +| BoomSpikeSlab | 1.2.6 | +| boot | 1.3-31 | +| bootstrap | 2019.6 | +| Boruta | 8.0.0 | +| bqtl | 1.0-36 | +| BradleyTerry2 | 1.1-2 | +| brew | 1.0-10 | +| brglm | 0.7.2 | +| brio | 1.1.5 | +| broom | 1.0.6 | +| broom.helpers | 1.17.0 | +| broom.mixed | | +| bslib | 0.8.0 | +| bspec | 1.6 | +| bspmma | 0.1-2 | +| bsts | 0.9.10 | +| bupaR | 0.5.4 | +| C50 | 0.1.8 | +| ca | 0.71.1 | +| cachem | 1.1.0 | +| Cairo | 1.6-2 | +| cairoDevice | | +| calibrate | 1.7.7 | +| calibrator | 1.2-8 | +| callr | 3.7.6 | +| car | 3.1-2 | +| carData | 3.0-5 | +| cards | 0.2.2 | +| caret | 6.0-94 | +| catnet | 1.16.1 | +| caTools | 1.18.3 | +| cclust | 0.6-26 | +| cellranger | 1.1.0 | +| ChainLadder | 0.2.19 | +| changepoint | 2.2.4 | +| checkmate | 2.3.2 | +| checkpoint | 1.0.2 | +| chk | 0.9.2 | +| choroplethrMaps | 1.0.1 | +| chron | 2.3-61 | +| circlize | 0.4.16 | +| Ckmeans.1d.dp | 4.3.5 | +| class | 7.3-22 | +| classInt | 0.4-10 | +| cli | 3.6.3 | +| ClickClust | 1.1.6 | +| clickstream | 1.3.3 | +| clipr | 0.8.0 | +| clock | 0.7.1 | +| clue | 0.3-65 | +| cluster | 2.1.6 | +| clv | 0.3-2.4 | +| cmprsk | 2.2-12 | +| coda | 0.19-4.1 | +| codetools | 0.2-20 | +| coefplot | 1.2.8 | +| coin | 1.4-3 | +| collapsibleTree | 0.1.8 | +| colorRamps | 2.3.4 | +| colorspace | 2.1-1 | +| colourpicker | 1.3.0 | +| colourvalues | 0.3.9 | +| combinat | 0.0-8 | +| commonmark | 1.9.1 | +| compositions | 2.0-8 | +| CompQuadForm | 1.4.3 | +| confintr | 1.0.2 | +| conflicted | 1.2.0 | +| conquer | 1.3.3 | +| contfrac | 1.1-12 | +| CORElearn | 1.57.3 | +| corpcor | 1.6.10 | +| corrgram | 1.14 | +| corrplot | 0.94 | +| covr | 3.6.4 | +| cowplot | 1.1.3 | +| cplm | 0.7-12 | +| cpp11 | 0.5.0 | +| crayon | 1.5.2 | +| credentials | 2.0.1 | +| crosstalk | 1.2.1 | +| crul | 1.5.0 | +| ctv | 0.9-5 | +| cubature | | +| Cubist | 0.4.4 | +| curl | 5.2.1 | +| cvar | 0.5 | +| CVST | 0.2-3 | +| cvTools | 0.3.3 | +| d3heatmap | | +| d3Network | | +| d3r | 1.1.0 | +| data.table | 1.15.4 | +| data.tree | 1.1.0 | +| datasauRus | 0.1.8 | +| datawizard | 0.12.3 | +| date | 1.2-42 | +| DBI | 1.2.3 | +| dbplyr | 2.5.0 | +| dbscan | 1.2-0 | +| dclone | 2.3-2 | +| dcurver | 0.9.2 | +| ddalpha | 1.3.15 | +| deal | 1.2-42 | +| debugme | 1.2.0 | +| decido | 0.3.0 | +| deepnet | 0.2.1 | +| deldir | 2.0-4 | +| dendextend | 1.17.1 | +| DEoptimR | 1.1-3 | +| Deriv | 4.1.3 | +| desc | 1.4.3 | +| descr | 1.1.8 | +| deSolve | 1.4 | +| devtools | 2.4.5 | +| diagram | 1.6.5 | +| DiagrammeR | 1.0.11 | +| DiagrammeRsvg | 0.1 | +| dials | 1.3.0 | +| DiceDesign | 1.1 | +| dichromat | 2.0-0.1 | +| diffobj | 0.3.5 | +| digest | 0.6.33 | +| dimRed | 0.2.6 | +| diptest | 0.77-1 | +| distcrete | 1.0.3 | +| distributional | 0.4.0 | +| DistributionUtils | 0.6-1 | +| distrom | 1.0.1 | +| dlm | 1.1-6 | +| DMwR | 0.4.1 | +| doBy | 4.6.22 | +| doFuture | 1.0.1 | +| doParallel | 1.0.17 | +| doSNOW | 1.0.20 | +| dotCall64 | 1.1-1 | +| downlit | 0.4.4 | +| downloader | 0.4 | +| dplyr | 1.1.4 | +| DRR | 0.0.4 | +| dse | 2020.2-1 | +| DT | 0.33 | +| dtplyr | 1.3.1 | +| dtt | 0.1-2 | +| dtw | 1.23-1 | +| dygraphs | | +| dynlm | 0.3-6 | +| e1071 | 1.7-14 | +| earth | 5.3.3 | +| EbayesThresh | 1.4-12 | +| ebdbNet | 1.2.8 | +| ecm | 7.2.0 | +| edeaR | 0.9.4 | +| effects | 4.2-2 | +| effectsize | 0.8.9 | +| egg | 0.4.5 | +| ellipse | 0.5.0 | +| ellipsis | 0.3.2 | +| elliptic | 1.4-0 | +| emmeans | 1.10.4 | +| emulator | 1.2-24 | +| energy | 1.7-12 | +| english | 1.2-6 | +| ensembleBMA | 5.1.8 | +| entropy | 1.3.1 | +| epitools | 0.5-10.1 | +| epitrix | 0.4.0 | +| estimability | 1.5 | +| eulerr | 7.0.2 | +| evaluate | 0.22 | +| evd | 2.3-7 | +| evdbayes | 1.1-3 | +| eventdataR | 0.3.1 | +| exactRankTests | 0.8-35 | +| expint | 0.1-8 | +| expm | 1.0-0 | +| extraDistr | 1.10.0 | +| extrafont | 0.19 | +| extrafontdb | 1 | +| extremevalues | 2.3.4 | +| ez | 4.4-0 | +| factoextra | 1.0.7 | +| FactoMineR | 2.11 | +| fansi | 1.0.5 | +| faoutlier | 0.7.6 | +| farver | 2.1.2 | +| fastICA | 1.2-5.1 | +| fastmap | 1.2.0 | +| fastmatch | 1.1-4 | +| fBasics | 4041.97 | +| fda | 6.1.8 | +| fdrtool | 1.2.18 | +| fds | 1.8 | +| fGarch | 4033.92 | +| fields | 16.2 | +| filehash | 2.4-6 | +| filelock | 1.0.3 | +| FinCal | 0.6.3 | +| fitdistrplus | 1.2-1 | +| flashClust | 1.01-2 | +| flexclust | 1.4-2 | +| flexmix | 2.3-19 | +| float | 0.3-2 | +| FME | | +| fmsb | 0.7.6 | +| FNN | 1.1.4 | +| fontawesome | 0.5.2 | +| fontBitstreamVera | 0.1.1 | +| fontLiberation | 0.1.0 | +| fontquiver | 0.2.1 | +| forcats | 1.0.0 | +| foreach | 1.5.2 | +| forecast | 8.23.0 | +| forecastHybrid | 5.0.19 | +| foreign | 0.8-87 | +| formatR | 1.14 | +| formattable | 0.2.1 | +| Formula | 1.2-5 | +| fpc | 2.2-12 | +| fracdiff | 1.5-3 | +| fs | 1.6.4 | +| fTrading | 3042.79 | +| fUnitRoots | 4040.81 | +| furrr | 0.3.1 | +| futile.logger | 1.4.3 | +| futile.options | 1.0.1 | +| future | 1.34.0 | +| future.apply | 1.11.2 | +| gam | 1.22-4 | +| gamlr | 1.13-8 | +| gamlss | 5.4-22 | +| gamlss.data | 6.0-6 | +| gamlss.dist | 6.1-1 | +| gargle | 1.5.2 | +| gbm | 2.2.2 | +| gbRd | 0.4.12 | +| gbutils | 0.5 | +| gclus | 1.3.2 | +| gdalUtils | | +| gdata | 3.0.0 | +| gdtools | 0.4.0 | +| gee | 4.13-27 | +| genalg | 0.2.1 | +| generics | 0.1.3 | +| genetics | | +| GenSA | 1.1.14 | +| geojson | 0.3.5 | +| geojsonio | 0.11.3 | +| geojsonlint | 0.4.0 | +| geojsonsf | 2.0.3 | +| geometries | 0.2.4 | +| geometry | 0.4.7 | +| geoR | 1.9-4 | +| geosphere | 1.5-18 | +| gert | 2.1.1 | +| gfonts | 0.2.0 | +| GGally | 2.2.1 | +| ggalt | 0.4.0 | +| gganimate | 1.0.9 | +| ggcorrplot | | +| ggdendro | 0.2.0 | +| ggeffects | 1.7.1 | +| ggExtra | 0.10.1 | +| ggfittext | 0.10.2 | +| ggforce | 0.4.2 | +| ggformula | 0.12.0 | +| ggfortify | 0.4.17 | +| ggfun | 0.1.6 | +| gghighlight | 0.4.1 | +| ggimage | 0.3.3 | +| ggiraph | 0.8.10 | +| ggjoy | 0.4.1 | +| ggm | 2.3 | +| ggmap | 4.0.0 | +| ggmcmc | | +| ggplot2 | 3.5.1 | +| ggplot2movies | 0.0.1 | +| ggplotify | 0.1.2 | +| ggpmisc | 0.6.0 | +| ggpp | 0.5.8-1 | +| ggpubr | 0.6.0 | +| ggQC | 0.0.31 | +| ggRandomForests | 2.2.1 | +| ggraph | 2.2.1 | +| ggrepel | 0.9.5 | +| ggridges | 0.5.6 | +| ggsci | 3.2.0 | +| ggsignif | 0.6.4 | +| ggsoccer | 0.1.7 | +| ggstance | 0.3.7 | +| ggstats | 0.6.0 | +| ggtern | 3.5.0 | +| ggtext | 0.1.2 | +| ggthemes | 5.1.0 | +| gh | 1.4.1 | +| gistr | 0.9.0 | +| git2r | 0.33.0 | +| gitcreds | 0.1.2 | +| glasso | 1.11 | +| glmmTMB | 1.1.9 | +| glmnet | 4.1-8 | +| GlobalOptions | 0.1.2 | +| globals | 0.16.3 | +| glue | 1.6.2 | +| gmodels | 2.19.1 | +| gmp | 0.7-5 | +| gnm | 1.1-5 | +| goftest | 1.2-3 | +| googledrive | 2.1.1 | +| googlePolylines | 0.8.4 | +| googlesheets4 | 1.1.1 | +| googleVis | 0.7.3 | +| gower | 1.0.1 | +| GPArotation | 2024.3-1 | +| GPfit | 1.0-8 | +| gplots | | +| graphlayouts | 1.1.1 | +| greybox | 2.0.2 | +| grid | 4.3.3 | +| gridBase | 0.4-7 | +| gridExtra | 2.3 | +| gridGraphics | 0.5-1 | +| gridSVG | 1.7-5 | +| gridtext | 0.1.5 | +| grImport | 0.9-7 | +| grImport2 | 0.3-3 | +| grpreg | 3.5.0 | +| gsl | 2.1-8 | +| gss | 2.2-7 | +| gstat | 2.1-2 | +| gsubfn | 0.7 | +| gtable | 0.3.5 | +| gtools | 3.9.5 | +| gtrendsR | 1.5.1 | +| gWidgets | 0.0-54.2 | +| gWidgets2 | 1.0-9 | +| gWidgets2tcltk | 1.0-8 | +| gWidgetsRGtk2 | 0.0-86.1 | +| gWidgetstcltk | 0.0-55.1 | +| haplo.stats | | +| hardhat | 1.4.0 | +| hash | | +| haven | 2.5.4 | +| hbsae | 1.2 | +| HDInterval | 0.2.4 | +| hdrcde | 3.4 | +| heatmaply | 1.5.0 | +| here | 1.0.1 | +| hexbin | 1.28.4 | +| hflights | 0.1 | +| HH | 3.1-52 | +| highcharter | 0.9.4 | +| highr | 0.11 | +| HistData | 0.9-1 | +| Hmisc | 5.1-3 | +| hms | 1.1.3 | +| hoardr | 0.5.4 | +| hrbrthemes | 0.8.7 | +| HSAUR | 1.3-10 | +| htmlTable | 2.4.3 | +| htmltools | | +| htmlwidgets | 1.6.4 | +| hts | 6.0.3 | +| httpcode | 0.3.0 | +| httpuv | 1.6.15 | +| httr | 1.4.7 | +| httr2 | 1.0.3 | +| huge | 1.3.5 | +| hunspell | 3.0.4 | +| hydroTSM | 0.7-0 | +| hypergeo | 1.2-13 | +| IBrokers | 0.10-2 | +| ids | 1.0.1 | +| ifultools | 2.0-26 | +| igraph | 2.0.3 | +| imager | 1.0.2 | +| imputeTS | 3.3 | +| incidence | 1.7.5 | +| infer | 1.0.7 | +| influenceR | 0.1.5 | +| ini | 0.3.1 | +| inline | 0.3.19 | +| insight | 0.20.4 | +| interp | 1.1-6 | +| intervals | 0.15.5 | +| inum | 1.0-5 | +| investr | 1.4.2 | +| ipred | 0.9-15 | +| IRdisplay | 1.1 | +| IRkernel | 1.3.2 | +| irlba | | +| irr | 0.84.1 | +| isoband | 0.2.7 | +| ISOcodes | 2024.02.12 | +| iterators | 1.0.14 | +| janeaustenr | 1.0.0 | +| janitor | 2.2.0 | +| jmvcore | 2.4.7 | +| jomo | 2.7-6 | +| jpeg | 0.1-10 | +| jqr | 1.3.4 | +| jquerylib | 0.1.4 | +| jsonify | 1.2.2 | +| jsonlite | 1.8.7 | +| jsonvalidate | 1.3.2 | +| jtools | 2.3.0 | +| kableExtra | 1.4.0 | +| Kendall | 2.2.1 | +| kernlab | 0.9-33 | +| KernSmooth | 2.23-24 | +| kinship2 | | +| kknn | 1.3.1 | +| klaR | 1.7-3 | +| km.ci | 0.5-6 | +| KMsurv | 0.1-5 | +| knitr | 1.48 | +| ks | 1.14.2 | +| labeling | 0.4.3 | +| labelled | 2.13.0 | +| laeken | 0.5.3 | +| Lahman | 11.0-0 | +| lambda.r | 1.2.4 | +| lars | 1.3 | +| later | 1.3.2 | +| latex2exp | 0.9.6 | +| lattice | 0.22-6 | +| latticeExtra | 0.6-30 | +| lava | 1.8.0 | +| lavaan | 0.6-18 | +| lazyeval | 0.2.2 | +| lda | 1.5.2 | +| leafem | 0.2.3 | +| leaflet | 2.2.2 | +| leaflet.esri | 1.0.0 | +| leaflet.extras | 2.0.1 | +| leaflet.providers | 2.0.0 | +| leafpop | 0.1.0 | +| leafsync | 0.1.0 | +| leaps | 3.2 | +| LearnBayes | 2.15.1 | +| lexicon | 1.2.1 | +| lgr | 0.4.4 | +| lhs | 1.2.0 | +| libcoin | 1.0-10 | +| LiblineaR | 2.10-23 | +| LICORS | 0.2.0 | +| lifecycle | 1.0.3 | +| likert | 1.3.5 | +| limSolve | | +| linelist | 1.1.4 | +| linprog | 0.9-4 | +| listenv | 0.9.1 | +| lm.beta | 1.7-2 | +| lme4 | 1.1-35.5 | +| lmm | 1.4 | +| lmodel2 | 1.7-3 | +| lmtest | 0.9-40 | +| lobstr | 1.1.2 | +| locfit | 1.5-9.9 | +| locpol | 0.8.0 | +| LogicReg | 1.6.6 | +| loo | 2.8.0 | +| lpSolve | 5.6.20 | +| lsa | 0.73.3 | +| lsmeans | 2.30-0 | +| lubridate | 1.9.3 | +| lwgeom | 0.2-14 | +| magic | 1.6-1 | +| magick | 2.8.4 | +| magrittr | 2.0.3 | +| manipulateWidget | 0.11.1 | +| MAPA | 2.0.7 | +| mapdata | 2.3.1 | +| mapdeck | 0.3.5 | +| mapproj | 1.2.11 | +| maps | 3.4.2 | +| maptools | 1.1-8 | +| maptree | 1.4-8 | +| mapview | 2.11.2 | +| marima | 2.2 | +| markdown | 1.13 | +| MASS | 7.3-60.0.1 | +| Matching | 4.10-14 | +| MatchIt | 4.5.5 | +| matchmaker | 0.1.1 | +| mathjaxr | 1.6-0 | +| Matrix | 1.6-5 | +| matrixcalc | 1.0-6 | +| MatrixExtra | 0.1.15 | +| MatrixModels | 0.5-3 | +| matrixStats | 1.4.0 | +| maxLik | 1.5-2.1 | +| maxstat | 0.7-25 | +| mboost | 2.9-11 | +| mclust | 6.1.1 | +| mcmc | 0.9-8 | +| MCMCglmm | 2.36 | +| MCMCpack | 1.7-1 | +| mda | 0.5-4 | +| memoise | 2.0.1 | +| merTools | 0.6.2 | +| meta | 7.0-0 | +| metadat | 1.2-0 | +| metafor | 4.6-0 | +| mgcv | 1.9-1 | +| mgsub | 1.7.3 | +| mi | 1.1 | +| mice | 3.16.0 | +| microbenchmark | 1.5.0 | +| mime | 0.12 | +| miniCRAN | 0.3.0 | +| miniUI | | +| minpack.lm | 1.2-4 | +| minqa | 1.2.8 | +| mirt | 1.41 | +| misc3d | 0.9-1 | +| miscTools | 0.6-28 | +| mitml | 0.4-5 | +| mitools | 2.4 | +| mixtools | 2.0.0 | +| mlapi | 0.1.1 | +| mlbench | 2.1-5 | +| mlogitBMA | 0.1-7 | +| mnormt | 2.1.1 | +| MNP | 3.1-5 | +| modeldata | 1.4.0 | +| modelenv | 0.1.1 | +| ModelMetrics | | +| modelr | 0.1.11 | +| modeltools | 0.2-23 | +| mombf | 3.5.4 | +| moments | 0.14.1 | +| monomvn | 1.9-20 | +| monreg | | +| mosaic | 1.9.1 | +| mosaicCore | | +| mosaicData | 0.20.4 | +| msir | 1.3.3 | +| msm | 1.7.1 | +| multcomp | 1.4-26 | +| multcompView | 0.1-10 | +| multicool | 1.0.1 | +| munsell | 0.5.1 | +| mvoutlier | 2.1.1 | +| mvtnorm | 1.3-1 | +| NADA | 1.6-1.1 | +| nanoparquet | 0.3.1 | +| NbClust | 3.0.1 | +| ncvreg | 3.14.3 | +| network | 1.18.2 | +| networkD3 | 0.4 | +| neuralnet | 1.44.2 | +| ngram | 3.2.3 | +| nlme | 3.1-165 | +| nloptr | 2.1.1 | +| NLP | 0.3-0 | +| nls.multstart | 1.3.0 | +| NMF | 0.21.0 | +| nnet | 7.3-19 | +| nnls | 1.5 | +| nortest | 1.0-4 | +| numbers | 0.8-5 | +| numDeriv | 2016.8-1.1 | +| numform | 0.7.0 | +| OceanView | 1.0.7 | +| openair | 2.18-2 | +| openssl | 2.2.1 | +| ordinal | 2023.12-4.1 | +| osmar | 1.1-7 | +| outbreaks | 1.9.0 | +| outliers | 0.15 | +| packcircles | 0.3.6 | +| padr | 0.6.2 | +| pan | 1.9 | +| pander | 0.6.5 | +| parallelly | 1.38.0 | +| parameters | 0.22.2 | +| parsnip | 1.2.1 | +| partitions | 1.10-7 | +| party | 1.3-17 | +| partykit | 1.2-22 | +| patchwork | 1.2.0 | +| pbapply | 1.7-2 | +| pbdZMQ | 0.3-10 | +| pbivnorm | 0.6.0 | +| pbkrtest | 0.5.3 | +| PCAmixdata | 3.1 | +| pcaPP | 2.0-5 | +| pdc | 1.0.3 | +| pegas | 1.3 | +| performance | 0.12.3 | +| PerformanceAnalytics | 2.0.4 | +| permute | 0.9-7 | +| perry | 0.3.1 | +| petrinetR | 0.3.0 | +| pheatmap | 1.0.12 | +| pillar | 1.9.0 | +| pixmap | 0.4-13 | +| pkgbuild | 1.4.4 | +| pkgcache | 2.2.2 | +| pkgconfig | 2.0.3 | +| pkgdepends | 0.7.2 | +| pkgdown | 2.1.0 | +| pkgload | 1.4.0 | +| pkgmaker | 0.32.10 | +| platetools | 0.1.7 | +| plogr | 0.2.0 | +| plot3D | 1.4.1 | +| plot3Drgl | 1.0.4 | +| plotly | 4.10.4 | +| plotmo | 3.6.4 | +| plotrix | 3.8-4 | +| pls | 2.8-4 | +| plyr | 1.8.9 | +| png | 0.1-8 | +| polspline | 1.1.25 | +| polyclip | 1.10-7 | +| polylabelr | 0.2.0 | +| polynom | 1.4-1 | +| posterior | 1.6.0 | +| ppcor | 1.1 | +| prabclus | 2.3-3 | +| pracma | 2.4.4 | +| praise | 1.0.0 | +| precrec | 0.14.4 | +| prediction | 0.3.18 | +| PresenceAbsence | 1.1.11 | +| prettyunits | 1.2.0 | +| pROC | 1.18.5 | +| processmapR | 0.5.5 | +| processmonitR | 0.1.0 | +| processx | 3.8.4 | +| prodlim | 2024.06.25 | +| profileModel | 0.6.1 | +| profvis | 0.3.8 | +| progress | 1.2.3 | +| progressr | 0.14.0 | +| proj4 | 1.0-14 | +| promises | 1.3.0 | +| prophet | 1 | +| proto | 1.0.0 | +| protolite | 2.3.0 | +| proxy | 0.4-27 | +| pryr | 0.1.6 | +| ps | 1.7.7 | +| pscl | 1.5.9 | +| psych | 2.4.3 | +| purrr | 1.0.2 | +| pwr | 1.3-0 | +| qap | 0.1-2 | +| qcc | 2.7 | +| qdapDictionaries | 1.0.7 | +| qdapRegex | 0.7.8 | +| qdapTools | 1.3.7 | +| qgraph | 1.9.8 | +| qicharts | 0.5.8 | +| qicharts2 | 0.7.5 | +| quadprog | 1.5-8 | +| quanteda | 3.3.1 | +| quantmod | 0.4.26 | +| quantreg | 5.98 | +| questionr | 0.7.8 | +| QuickJSR | 1.3.1 | +| qvcalc | 1.0.3 | +| R.cache | 0.16.0 | +| R.matlab | 3.7.0 | +| R.methodsS3 | 1.8.2 | +| R.oo | 1.26.0 | +| R.utils | 2.12.3 | +| r2d3 | 0.2.6 | +| R2HTML | 2.3.4 | +| R2jags | 0.8-5 | +| R2OpenBUGS | 3.2-3.2.1 | +| R2WinBUGS | 2.1-22.1 | +| R6 | 2.5.1 | +| ragg | 1.3.2 | +| rainbow | 3.8 | +| ramps | 0.6.18 | +| RandomFields | 3.3.14 | +| RandomFieldsUtils | 1.2.5 | +| randomForest | 4.7-1.1 | +| randomForestSRC | 3.3.1 | +| ranger | 0.16.0 | +| RApiDatetime | 0.0.9 | +| rapidjsonr | 1.2.0 | +| rappdirs | 0.3.3 | +| raster | 3.6-26 | +| rattle | 5.5.1 | +| rayimage | 0.10.0 | +| rayshader | 0.24.10 | +| rayvertex | 0.11.4 | +| rbenchmark | 1.0.0 | +| rbibutils | 2.2.16 | +| Rblpapi | 0.3.14 | +| rbokeh | 0.5.2 | +| rcmdcheck | 1.4.0 | +| RColorBrewer | 1.1-3 | +| Rcpp | 1.0.13 | +| RcppArmadillo | 14.0.0-1 | +| RcppDE | 0.1.7 | +| RcppEigen | | +| RcppExamples | 0.1.9 | +| RcppParallel | 5.1.9 | +| RcppProgress | 0.4.2 | +| RcppRoll | 0.3.1 | +| RcppThread | 2.1.7 | +| RcppTOML | 0.2.2 | +| RCurl | 1.98-1.16 | +| Rdpack | 2.6.1 | +| readbitmap | 0.1.5 | +| readr | 2.1.5 | +| readxl | 1.4.3 | +| recipes | 1.1.0 | +| Redmonder | 0.2.0 | +| registry | 0.5-1 | +| relaimpo | 2.2-7 | +| relimp | 1.0-5 | +| rematch | 2.0.0 | +| rematch2 | 2.1.2 | +| remotes | 2.5.0 | +| Renext | 3.1-4 | +| repr | 1.1.6 | +| reprex | 2.1.1 | +| reshape | 0.8.9 | +| reshape2 | 1.4.4 | +| reticulate | 1.39.0 | +| rex | 1.2.1 | +| rFerns | 5.0.0 | +| rfm | 0.3.0 | +| rgdal | 1.6-7 | +| rgeos | 0.6-4 | +| rgexf | 0.16.3 | +| rgl | 1.3.1 | +| RgoogleMaps | 1.5.1 | +| RGraphics | 3.0-2 | +| RGtk2 | | +| RhpcBLASctl | 0.23-42 | +| RInside | 0.2.18 | +| rio | 1.2.2 | +| rjags | 16-Apr | +| rjson | 0.2.21 | +| RJSONIO | 1.3-1.9 | +| rlang | 1.1.4 | +| rlecuyer | 0.3-8 | +| rlist | | +| rmapshaper | 0.5.0 | +| rmarkdown | 2.28 | +| Rmisc | 1.5.1 | +| Rmpfr | 0.9-5 | +| rms | 6.8-1 | +| RMySQL | 0.10.28 | +| rngtools | 1.5.2 | +| robCompositions | 2.4.1 | +| robfilter | 4.1.5 | +| robustbase | 0.99-4 | +| robustHD | 0.8.1 | +| ROCR | 1.0-11 | +| RODBC | 1.3-23 | +| Rook | 1.2 | +| rootSolve | | +| roxygen2 | 7.3.2 | +| rpart | 4.1.23 | +| rpart.plot | 3.1.2 | +| rpivotTable | 0.3.0 | +| rprojroot | 2.0.4 | +| RPushbullet | 0.3.4 | +| rrcov | 1.7-6 | +| rsample | 1.2.1 | +| rsdmx | 0.6-3 | +| RSGHB | 1.2.2 | +| RSNNS | 0.4-17 | +| Rsolnp | 1.16 | +| rsparse | 0.5.2 | +| RSpectra | 0.16-2 | +| RSQLite | 2.3.7 | +| rstan | 2.32.6 | +| rstantools | 2.4.0 | +| rstatix | 0.7.2 | +| rstudioapi | 0.16.0 | +| rsvg | 2.6.0 | +| RTextTools | 1.4.3 | +| Rttf2pt1 | 1.3.12 | +| RUnit | 0.4.33 | +| runjags | 2.2.2-4 | +| Runuran | 0.38 | +| rvcheck | 0.2.1 | +| rversions | 2.1.2 | +| rvest | 1.0.4 | +| rworldmap | 1.3-8 | +| rworldxtra | 1.01 | +| s2 | 1.1.7 | +| SampleSizeMeans | 1.2.3 | +| SampleSizeProportions | 1.1.3 | +| sandwich | 3.1-0 | +| sas7bdat | 0.8 | +| sass | 0.4.9 | +| satellite | 1.0.5 | +| sbgcop | 0.98 | +| scales | 1.3.0 | +| scatterplot3d | 0.3-44 | +| sciplot | 1.2-0 | +| segmented | 2.1-2 | +| selectr | 0.4-2 | +| sem | 3.1-16 | +| sentimentr | 2.9.0 | +| seqinr | 4.2-36 | +| seriation | 1.5.6 | +| servr | 0.31 | +| sessioninfo | 1.2.2 | +| setRNG | 2024.2-1 | +| sets | 1.0-25 | +| sf | 1.0-16 | +| sfd | 0.1.0 | +| sfheaders | 0.4.4 | +| sfsmisc | 1.1-19 | +| sftime | 0.2-0 | +| sgeostat | 1.0-27 | +| shades | 1.4.0 | +| shape | | +| shapefiles | 0.7.2 | +| shiny | 1.9.1 | +| shinyBS | 0.61.1 | +| shinycssloaders | 1.1.0 | +| shinyjs | 2.1.0 | +| shinyTime | 1.0.3 | +| showtext | 0.9-7 | +| showtextdb | 3 | +| SimDesign | 2.17.1 | +| SIS | 0.8-8 | +| SixSigma | 0.11.1 | +| sjlabelled | 1.2.0 | +| sjmisc | 2.8.10 | +| sjPlot | 2.8.16 | +| sjstats | 0.19.0 | +| skmeans | 0.2-17 | +| slam | 0.1-53 | +| slider | 0.3.1 | +| sm | 2.2-6.0 | +| smooth | 4.0.2 | +| smoothSurv | 2.6 | +| sna | 2.7-2 | +| snakecase | 0.11.1 | +| snow | 0.4-4 | +| SnowballC | 0.7.1 | +| snowFT | 1.6-1 | +| sodium | 1.3.1 | +| sourcetools | 0.1.7-1 | +| sp | 2.1-4 | +| spacefillr | 0.3.3 | +| spacetime | 1.3-2 | +| spacyr | 1.3.0 | +| spam | 2.10-0 | +| SparseM | 1.84-2 | +| sparsepp | 1.22 | +| spatial | 7.3-17 | +| spatstat | 3.0-7 | +| spatstat.data | 3.1-2 | +| spatstat.explore | 3.2-6 | +| spatstat.geom | 3.2-9 | +| spatstat.linnet | 3.1-4 | +| spatstat.model | 3.2-10 | +| spatstat.random | 3.2-3 | +| spatstat.sparse | 3.1-0 | +| spatstat.univar | 3.0-1 | +| spatstat.utils | 3.1-0 | +| spBayes | 0.4-7 | +| spData | 2.3.3 | +| spdep | 1.3-5 | +| spikeslab | 1.1.6 | +| splancs | 2.01-45 | +| splines | 4.3.3 | +| spls | 2.2-3 | +| splus2R | 1.3-5 | +| spTimer | 3.3.2 | +| sqldf | 0.4-11 | +| SQUAREM | 2021.1 | +| sROC | 0.1-2 | +| stabledist | 0.7-2 | +| stabs | 0.6-4 | +| StanHeaders | 2.32.10 | +| stars | 0.6-6 | +| statmod | 1.5.0 | +| statnet.common | 4.9.0 | +| stepPlr | 0.93 | +| stinepack | 1.5 | +| stochvol | 3.2.4 | +| stopwords | 2.3 | +| stringdist | 0.9.12 | +| stringi | 1.8.4 | +| stringr | 1.5.1 | +| strucchange | 1.5-4 | +| styler | 1.10.3 | +| sugrrants | 0.2.9 | +| sunburstR | 2.1.8 | +| SuppDists | 1.1-9.8 | +| survey | 4.4-2 | +| survival | 3.7-0 | +| survminer | 0.4.9 | +| survMisc | 0.5.6 | +| svglite | 2.1.3 | +| svmpath | 0.97 | +| svUnit | 1.0.6 | +| sweep | 0.2.5 | +| sys | 3.4.2 | +| sysfonts | 0.8.9 | +| systemfit | 1.1-30 | +| systemfonts | 1.1.0 | +| syuzhet | 1.0.7 | +| tau | 0.0-25 | +| tcltk | 4.3.3 | +| tcltk2 | 1.2-11 | +| TeachingDemos | 2.13 | +| tensor | 1.5 | +| tensorA | | +| terra | 1.7-78 | +| terrainmeshr | 0.1.0 | +| testthat | | +| texreg | 1.39.4 | +| text2vec | 0.6.4 | +| textcat | 1.0-8 | +| textclean | 0.9.3 | +| textir | 2.0-5 | +| textmineR | 3.0.5 | +| textshape | 1.7.5 | +| textshaping | 0.4.0 | +| tfplot | 2021.6-1 | +| tframe | 2015.12-1.1 | +| tgp | 2.4-23 | +| TH.data | 1.1-2 | +| thief | 0.3 | +| threejs | 0.3.3 | +| tibble | 3.2.1 | +| tibbletime | 0.1.8 | +| tidycensus | 1.6.5 | +| tidygraph | 1.3.0 | +| tidymodels | 1.2.0 | +| tidyquant | 1.0.9 | +| tidyr | 1.3.1 | +| tidyselect | 1.2.1 | +| tidytext | 0.4.2 | +| tidyverse | 2.0.0 | +| tiff | 0.1-12 | +| tigris | 2.1 | +| timechange | 0.3.0 | +| timeDate | 4032.109 | +| timelineS | 0.1.1 | +| timeSeries | 4032.109 | +| timetk | 2.9.0 | +| timevis | 2.1.0 | +| tinytex | 0.52 | +| tm | 0.7-14 | +| tmap | 3.3-4 | +| tmaptools | 3.1-1 | +| TMB | 1.9.14 | +| tmvnsim | 1.0-2 | +| tokenizers | 0.3.0 | +| topicmodels | 0.2-16 | +| TraMineR | 2.2-10 | +| transformr | 0.1.5 | +| tree | 1.0-43 | +| treemap | 2.4-4 | +| treemapify | 2.5.6 | +| trelliscopejs | 0.2.6 | +| triebeard | 0.4.1 | +| trimcluster | 0.1-5 | +| truncnorm | 1.0-9 | +| TSA | 1.3.1 | +| tseries | 0.10-57 | +| tsfeatures | 1.1.1 | +| tsibble | 1.1.5 | +| tsintermittent | 1.1 | +| tsoutliers | 0.6-10 | +| TSP | 1.2-4 | +| TSstudio | 0.1.7 | +| TTR | 0.24.4 | +| tune | 1.2.1 | +| tweedie | 2.3.5 | +| tweenr | 2.0.3 | +| twitteR | 1.1.9 | +| tzdb | 0.4.0 | +| ucminf | 1.2.2 | +| udpipe | 0.8.11 | +| udunits2 | | +| units | 0.8-5 | +| UpSetR | 1.4.0 | +| urca | 1.3-4 | +| urlchecker | 1.0.1 | +| urltools | 1.7.3 | +| useful | | +| usethis | 3.0.0 | +| UsingR | 2.0-7 | +| usmap | 0.7.1 | +| usmapdata | 0.3.0 | +| utf8 | 1.2.4 | +| uuid | 1.1-1 | +| V8 | 5.0.0 | +| vars | 1.6-1 | +| vcd | 1.4-12 | +| vctrs | 0.6.4 | +| vdiffr | 1.0.7 | +| vegan | 2.6-8 | +| VennDiagram | 1.7.3 | +| VGAM | 1.1-11 | +| VIM | 6.2.2 | +| vioplot | 0.5.0 | +| viridis | 0.6.5 | +| viridisLite | 0.4.2 | +| visNetwork | 2.1.2 | +| vistime | 1.2.4 | +| vroom | 1.6.5 | +| waldo | 0.5.3 | +| warp | 0.2.1 | +| waterfalls | 1.0.0 | +| wavethresh | 4.7.3 | +| webshot | 0.5.5 | +| webutils | 1.2.1 | +| WeibullR | 1.2.1 | +| weights | 1.0.4 | +| whisker | 0.4.1 | +| widgetframe | 0.3.1 | +| withr | 3.0.1 | +| wk | 0.9.2 | +| wmtsa | 2.0-3 | +| wordcloud | 2.6 | +| wordcloud2 | 0.2.1 | +| workflows | 1.1.4 | +| workflowsets | 1.1.0 | +| writexl | 1.5.0 | +| xesreadR | 0.2.3 | +| xfun | 0.47 | +| xgboost | | +| XML | 3.99-0.17 | +| xml2 | 1.3.6 | +| xopen | 1.0.1 | +| xplorerr | 0.1.2 | +| xtable | 1.8-4 | +| xts | 0.14.0 | +| yaml | 2.3.10 | +| yardstick | 1.3.1 | +| yarrr | 0.1.5 | +| YieldCurve | 5.1 | +| yulab.utils | 0.1.7 | +| zCompositions | 1.5.0-4 | +| zeallot | 0.1.0 | +| zic | 0.9.1 | +| zip | 2.3.1 | +| zipfR | 0.6-70 | +| zoo | 1.8-12 | +| base (Built-in) | 4.3.3 | +| compiler (Built-in) | 4.3.3 | +| datasets (Built-in) | 4.3.3 | +| graphics (Built-in) | 4.3.3 | +| grDevices (Built-in) | 4.3.3 | +| MatrixGenerics | 1.14.0 | +| methods (Built-in) | 4.3.3 | +| parallel (Built-in) | 4.3.3 | +| sparseMatrixStats | 1.14.0 | +| stats (Built-in) | 4.3.3 | +| stats4 (Built-in) | 4.3.3 | +| tools (Built-in) | 4.3.3 | +| utils (Built-in) | 4.3.3 | + +## R packages that are supported in Power BI (non-Premium and non-Fabric backed workspaces) and Sov. Clouds The following table shows which packages are supported in the Power BI service. @@ -1023,9 +2165,10 @@ The following table shows which packages are supported in the Power BI service. |zipfR|0.6-10|[https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/zipfR/index.html](https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/zipfR/index.html)| |zoo|1.8-1|[https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/zoo/index.html](https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/zoo/index.html)| + ## R scripts that aren't supported in Power BI -The following table shows which packages are not supported in the Power BI service. +The following table shows which packages aren't supported in the Power BI service. | Package | Request Date | Reason | | --- | --- | --- | @@ -1033,6 +2176,15 @@ The following table shows which packages are not supported in the Power BI servi | mailR |10/03/2016 |Networking is blocked | | RevoScaleR |8/30/2016 |Ships only with Microsoft R Server | + +## Considerations and limitations + +- R visuals aren't supported with Service Principal Profiles for App Owns Data. +- The R visuals rendered from the Power BI service (for Premium/ F SKUs) will support payloads of < 30Mb. +- R visuals with HTML and XML packages fail to render due to Out Of Memory (OOM). Migrate the visual with the [PbiViz tool] (../developer/visuals/develop-power-bi-visuals#power-bi-visual-packages). The visual must render. + + + ## Related content For more information about R in Power BI, take a look at the following articles: diff --git a/powerbi-docs/create-reports/desktop-drillthrough.md b/powerbi-docs/create-reports/desktop-drillthrough.md index 201db30a9b..1ba3ca9965 100644 --- a/powerbi-docs/create-reports/desktop-drillthrough.md +++ b/powerbi-docs/create-reports/desktop-drillthrough.md @@ -1,23 +1,24 @@ --- title: Set up drillthrough in Power BI reports -description: Learn how to use drillthrough to drill down into data, on a new report page, in Power BI reports +description: Learn how to apply drillthrough in Power BI reports and let users drill down into data on a new report page author: maggiesMSFT ms.author: maggies ms.reviewer: '' ms.service: powerbi ms.subservice: pbi-reports-dashboards ms.topic: how-to -ms.date: 03/05/2024 +ms.date: 01/23/2025 ms.custom: "https://github.com/microsoft/powerbi-desktop-samples/blob/main/Sample%20Reports/Sales%20%26%20Returns%20Sample%20v201912.pbix" LocalizationGroup: Create reports +#customer intent: As a Power BI user, I want to set up drillthrough in my reports so that I can provide detailed, context-specific information to my report readers. --- # Set up drillthrough in Power BI reports [!INCLUDE [applies-yes-desktop-yes-service](../includes/applies-yes-desktop-yes-service.md)] -With *drillthrough* in Power BI reports, you can create a destination *target* page in your report that focuses on a specific entity such as a supplier, customer, or manufacturer. When your report readers right-click a data point in other *source* report pages, they drill through to the target page to get details that are filtered to that context. You can set up drillthrough in your reports in Power BI Desktop or the Power BI service. +With *drillthrough* in Power BI reports, you can create a destination *target* page in your report that focuses on a specific entity such as a supplier, customer, or manufacturer. When your report readers right-click a data point in other *source* report pages, they drill through to the target page to get details that are filtered to that context. You can set up drillthrough in your reports in Power BI Desktop or the Power BI service. -Want to investigate this report yourself? Open this [GitHub repo for Power BI Desktop samples](https://github.com/microsoft/powerbi-desktop-samples/blob/main/Sample%20Reports/Sales%20%26%20Returns%20Sample%20v201912.pbix). Then select **Download** to download the Sales & Returns sample .pbix file to your computer. This visual is on the Returns page of the report. +Want to investigate this report yourself? Open this [GitHub repo for Power BI Desktop samples](https://github.com/microsoft/powerbi-desktop-samples/blob/main/Sample%20Reports/Sales%20%26%20Returns%20Sample%20v201912.pbix). Then select **Download** to download the Sales & Returns Sample .pbix file to your computer. This visual is on the Returns page of the report. ![Screenshot of Using drillthrough.](media/desktop-drillthrough/power-bi-drill-through-right-click.png) @@ -28,24 +29,24 @@ Here are some articles explaining other ways to use drillthrough. ## Set up the drillthrough target page -1. To set up drillthrough, create a *target report page* that has the visuals you want for the type of entity that you're going to provide drillthrough for. +1. To set up drillthrough, create a *target report page* that has the visuals you want for the type of entity that you're going to provide drillthrough for. For example, suppose you want to provide drillthrough for manufacturers. You might create a drillthrough target page with visuals that show total sales, total units shipped, sales by category, and so on. That way, when you drill through to that page, the visuals are specific to the manufacturer you selected. -2. On that drillthrough target page, select **Build a visual** to open the **Format** pane, and in the **Page information** section: +2. On the **Visualizations** pane for that drillthrough target page, select **Build visual**. Then, under **Drill through**: - - Select the **Page type** > **Drillthrough**. - - Turn **Keep all filters** to **On**. - - In **Drill through from**, select the field that you want to filter this page. - - In **Drill through when**, select **Used as category**. + - Set **Keep all filters** to **On**. + - In **Add drill-through fields here**, add the field that you want by dragging it from the Data pane. + - In the expanded section for the added field, under **Allow drillthrough when:**, select **Used as category**. - ![Screenshot of Page information in the Format pane.](media/desktop-drillthrough/drillthrough-add-fields-here.png) + ![Screenshot of drillthrough option in the Visualization pane's Build visual tab.](media/desktop-drillthrough/drillthrough-add-fields-here.png) - When you add a field to the **Drillthrough filters** well, Power BI automatically creates a *back* button visual. That visual becomes a button in published reports. Users who view your report in the Power BI service use this button on the target page to get back to the original source report page from which they came. +When you add a field to the **Drill through** well, Power BI automatically creates a *back* button visual. That visual becomes a button in published reports. Users who view your report in the Power BI service use this button on the target page to get back to the original source report page from which they came. - ![Screenshot of Drillthrough image.](media/desktop-drillthrough/drillthrough-03.png) +![Screenshot of Drillthrough image.](media/desktop-drillthrough/drillthrough-03.png) + +## Use your own image for a back button -## Use your own image for a back button Because the back button is an image, you can replace that image with any image you want. It still operates as a back button so that report consumers can go back to the original source page. You can only add your own images in Power BI Desktop, not in the Power BI service. To use your own image for a back button, follow these steps: @@ -56,19 +57,19 @@ To use your own image for a back button, follow these steps: ![Screenshot of Load image and set Type to Back.](media/desktop-drillthrough/drillthrough-create-back-button.png) - Now users can right-click a data point on the other source pages in your report, and get a context menu that supports drillthrough to that target page. +Now users can right-click a data point on the other source pages in your report and get a context menu that supports drillthrough to that target page. - ![Screenshot of Drillthrough menu.](media/desktop-drillthrough/drillthrough-04.png) +![Screenshot of Drillthrough menu.](media/desktop-drillthrough/drillthrough-04.png) - When report readers choose to drill through, the target page is filtered to show information about the data point they right-clicked on. For example, suppose you right-click a data point about Contoso, a manufacturer, and select **Drill through**. The drillthrough page they go to is filtered to Contoso. +When report readers choose to drill through, the target page is filtered to show information about the data point they right-clicked on. For example, suppose you right-click a data point about Contoso, a manufacturer, and select **Drill through**. The drillthrough page they go to is filtered to Contoso. ## Pass all filters in drillthrough You can set up drillthrough to pass all applied filters to the drillthrough target page. For example, you can select only a certain category of products and the visuals filtered to that category, and then select drillthrough on a source. You might be interested in what the drillthrough target page would look like with all those filters applied. -To keep all applied filters, go to the destination page. In the **Drillthrough** section of the **Visualizations** pane, set **Keep all filters** to **On**. +To keep all applied filters, go to the destination page. In the **Visualizations** pane, select **Build visual**. Then, under **Drill through**, set **Keep all filters** to **On**. -When you then drill through on a visual on a source page, the temporary filters that you applied to the source visual are also applied to the drillthrough target page. In the **Drillthrough** section of the **Visualization** pane, those transient filters are shown in italics. +When you then drill through on a visual on a source page, the temporary filters that you applied to the source visual are also applied to the drillthrough target page. On the **Filters** pane of the published report, those transient filters are shown in italics. ![Screenshot of Transient filters in italics.](media/desktop-drillthrough/drillthrough-temporary-filters-italics.png) @@ -76,11 +77,9 @@ Although you could do this with tooltips pages, that would be an odd experience ## Add a measure to drillthrough -Besides passing all filters to the drillthrough target page, you can also add a measure or a summarized numeric column to the drillthrough area. Drag the drillthrough field to the **Drillthrough** card on the drillthrough target page to apply it. - -![Screenshot of Add a measure to drillthrough.](media/desktop-drillthrough/drillthrough-summarized-measure.png) +Besides passing all filters to the drillthrough target page, you can also add a measure or a summarized numeric column to the drillthrough area. On the drillthrough target page, drag the drillthrough field to the **Drill through** well in the **Visualizations** pane's **Build visual** tab to apply it. -When you add a measure or summarized numeric column, you can drill through to the page when the field is used in the *Value* area of a visual. +When you add a measure or summarized numeric column, you can drill through to the page when the field is used in the *Values* area of a visual. That's all there is to setting up drillthrough in your reports. It's a great way to get an expanded view of the entity information that you selected for your drillthrough filter. @@ -88,5 +87,5 @@ That's all there is to setting up drillthrough in your reports. It's a great way You might also be interested in the following articles: -* [Use cross-report drillthrough in Power BI reports](desktop-cross-report-drill-through.md) -* [Using slicers Power BI Desktop](../visuals/power-bi-visualization-slicers.md) +- [Use cross-report drillthrough in Power BI reports](desktop-cross-report-drill-through.md) +- [Using slicers Power BI Desktop](../visuals/power-bi-visualization-slicers.md) diff --git a/powerbi-docs/create-reports/media/desktop-drillthrough/drillthrough-add-fields-here.png b/powerbi-docs/create-reports/media/desktop-drillthrough/drillthrough-add-fields-here.png index ae901d7c63..86182f7fdf 100644 Binary files a/powerbi-docs/create-reports/media/desktop-drillthrough/drillthrough-add-fields-here.png and b/powerbi-docs/create-reports/media/desktop-drillthrough/drillthrough-add-fields-here.png differ diff --git a/powerbi-docs/create-reports/media/desktop-drillthrough/drillthrough-summarized-measure.png b/powerbi-docs/create-reports/media/desktop-drillthrough/drillthrough-summarized-measure.png deleted file mode 100644 index f419ea8e17..0000000000 Binary files a/powerbi-docs/create-reports/media/desktop-drillthrough/drillthrough-summarized-measure.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/powerbi-docs/guidance/powerbi-implementation-planning-integration-with-other-services.md b/powerbi-docs/guidance/powerbi-implementation-planning-integration-with-other-services.md index ba875b70e7..38902a8e8b 100644 --- a/powerbi-docs/guidance/powerbi-implementation-planning-integration-with-other-services.md +++ b/powerbi-docs/guidance/powerbi-implementation-planning-integration-with-other-services.md @@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ To refresh a published semantic model that uses Python or R integrated in Power You can integrate Python or R with Power BI reports in order to create custom visuals with Python libraries, like Seaborn or R packages like ggplot2. These visuals are fully customizable and support interactive features in Power BI like rendering a filtered result, cross-filtering, custom tooltips, drilldown, and drillthrough. -Ensure that all your Python or R visuals use [Python libraries](../connect-data/service-python-packages-support.md#python-packages-that-are-supported-in-power-bi) and [R packages](../connect-data/service-r-packages-support.md#r-packages-that-are-supported-in-power-bi) that are supported in Fabric. If you use an unsupported library or package, the visual won't render in the Power BI service, even when the visual renders in your report in Power BI Desktop. +Ensure that all your Python or R visuals use [Python libraries](../connect-data/service-python-packages-support.md#for-reports-in-premiumfabric-backed-workspaces) and [R packages](../connect-data/service-r-packages-support.md#r-packages-that-are-supported-in-power-bi-premiumfabric-backed-workspaces) that are supported in Fabric. If you use an unsupported library or package, the visual won't render in the Power BI service, even when the visual renders in your report in Power BI Desktop. While you can transform data and make calculations as part of a Python or R custom visual, it isn't recommended. Placing this logic in the Python or R visual can result in slower render durations, and greater difficulty to maintain the visual and achieve harmonization across visuals and reports in calculation logic.