| 1 | +/// POCKLUNG DISEASE /// |
| 2 | +/* This is highly schizophrenic. The in-world reason this exists? Something about mutant bacteria that lives within the sulfur vents below. Cope about it... Wear a mask |
| 3 | +
| 4 | +Has quirky effects with no cure. Wear a mask. |
| 5 | +
| 6 | +Occasionally, a chosen one is born... They will adapt to it and "recover" Benefits? not really. Though they'll cough up a little 'pearl' occasionally (kind of often depending on the person tbh) */ |
| 7 | + |
1 | 8 | /datum/disease/pocklung
2 | 9 | name = "Pocklung"
3 | 10 | desc = "A bacterial/chemically induced condition in which the victim's lungs are degraded by a mixture of sulfur concentrate and the bacteria that has found a home within it."
8 | 15 | spread_flags = NONE
9 | 16 | cure_text = "Incurable"
10 | 17 | form = "Condition"
11 |
| - agent = "decay nodes" |
| 18 | + agent = "bacteria" |
12 | 19 | sicktext = "Your chest begins to ache and burn horribly."
13 | 20 | viable_mobtypes = list(/mob/living/carbon/human)
14 | 21 | required_organs = list(/obj/item/organ/lungs)
50 | 57 | affected_mob.vomit(25, TRUE, TRUE, 1)
51 | 58 | affected_mob.visible_message(span_alert("[affected_mob] vomits something up amidst their coughing!"),
52 | 59 | span_userdanger("Through the coughs, you gag up a prize!"),
53 |
| - span_hear("You hear something drop to the floor quietly."), 4) |
54 |
| - new /obj/item/ms13/component/sulfurpearl (affected_mob.loc, rand(1, (infection_purity))) |
| 60 | + span_hear("You hear vomiting, followed by spitting- then, something dropping to the floor quietly."), 4) |
| 61 | + var/obj/item/ms13/component/sulfurpearl/P = new /obj/item/ms13/component/sulfurpearl (affected_mob.loc, rand(1, (infection_purity))) |
| 62 | + P.pixel_x = P.base_pixel_x + rand(-12, 12) |
| 63 | + P.pixel_y = P.base_pixel_y + rand(-12, 12) |
55 | 64 | my_turf.VapourTurf(/datum/vapours/sulfur_concentrate, 10)
56 | 65 | if(DT_PROB(1, delta_time))
57 | 66 | affected_mob.adjustOrganLoss(ORGAN_SLOT_LUNGS, (0.25 / infection_purity), 100)
64 | 73 | affected_mob.vomit(25, TRUE, TRUE, 1)
65 | 74 | affected_mob.visible_message(span_alert("[affected_mob] vomits something up amidst their coughing!"),
66 | 75 | span_userdanger("Through the coughs, you puke up a prize!"),
67 |
| - span_hear("You hear something drop to the floor quietly."), 4) |
68 |
| - new /obj/item/ms13/component/sulfurpearl (affected_mob.loc, rand(1, (infection_purity))) |
| 76 | + span_hear("You hear vomiting, followed by spitting- then, something dropping to the floor quietly."), 4) |
| 77 | + var/obj/item/ms13/component/sulfurpearl/P = new /obj/item/ms13/component/sulfurpearl (affected_mob.loc, rand(1, (infection_purity))) |
| 78 | + P.pixel_x = P.base_pixel_x + rand(-12, 12) |
| 79 | + P.pixel_y = P.base_pixel_y + rand(-12, 12) |
69 | 80 | my_turf.VapourTurf(/datum/vapours/sulfur_concentrate, 15)
70 | 81 |
71 | 82 | /datum/disease/pocklung/update_stage(new_stage)
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