2 | 2 | name = "ladder"
3 | 3 | desc = "A questionable metal ladder. There's got to be stairs around, right?"
4 | 4 | icon = 'mojave/icons/structure/ladders.dmi'
5 |
| - icon_state = "ladder10" |
| 5 | + icon_state = "ladder01" |
6 | 6 | resistance_flags = INDESTRUCTIBLE
7 | 7 | travel_time = 2 SECONDS
8 | 8 |
| 9 | +/obj/structure/ladder/ms13/upwards |
| 10 | + icon_state = "ladder10" |
| 11 | + |
9 | 12 | // TG code edited for SFX //
10 | 13 |
11 | 14 | /obj/structure/ladder/ms13/travel(going_up, mob/user, is_ghost, obj/structure/ladder/ladder)
69 | 72 | desc = "A manhole ladder, you could probably push the cover off from here, or try dragging it back on."
70 | 73 | travel_time = 2 SECONDS
71 | 74 | pixel_y = 7
| 75 | + icon_state = "manhole_closed" |
| 76 | + |
| 77 | +/obj/structure/ladder/ms13/manhole/upwards |
72 | 78 | icon_state = "ladder10"
73 | 79 |
74 | 80 | /obj/structure/ladder/ms13/manhole/examine(mob/user)
157 | 163 |
158 | 164 | /obj/structure/ladder/ms13/bunker
159 | 165 | name = "bunker"
160 |
| - icon_state = "ladder10" |
| 166 | + icon_state = "bunker_closed" |
161 | 167 | travel_time = 2 SECONDS
162 | 168 |
| 169 | +/obj/structure/ladder/ms13/bunker/upwards |
| 170 | + icon_state = "ladder10" |
| 171 | + |
163 | 172 | /obj/structure/ladder/ms13/bunker/welder_act_secondary(mob/living/user, obj/item/I)
164 | 173 | if(down && obstructed)
165 | 174 | if(!I.tool_start_check(user, amount=0))
192 | 201 | desc = "A thick rope made of natural fibres and tied to a rusted rod firmly planted in the ground."
193 | 202 | travel_time = 3 SECONDS
194 | 203 |
| 204 | +/obj/structure/ladder/ms13/rope/upwards |
| 205 | + icon_state = "rope_down" |
| 206 | + |
195 | 207 | /obj/structure/ladder/ms13/rope/update_icon_state()
196 | 208 | . = ..()
197 | 209 | if(down)
207 | 219 | /obj/structure/ladder/ms13/hatch
208 | 220 | name = "bunker hatch"
209 | 221 | desc = "A bunker ladder, you could probably push the hatch open from here, or try closing it."
| 222 | + icon_state = "hatch_closed" |
210 | 223 | travel_time = 2 SECONDS
211 | 224 | locked = TRUE
212 | 225 |
| 226 | +/obj/structure/ladder/ms13/hatch/upwards |
| 227 | + icon_state = "ladder10" |
| 228 | + |
213 | 229 | /obj/structure/ladder/ms13/hatch/examine(mob/user)
214 | 230 | . = ..()
215 | 231 | . += "<span class='notice'>Use <b>RIGHT-CLICK</b> on [src] to open or close it.</span>"
299 | 315 | /obj/structure/ladder/ms13/enclave
300 | 316 | name = "Enclave bunker ladder"
301 | 317 | desc = "A bunker ladder adorned with Enclave heraldic, you could probably push the hatch open from here, or try closing it."
| 318 | + icon_state = "enclave_closed" |
302 | 319 | travel_time = 2 SECONDS
303 | 320 |
| 321 | +/obj/structure/ladder/ms13/enclave/upwards |
| 322 | + icon_state = "ladder10" |
| 323 | + |
304 | 324 | /obj/structure/ladder/ms13/enclave/examine(mob/user)
305 | 325 | . = ..()
306 | 326 | . += "<span class='notice'>Use <b>RIGHT-CLICK</b> on [src] to open or close it.</span>"
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